Donald Trump’s Financial Advisory Team Stocked With Wall Streeters


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
I am sure these wall street guys will "help' bring back jobs

Donald Trump’s successful insurgent bid for the White House promised to upend a global power structure that benefited large corporations. Now, several Wall Street financiers and other successful business leaders could be in line to run top posts in his presidential administration.

People close to Mr. Trump have said he is considering Steven Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker who became his national campaign finance chairman in May, as his pick for Treasury secretary. If tapped for the job, Mr. Mnuchin would become the third Goldman alumnus in the past 20 years to head the Treasury, following Robert Rubin and Henry Paulson, who both served as the bank’s chief executive.

After a 17-year career at Goldman, where Mr. Mnuchin led the mortgage-trading department and was the bank’s chief information officer, he turned to investing. He briefly worked for a hedge fund tied to George Soros, the big Democratic donor. In his closing campaign ad, Mr. Trump featured both Goldman and Mr. Soros as “the establishment…who control the levers of power in Washington.”

Donald Trump’s Financial Advisory Team Stocked With Wall Streeters

Trump ran as an "outsider." However, his VP, cabinet, and advisors will all be insider political hacks.
Look at all the assumptions y'all are making although Trump hasn't announced his cabinet or office holders except for Chief of Staff yet. I like the way you reserve your opinion before he makes any real positions available and announces his team leaders.
Trump had some insiders in his campaign as well. Doesnt mean a thing. Ultimately he decides.
Look at all the assumptions y'all are making although Trump hasn't announced his cabinet or office holders except for Chief of Staff yet. I like the way you reserve your opinion before he makes any real positions available and announces his team leaders.

He's made his list of potential members public. No matter which people on that list are chosen, we're screwed. Joe Arpaio, Sarah Palin, and Rudy Giuliani, and Jan Brewer are pretty disgusting choices.
Look at all the assumptions y'all are making although Trump hasn't announced his cabinet or office holders except for Chief of Staff yet. I like the way you reserve your opinion before he makes any real positions available and announces his team leaders.

He's made his list of potential members public. No matter which people on that list are chosen, we're screwed. Joe Arpaio, Sarah Palin, and Rudy Giuliani, and Jan Brewer are pretty disgusting choices.
What's wrong with Guiliani, Arpaio, and Brewer? Yes, you are screwed. Deal with it.
Look at all the assumptions y'all are making although Trump hasn't announced his cabinet or office holders except for Chief of Staff yet. I like the way you reserve your opinion before he makes any real positions available and announces his team leaders.

He's made his list of potential members public. No matter which people on that list are chosen, we're screwed. Joe Arpaio, Sarah Palin, and Rudy Giuliani, and Jan Brewer are pretty disgusting choices.
What's wrong with Guiliani, Arpaio, and Brewer? Yes, you are screwed. Deal with it.

The country is screwed.

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