Donald Trump's insidious plan to destroy the US Economy. It's working.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Governments Worldwide Pursue Free Trade Agreements, With One Exception - The USA

While Trump administration officials scratch their heads about the pros and cons of free trade agreements, other countries are racing ahead with agreements that exclude the United States.

Then there’s the big Kahuna, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP, a 16-country Asian trade agreement stretching from India to Japan and including China. These are just a few of the agreements being negotiated or discussed. There are many others proposed or under negotiation and they all leave the United States on the outside looking in.

According to Global Trade Alert, which monitors protectionism, the U.S. is the world’s most protectionist country in that it has imposed more protectionist measures than any other country during the last decade.

“At present, the United States faces the risk that tax cuts may raise the U.S. fiscal deficit, the opposite direction of what would help to reduce the trade deficit,” wrote Joseph E. Gagnon of the Peterson Institute on March 29.


Because we are being distracted by Trump's racism and craziness, our eyes are not on what Trump and his cohorts are actually doing.

But pulling out of trade negotiations and insulting former trading partners, Trump will guarantee that our economy will be wrecked for years. It takes time for an economy as big as ours to catch up to the damage. Look at what happened under Bush.

By ending medicaid, our rural economy will be devastated. In many rural areas, the only employer is the hospital. Gutting Medicaid will ensure most of these hospitals close down.

So is all this happening under the Direction of Vladimir Putin? Someone is the mastermind. Whoever it is.
The economy right now is growing. The stock market is at record highs. Unemployment is at the lowest level in decades. A million new jobs have already been created and it's not even a year into Trump's first term.

You see all of these signs as a bad thing though, don't you, R-Derp!

Admit it, little buddy...if Barry EVER had numbers like Trump is getting despite getting zero help from'd be creaming yourself!

You somehow think that rushing to get into a bunch of treaties that aren't good for American trade would be a great thing to do...which is why you're considered one of the biggest idiots on this board when it comes to economics!
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The economy right now is growing. The stock market is at record highs. Unemployment is at the lowest level in decades. A million new jobs have already been created and it's not even a year into Trump's first term.

You see all of these signs as a bad thing though, don't you, R-Derp!

Admit it, little buddy...if Barry EVER had numbers like Trump is getting despite getting zero help from'd be creaming yourself!

You somehow think that rushing to get into a bunch of treaties that aren't good for American trade would be a great thing to do...which is why you're considered one of the biggest idiots on this board when it comes to economics!
No, I see the effects of what Obama did for the previous 8 years.

For once, be honest. Would you prefer the economy Bush handed Obama or the economy Obama handed Trump?

Remember, under Bush, it took years before disastrous GOP policies finally brought down the economy. It doesn't happen overnight.
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The economy right now is growing. The stock market is at record highs. Unemployment is at the lowest level in decades. A million new jobs have already been created and it's not even a year into Trump's first term.

You see all of these signs as a bad thing though, don't you, R-Derp!

Admit it, little buddy...if Barry EVER had numbers like Trump is getting despite getting zero help from'd be creaming yourself!

You somehow think that rushing to get into a bunch of treaties that aren't good for American trade would be a great thing to do...which is why you're considered one of the biggest idiots on this board when it comes to economics!
Can't answer the question, can you?

Would you prefer the economy Bush handed Obama or the economy Obama handed Trump?
Bush "handed" Obama an in place TARP program that had already stopped the worst of the economic crash from happening. Bush stabilized the financial institutions. All Barry did was continue what Bush started except under his watch TARP money started going to entities like Solyndra and a reward to big contributors to his election like the UAW. The TARP money that Bush loaned out got repaid with interest. Much of the TARP money that Barry loaned out we've NEVER gotten back!

Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression. His response to crushing unemployment numbers was to pass the ACA and call for new Cap & Trade legislation that would have increased energy costs for US industries. Obama managed to do something that's damn near impossible! He spent nearly a trillion dollars in tax payer money on stimulus and created so few jobs that his people started using "Jobs Saved or Created" to hide how bad it was! The infrastructure stimulus that Nancy Pelosi and Obama promised would create thousands of "shovel ready" jobs was a complete fiasco...creating so few full time jobs that even Obama had to sheepishly admit that they'd misjudged badly how many jobs their plan would result in!

The Obama Economy was so weak for so long that the Fed had no choice but to set interest rates at near record lows for his entire eight years in office! Every time the Fed even hinted at a raise the stock market would take a huge dip and everyone went into panic mode! Why? Because the only part of the economy that was doing well WAS Wall Street but that was because wealthy people with access to credit were making a killing in the market! The average American however...without access to all of that free nothing out of that.

The reason that the economy is growing as well as it is now...the reason why the Fed has raised interest rates 3 times since Trump was that Barack Obama is no longer our President! Instead of a President who doesn't like the Private Sector and doesn't understand the first thing about how businesses function...we've got a President who LIKES the Private Sector and sees them as the solution instead of the problem!

Here's a question for YOU, R-Derp...

