Donald Trump - Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
His support is a mile deep and a yard wide.

“The bottom line is that Trump now has a higher unfavorable rating than any candidate at any time during all of these previous election cycles, and that conclusion takes into account the fact that unfavorable ratings tend to rise in the heat of a general election campaign as the barbs, negative ads and heightened partisanship are taken to their highest levels.”​

Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded
And he beat 13 other candidates with much higher favorability ratings.

IOW, no one cares except you Toro.

P.S.- Thanks for the 25th update on the same topic. Could you not have put this in one of the other 24 threads you've started on Trumps supposed unfavorability?
Trump +24 in first post-Iowa New Hampshire poll...

Trump up 24.png

How favorable is Rubio at 12%?

How favorable is Kasich at 7%?

This "unfavorability" meme is complete bullshit.
And he beat 13 other candidates with much higher favorability ratings.

IOW, no one cares except you Toro.

P.S.- Thanks for the 25th update on the same topic. Could you not have put this in one of the other 24 threads you've started on Trumps supposed unfavorability?

You're taking Iowa pretty hard, aren't you?
This may be the first election in American history in which the GOP candidates form a mutual suicide pact, and none are left standing to run against the democrats. If that happens, we may have to loan them one of ours.
Trump +24 in first post-Iowa New Hampshire poll...

View attachment 62223

How favorable is Rubio at 12%?

How favorable is Kasich at 7%?

This "unfavorability" meme is complete bullshit.

Rubio is not worrying about winning New Hampshire but want to finish higher than Cruz and the same for Kasich, and Kasich want to finish higher than Rubio.
Rubio is not worrying about winning New Hampshire but want to finish higher than Cruz and the same for Kasich, and Kasich want to finish higher than Rubio.

Rubio wants to put some distance between himself and the other "establishment" candidates. If he does, he'll handily beat Cruz and will likely put another dagger into several other candidates. He'll finish them off in the SEC primary to set up a Trump/Cruz/Rubio contest.

Trump's problem is his ego. He hasn't invested in the infrastructure needed. He's relying on his celebrity. He thinks he can fly in on his plane and not do much else.

It's not surprising he underperformed in Iowa. His voters didn't come out as he thought.

Will he underperform in NH too? If Trump wins NH, getting 30% of the vote, and Rubio finishes second with 20%+ of the vote, then the momentum will be behind Rubio.

I think Rubio will ultimately be the nominee. And he will beat Clinton.
Rubio is not worrying about winning New Hampshire but want to finish higher than Cruz and the same for Kasich, and Kasich want to finish higher than Rubio.

Rubio wants to put some distance between himself and the other "establishment" candidates. If he does, he'll handily beat Cruz and will likely put another dagger into several other candidates. He'll finish them off in the SEC primary to set up a Trump/Cruz/Rubio contest.

Trump's problem is his ego. He hasn't invested in the infrastructure needed. He's relying on his celebrity. He thinks he can fly in on his plane and not do much else.

It's not surprising he underperformed in Iowa. His voters didn't come out as he thought.

Will he underperform in NH too? If Trump wins NH, getting 30% of the vote, and Rubio finishes second with 20%+ of the vote, then the momentum will be behind Rubio.

I think Rubio will ultimately be the nominee. And he will beat Clinton.

I agree.

Trump is focusing on Cruz which is great for Rubio, and I agree about the second place finish New Hampshire and being able to beat Hillary Clinton, but can he beat Bernie?

I say yes on that too!
You're taking Iowa pretty hard, aren't you?

Why would I take it hard?

Not counting Presidents who were running for re-election...since 1976, only TWO winners of the Republican Iowa Caucus went on to clinch the was George W. Bush, who lost the popular vote in the General Election...and Bob Dole, who lost by a landslide.

Now, ask me about the candidates that took second. :D
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This may be the first election in American history in which the GOP candidates form a mutual suicide pact, and none are left standing to run against the democrats. If that happens, we may have to loan them one of ours.
You already did.
Just when you thought Donald Trump get even more unpopular, he did.

Donald Trump is broadly unpopular with national adults, more so than any other major candidate of either party. Over the past week (Feb. 26-March 3), Trump was seen favorably by 30% of the country, while twice as many U.S. adults saw the GOP front-runner unfavorably (63%). But none of the other major presidential candidates have very positive images either, although no one's image is as negative as Trump's. ...

And it is important to note that Trump has a particularly bad image among Hispanics and blacks nationally (much worse than Cruz's or Rubio's), two potentially key voting groups in specific swing states this fall.​

Trump's Popularity in Context

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