Donald Trump is richer than all the presidents combined


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you're talking about some real money.


The US presidency has been traditionally held by rich men. Not always—Truman, Coolidge, Lincoln, Grant and a few others were not wealthy and amongst our “poorest” presidents, according to 24/7 Wall Street’s definitive list of presidential wealth adjusted into 2016 dollars.

On the other end of the spectrum, when you adjust for inflation as of 2010, there is George Washington with a net worth of $580 million, Thomas Jefferson with $234 million, and John F. Kennedy with $1 billion—though he hadn’t technically inherited it when he was assassinated.

Combined, the first 44 presidents had around $2.99 billion in assets – in 2016 dollars.While that’s a lot, President-elect Donald Trump currently has a net worth of $3.0 billion, according to Bloomberg. (Still, he’s not wealthy enough to be ranked by its Billionaire list, which is limited to the 500 richest individuals.)

Of course, there’s not great visibility to Trump’s actual net worth—he could have much more or less. While Trump himself claims to have $10 billion, many people have called into question whether he’s a billionaire at all, given his lack of financial transparency and refusal to release his tax returns.

If Bloomberg’s numbers are right—and they are as legit, if not more, than anyone else’s—this makes Trump about $10 million richer than every Commander in Chief who came before him, combined.
How could you possibly know what he's worth when the coward refused to release his tax forms?

Wouldn't surprise me if he's broke.
How could you possibly know what he's worth when the coward refused to release his tax forms?

Wouldn't surprise me if he's broke.

Maybe if you took a look at a few websites that track that kind of thing..

Like Forbes, Bloomburg, etc
Then you'd look less like someone sucking on a persimmon
How could you possibly know what he's worth when the coward refused to release his tax forms?

Wouldn't surprise me if he's broke.
I don't think the man is broke.

I think his businesses are broke. But that's a different story.

Tonight he told Leslie Stahl he would forego the presidential salary ($400K/yr) during his tenure (same as Gov. Schwarzenegger did in Calif).

There is obviously some small benefit at least to hiring these millionaires and billionaires -- a small fiscal benefit.

Hillary would have taken the money, and millions more with her Clinton Foundation.
How could you possibly know what he's worth when the coward refused to release his tax forms?

Wouldn't surprise me if he's broke.
It is nobody's business what is in anybody's else's tax returns.

Nixon started that trend and it is bullsh!t.
Trump like Kennedy and Hoover will forgo any pay.

it will go to charity or to increase the pay of his staff
Trump like Kennedy and Hoover will forgo any pay.

it will go to charity or to increase the pay of his staff
That is such a cut little kitty that you have in your pocket !!

Looks just like my cat when he was a kitten.
He did not run for profit, he ran to serve america
Actually, if you watched the Frontline Profile of Donald and Hillary, it pointed out that when BHO teased him at the Press Dinner then Donald got really pissed and decided to run for POTUS himself to show BHO what he was doing wrong.

The rest is history.

Trump first beat the rest of the GOP candidates.

Then he beat the entire National and World Media.

Then he beat Hillary.

Now he is beating all his critics.

Reminds me of several of the Caesars, including Julius and Augustus -- both of whom were very ruthless as well as quite competent.

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