Don.t blame the right when Obama loses !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
blame white democrats that voted for him in 08 but are not going to vote for him on tues !!Obama has lost millions of votes in the white community that voted for him in 08 !! forget the polls !! people are affraid to be labled as a racist if they express their anger about Obama !! but in the ballot box Obama is going to get clobbered !!:badgrin:
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blame white democrats that voted for him in 08 but are not going to vote for him on tues !!Obama has lost millions of votes in the white community that voted for him in 08 !! forget the polls !! people are affraid to be labled as a racist if they express there anger about Obama !! but in the ballot box Obama is going to get clobbered !!:badgrin:

You know, that's actually very true. I was even talking about it the other day.

There are so many people (more than you'd think) that say they're voting for Obama so others won't think they're racist, but are in reality voting for Romney.

I'll be honest; When I went to vote, about 90% of the people there were black and all had Obama pins & stickers. Me, being a white 21-year-old guy with his parents, I tried to blend in with the Obama supporters as much as possible.

I'm not racist at all, but I couldn't help but to feel out of place. And I can see how others would as well; specially the elderly.
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Can't just blame it on whites, many black and hispanics are disilusioned also, and when there in the booth they won't be pulling the lever for him.
Can't just blame it on whites, many black and hispanics are disilusioned also, and when there in the booth they won't be pulling the lever for him.
the vast,vast majority of blacks are going to vote for him !!

But in all fairness, blacks are one of the most, if not THE most, monolithic voting blocs out there. They vote overwhelmingly for any Democrat.
Obama will win in huge numbers with everyone except white americans.

The GOP should be grateful white america is still the majority voters.

The Democrats should be grateful they've kept minorities so ignorant.

Yeah, African americans, hispanic americans, muslims, jews, native americans, Asian americans, they are all ignorant, thats why they all vote democratic. It cant have anything to do with the GOP. No sir. Its all those ignorant minorities.
Obama will win in huge numbers with everyone except white americans.

The GOP should be grateful white america is still the majority voters.

So far the minority turn out is not what it was in 08 and the ones that are disillusioned will vote, so he may carry a similar percentage of smaller numbers.
blame white democrats that voted for him in 08 but are not going to vote for him on tues !!Obama has lost millions of votes in the white community that voted for him in 08 !! forget the polls !! people are affraid to be labled as a racist if they express their anger about Obama !! but in the ballot box Obama is going to get clobbered !!:badgrin:
We won't.
Its funny to go back and see what they were saying then. It still hasnt changed. Dont blame Republicans when Trump loses yackity yack

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