Would you rather have this economy under Donald Trump...or the economy under Barack Obama at any time during his eight years in office?
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Bush "handed" Obama an in place TARP program that had already stopped the worst of the economic crash from happening. Bush stabilized the financial institutions. All Barry did was continue what Bush started except under his watch TARP money started going to entities like Solyndra and a reward to big contributors to his election like the UAW. The TARP money that Bush loaned out got repaid with interest. Much of the TARP money that Barry loaned out we've NEVER gotten back!

Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression. His response to crushing unemployment numbers was to pass the ACA and call for new Cap & Trade legislation that would have increased energy costs for US industries. Obama managed to do something that's damn near impossible! He spent nearly a trillion dollars in tax payer money on stimulus and created so few jobs that his people started using "Jobs Saved or Created" to hide how bad it was! The infrastructure stimulus that Nancy Pelosi and Obama promised would create thousands of "shovel ready" jobs was a complete fiasco...creating so few full time jobs that even Obama had to sheepishly admit that they'd misjudged badly how many jobs their plan would result in!

The Obama Economy was so weak for so long that the Fed had no choice but to set interest rates at near record lows for his entire eight years in office! Every time the Fed even hinted at a raise the stock market would take a huge dip and everyone went into panic mode! Why? Because the only part of the economy that was doing well WAS Wall Street but that was because wealthy people with access to credit were making a killing in the market! The average American however...without access to all of that free nothing out of that.

The reason that the economy is growing as well as it is now...the reason why the Fed has raised interest rates 3 times since Trump was that Barack Obama is no longer our President! Instead of a President who doesn't like the Private Sector and doesn't understand the first thing about how businesses function...we've got a President who LIKES the Private Sector and sees them as the solution instead of the problem!

Here's a question for YOU, R-Derp...

Would you rather have this economy under Donald Trump...or the economy under Barack Obama at any time during his eight years in office?
You couldn't answer the question. Let's try it again:

Would you prefer the economy Bush handed Obama or the economy Obama handed Trump?
Let me put it this way, R-Derp! If you put Donald Trump in the same position as Barack Obama was back in 2008...I don't think there's any question that the recovery from the recession would have been much faster than it was under Barry! Trump wouldn't have passed the ACA which slowed job creation to a crawl and he sure as hell wouldn't have threatened to pass Cap & Trade legislation! I can also guarantee you that if Trump had 870 billion dollars to invest in stimulating the economy that he would have done a better job than Barry, Harry and Nancy did with the Obama Stimulus that saw unemployment go up not down!
Bush "handed" Obama an in place TARP program that had already stopped the worst of the economic crash from happening. Bush stabilized the financial institutions. All Barry did was continue what Bush started except under his watch TARP money started going to entities like Solyndra and a reward to big contributors to his election like the UAW. The TARP money that Bush loaned out got repaid with interest. Much of the TARP money that Barry loaned out we've NEVER gotten back!

Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression. His response to crushing unemployment numbers was to pass the ACA and call for new Cap & Trade legislation that would have increased energy costs for US industries. Obama managed to do something that's damn near impossible! He spent nearly a trillion dollars in tax payer money on stimulus and created so few jobs that his people started using "Jobs Saved or Created" to hide how bad it was! The infrastructure stimulus that Nancy Pelosi and Obama promised would create thousands of "shovel ready" jobs was a complete fiasco...creating so few full time jobs that even Obama had to sheepishly admit that they'd misjudged badly how many jobs their plan would result in!

The Obama Economy was so weak for so long that the Fed had no choice but to set interest rates at near record lows for his entire eight years in office! Every time the Fed even hinted at a raise the stock market would take a huge dip and everyone went into panic mode! Why? Because the only part of the economy that was doing well WAS Wall Street but that was because wealthy people with access to credit were making a killing in the market! The average American however...without access to all of that free nothing out of that.

The reason that the economy is growing as well as it is now...the reason why the Fed has raised interest rates 3 times since Trump was that Barack Obama is no longer our President! Instead of a President who doesn't like the Private Sector and doesn't understand the first thing about how businesses function...we've got a President who LIKES the Private Sector and sees them as the solution instead of the problem!

Here's a question for YOU, R-Derp...

Would you rather have this economy under Donald Trump...or the economy under Barack Obama at any time during his eight years in office?
You couldn't answer the question. Let's try it again:

Would you prefer the economy Bush handed Obama or the economy Obama handed Trump?

Would you prefer the Demoncrat Congress economy that was handed to Obama, or the Republican Congress economy handed to Trump?
For once, be honest. Would you prefer the economy Bush handed Obama or the economy Obama handed Trump?

Really hate to rock your world:

Economy crashed while Bush was president thanks to liberal policies!!

"These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."-Barney Frank

Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.), speaking to Housing and Urban Development Secretary Mel Martinez:

Secretary Martinez, if it ain't broke, why do you want to fix it? Have the GSEs [government-sponsored enterprises] ever missed their housing goals?

* * *
House Financial Services Committee hearing, Sept. 25, 2003:

Rep. Frank: I do think I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness that we have in OCC [Office of the Comptroller of the Currency] and OTS [Office of Thrift Supervision]. I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing. . . .
Obama tried to drag us down, but we're still the world's largest economy; any deal should be on our terms and not bowing to others


"Hey, Jackass, why are you bowing?"

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