Don Lemon Un-Corrects the Record on Joe Rogan Just Hours After Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s Concession


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
So CNN doubles down. Fucking liars!

Joe Rogan and Dr. Sanjay Gupta had a consequential and newsmaking interview this week, in which Dr. Gupta conceded that CNN should not have accused Rogan
of taking horse medicine. In a much less widely seen conversation, Gupta then spoke with CNN’s Don Lemon about that podcast, with dramatically different results.

Gupta is now saying he felt threatened that Rogan was going to “attack him”.

These little shit weasels will say anything to escape accountability.

Please post a link to the direct quotes of Gupta saying this, I actually would like to read it
Gupta is now saying he felt threatened that Rogan was going to “attack him”.

These little shit weasels will say anything to escape accountability.

Of course. Once he wasn't sitting eye to eye with Rogan and far away from him he changed his story and used "he felt threatened" to excuse his lying.
Please post a link to the direct quotes of Gupta saying this, I actually would like to read it

“part of me thought the MMA, former Taekwondo champion might hurtle himself across the table and throttle my neck.”

Sanjay Gupta (born October 23, 1969) is an American neurosurgeon, medical reporter, and writer. He serves as associate chief of the neurosurgery service at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, associate professor of neurosurgery at the Emory University School of Medicine, and chief medical correspondent for CNN.
I know lots of inept and or greedy doctors...LOTS of them. Officially medical mistakes are supposed to be the #3 killer in the US---truth is, I think it is NUMBER 1 EASILY beating out cancer and heart issues.

Oh and this is especially the case for third world and specifically Indian educated doctors. Wow---the shit I have seen them do.
“part of me thought the MMA, former Taekwondo champion might hurtle himself across the table and throttle my neck.”

Exhibit A of how those on the right lie to further their own narrative, always. That is until you ask them to prove it. That's when they're proven to be liars, fools or illiterates. Gupta never claimed he felt threatened by Rogan LOL. He jokingly said a part of him felt joe might attack him for not agreeing with him about vaccines and ivermectin because they're on opposite spectrums of those issues. There is a huge difference between saying that and saying, Gupta felt threatened. Nice try.
Exhibit A of how those on the right lie to further their own narrative, always. That is until you ask them to prove it. That's when they're proven to be liars, fools or illiterates. Gupta never claimed he felt threatened by Rogan LOL. He jokingly said a part of him felt joe might attack him for not agreeing with him about vaccines and ivermectin because they're on opposite spectrums of those issues. There is a huge difference between saying that and saying, Gupta felt threatened. Nice try.
Horse shit. He said he was afraid of him attacking him, then the interview started and just went from there. He then tells the story like he was “in the octagon” with Rogan, as if he is so stunning and brave to face someone one on one to answer questions not in the idiotic 30 second format of CNN.

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