Don’t force your religion on me.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Romney/Ryan’s radical religious beliefs that life began at conceptions and abortion are murder don’t give them the right to force their religious beliefs on me no more than radical Islam force their religious belief and Sharia law on me. My freedom of religion should protect me. I may be an atheist and believe in evolution and not creation. Just because you believe in GOD or ALLAH do not mean I have to. I may not believe in war and don’t want my taxes going to support war but it does and I accept that and respect that of my Government. My religious freedom allows me to have an abortion.

Romney/Ryan want to force their religious belief by way of law on others and that is not different than radical Muslim forcing Sharia law on others.
Then dont force your seculaism on me........catholics dont want to give out birth they shouldnt have to
Don't worry too much. Team Romney won't force their beliefs on you or anyone else.

The GOP has talked the talk for 30 years now, but have never actually walked the talk. They won't this time either.

Anybody who believes they will is an idiot.
Romney/Ryan’s radical religious beliefs that life began at conceptions and abortion are murder don’t give them the right to force their religious beliefs on me no more than radical Islam force their religious belief and Sharia law on me. My freedom of religion should protect me. I may be an atheist and believe in evolution and not creation. Just because you believe in GOD or ALLAH do not mean I have to. I may not believe in war and don’t want my taxes going to support war but it does and I accept that and respect that of my Government. My religious freedom allows me to have an abortion.

Romney/Ryan want to force their religious belief by way of law on others and that is not different than radical Muslim forcing Sharia law on others.

I think your analogy is flawed. They can't "force their religions" on you, but you're ok with them essentially forcing their wars on you? Seems odd.
Don't worry too much. Team Romney won't force their beliefs on you or anyone else.

The GOP has talked the talk for 30 years now, but have never actually walked the talk. They won't this time either.

Anybody who believes they will is an idiot.

Right. They have no incentive to do anything about abortion. It's too good of a campaign issue.
Romney/Ryan’s radical religious beliefs that life began at conceptions and abortion are murder don’t give them the right to force their religious beliefs on me no more than radical Islam force their religious belief and Sharia law on me. My freedom of religion should protect me. I may be an atheist and believe in evolution and not creation. Just because you believe in GOD or ALLAH do not mean I have to. I may not believe in war and don’t want my taxes going to support war but it does and I accept that and respect that of my Government. My religious freedom allows me to have an abortion.

Romney/Ryan want to force their religious belief by way of law on others and that is not different than radical Muslim forcing Sharia law on others.

Forcing your disdain for religion on us all is no better.
You are quite the emotional basket case.

Try knitting

How many times have YOU been pregnant?

Knitting? If you assholes get your way, that's how abortions will be done and make no mistake you stupid asshole, women can and do get desperate enough to do exactly that.

WHY do MEN believe they have the right to weigh in on THIS issue?

And, why do they believe they can make fun of women or talk down to women about this issue?

Until YOU have to figure out how you're going to take care of a child after the father disappears, you really have no right to criticize ANY woman for her decision to abort.
Romney/Ryan’s radical religious beliefs that life began at conceptions and abortion are murder don’t give them the right to force their religious beliefs on me [/B]

Those are niether radical, nor necessarily religious views. You remain a loony old broad.
Don't worry too much. Team Romney won't force their beliefs on you or anyone else.

The GOP has talked the talk for 30 years now, but have never actually walked the talk. They won't this time either.

Anybody who believes they will is an idiot.

Right. They have no incentive to do anything about abortion. It's too good of a campaign issue.

Society as a whole is in the process of taking care of it.
Don't worry too much. Team Romney won't force their beliefs on you or anyone else.

The GOP has talked the talk for 30 years now, but have never actually walked the talk. They won't this time either.

Anybody who believes they will is an idiot.

I agree. Mittens' waffling back and forth this week was nothing more than getting stupid people to believe he was really talking to them. And, sure nuff, the idiot rw's formed a double line to tell us all what Etch a Sketch "really meant".

But, what is for sure is that ignernt crap like Shit For Brains Santorum would indeed love to force sharia law on this country.


cuz their bible told them so.
Romney/Ryan’s radical religious beliefs that life began at conceptions and abortion are murder don’t give them the right to force their religious beliefs on me no more than radical Islam force their religious belief and Sharia law on me. My freedom of religion should protect me. I may be an atheist and believe in evolution and not creation. Just because you believe in GOD or ALLAH do not mean I have to. I may not believe in war and don’t want my taxes going to support war but it does and I accept that and respect that of my Government. My religious freedom allows me to have an abortion.

Romney/Ryan want to force their religious belief by way of law on others and that is not different than radical Muslim forcing Sharia law on others.

Forcing your disdain for religion on us all is no better.

What a crock.

Do you have any clue what a dumb thing you just said?

Believing in some Magic Sky Fairy is actually a pretty harmless delusion.

OTOH, get pregnant and you have 20 years of feeding, clothing and educating it.
Don't make me a party to whatever Sandy Fluke does with her vagina

No one asked you to. Including her.

You need to stop listening to the LIES jackasses like dredge, fux and lushbo are telling about what she REALLY said.

Try thinking for yourself.
Romney/Ryan’s radical religious beliefs that life began at conceptions and abortion are murder don’t give them the right to force their religious beliefs on me no more than radical Islam force their religious belief and Sharia law on me. My freedom of religion should protect me. I may be an atheist and believe in evolution and not creation. Just because you believe in GOD or ALLAH do not mean I have to. I may not believe in war and don’t want my taxes going to support war but it does and I accept that and respect that of my Government. My religious freedom allows me to have an abortion.

Romney/Ryan want to force their religious belief by way of law on others and that is not different than radical Muslim forcing Sharia law on others.

Is abortion a sacrament in your religion?
WHY do MEN believe they have the right to weigh in on THIS issue?

Because men are also part of society, you moron.

Until they contribute half of the support, their opinion counts for zip. Even if they do pay half of the support, its still the woman's decision. Period.

Nothing will ever change the FACT that it is the woman who gives birth and the woman who raises the child.

If you don't know that, YOU are the moron.
You are quite the emotional basket case.

Try knitting

How many times have YOU been pregnant?

Knitting? If you assholes get your way, that's how abortions will be done and make no mistake you stupid asshole, women can and do get desperate enough to do exactly that.

WHY do MEN believe they have the right to weigh in on THIS issue?

And, why do they believe they can make fun of women or talk down to women about this issue?

Until YOU have to figure out how you're going to take care of a child after the father disappears, you really have no right to criticize ANY woman for her decision to abort.

Are you married? if so tell your wife your dick is your body and you can have sex with whoever you want and she has no right to say anything........GOOD LUCK with that
You are quite the emotional basket case.

Try knitting

How many times have YOU been pregnant?

Knitting? If you assholes get your way, that's how abortions will be done and make no mistake you stupid asshole, women can and do get desperate enough to do exactly that.

WHY do MEN believe they have the right to weigh in on THIS issue?

And, why do they believe they can make fun of women or talk down to women about this issue?

Until YOU have to figure out how you're going to take care of a child after the father disappears, you really have no right to criticize ANY woman for her decision to abort.

I'll bite but only if you answer this first.

If a woman can KILL a child without the consent of the father then why the fuck can't men make the decision to simply walk away prior to birth without being held financially responsible? She can KILL it but if she decides to keep it I'm forced to pay?

Women's rights my ass.

And for the record after my divorce both my girls were raised by me without a fucking dime from her.
You are quite the emotional basket case.

Try knitting

How many times have YOU been pregnant?

Knitting? If you assholes get your way, that's how abortions will be done and make no mistake you stupid asshole, women can and do get desperate enough to do exactly that.

WHY do MEN believe they have the right to weigh in on THIS issue?

And, why do they believe they can make fun of women or talk down to women about this issue?

Until YOU have to figure out how you're going to take care of a child after the father disappears, you really have no right to criticize ANY woman for her decision to abort.

If i get my way Abortion will be legal in the states that want it, and illegal in the states that dont. I would vote for keeping it legal in the first trimester for any reason, and only for medical cause after that.

I also retain the right to call a woman (or the father who agrees with it) who uses abortion as a form o birth control a selfish idiot.

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