Dominion’s Lawsuits Against trump Allies Can Move Forward After Judge Rejects Arguments


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Looks like the lawsuit against those lawyers is going to continue after the lawyers requested the lawsuit be thrown out.

The judge wrote in his ruling:
In a written decision, Nichols said that Powell and Lindell made their claims “knowing that they were false or with reckless disregard for the truth.”

“A reasonable juror” could conclude that Powell did not have a video of Dominion’s founder saying that “he can change a million votes, no problem at all," as she had claimed, the judge wrote. Nichols also wrote that a sensible juror could conclude that Lindell’s insistence on “the existence of a vast international conspiracy that is ignored by the government but proven by a spreadsheet on an internet blog is so inherently improbable that only a reckless man would believe it,” referencing Lindell’s assertion that a spreadsheet he tweeted out as proof of Trump’s victory was evidence.

I love how that judge shredded lindell's stupid spread sheet. LOL.

I don't know how Powell's lawyer can do much to defend her now she and her lawyer stated last year “No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact” So she is saying she's innocent because stupid people believed her lies? That's some pretzel twisting.

I love how that judge shredded lindell's stupid spread sheet. LOL. I don't know how Powell's lawyer can do much to defend her now she and her lawyer stated last year “No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact”

The first problem I see here is that the judge is stating his OPINION, he is arbitrarily deciding what a "reasonable" person would conclude, and I don't see any science here, no vetting of the facts. Indeed, the judge is just disqualifying himself by stating his personal prejudice in advance.

There is no mention of any specifics anywhere which supports his conclusions, making everything he said, ARBITRARY.
The first problem I see here is that the judge is stating his OPINION, he is arbitrarily deciding what a "reasonable" person would conclude, and I don't see any science here, no vetting of the facts. Indeed, the judge is just disqualifying himself by stating his personal prejudice in advance.

There is no mention of any specifics anywhere which supports his conclusions, making everything he said, ARBITRARY.

Your problem is that Powell's initial reply to the lawsuit was for her lawyer to file papers admitting she lied. She has already admitted to her crime. She blames it on stupid people. Saying no reasonable person should have believed her.

You don't know what documents have been submitted and the judge has read. Just like in the so called "fraud" cases that were thrown out of court, the judge reads all documents and listens to both sides before he rules.

Are you saying that the conservative judge who was appointed by donald trump himself is a liar and didn't do his job properly? The judge ruling in this case is U.S. District Judge Carl J. Nichols, appointed by Donald Trump in 2019.

Well then, we can’t prosecute this case without all of the programming and vote results being known. Get ready for Dominion to either put up or shut up. This lawsuit is the worst thing they could have done. They can’t win without opening their entire business to scrutiny. They’re fucked.
Well then, we can’t prosecute this case without all of the programming and vote results being known. Get ready for Dominion to either put up or shut up. This lawsuit is the worst thing they could have done. They can’t win without opening their entire business to scrutiny. They’re fucked.

Guess what?

You don't decided what anyone gets to see. You don't get to decide or demand anything.

The defendants lawyers can request a subpoena but it will be up to a judge to decide all you listed.

You aren't a lawyer nor are you representing the defendants.

What you say and want is meaningless.

All you can do is watch it all unfold. Just like the rest of the nation.
Guess what?

You don't decided what anyone gets to see. You don't get to decide or demand anything.

The defendants lawyers can request a subpoena but it will be up to a judge to decide all you listed.

You aren't a lawyer nor are you representing the defendants.

What you say and want is meaningless.

All you can do is watch it all unfold. Just like the rest of the nation.
I have common sense. Something you lack. If Dominion is suing people for for lying about them they have to at some point prove the lie. They can’t do that without the evidence they need from their programs and machines. You just don’t get to make a claim like that without evidence. At this point in the lawsuit Dominion has to prove what was allegedl to be the lie.

I hope this lawsuit continues. It will be a win for the entire country. And if that means all Dominion machines are no longer allowed to be used in elections. I’m all for that too.

Dominion is going to own the MAGAverse because of their lies and grifting.

Every single one of these horrible human beings should lose everything they have.
Why didn’t they do that six months ago by releasing all of their programs?
Why didn’t they do that six months ago by releasing all of their programs?

I'm sorry to tell you this, but the people whom you think are sticking up for you in fact hold you in contempt. You think liberals look down on you, but these people do much, much worse. They see you as a source of income, playing on your emotions and beliefs for their financial benefit. They don't give a flying fuck about you. They say in a court of law that you are not reasonable because you believe The Big Lie that the election was stolen. They are liars. They are scum. The only question is whether you want to allow yourself to continue believing them.


I'm sorry to tell you this, but the people whom you think are sticking up for you in fact hold you in contempt. You think liberals look down on you, but these people do much, much worse. They see you as a source of income, playing on your emotions and beliefs for their financial benefit. They don't give a flying fuck about you. They say in a court of law that you are not reasonable because you believe The Big Lie that the election was stolen. They are liars. They are scum. The only question is whether you want to allow yourself to continue believing them.

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That’s a very long winded version of yeah if they are forced to make their programs and machines available they are fucked. Why wouldn’t you want that? Why would you not be all for their programs and machines to be proven solid? Why would you, wanting to prove to me, this election is beyond question want to hide anything?

Im asking you to release it all and prove me wrong.
Nichols said that Powell and Lindell made their claims “knowing that they were false or with reckless disregard for the truth.”
Uh oh! He basically just said they appear 100% guilty of the charges by Dominion. In other breaking news, the Sun rose in the East today.
That’s a very long winded version of yeah if they are forced to make their programs and machines available they are fucked. Why wouldn’t you want that? Why would you not be all for their programs and machines to be proven solid? Why would you, wanting to prove to me, this election is beyond question want to hide anything?

Im asking you to release it all and prove me wrong.

You are too emotionally involved to believe anything that contradicts any narrative that your Orange God lost.

It doesn't matter what anyone "releases." You won't believe it because cult.

They could release it, then your media will just lie to you that it's all false, and you'll believe the lie because you really, really, really, really want to believe that the election was stolen. No matter what. So what's the point?

You are too emotionally invested to make a rational decision.
You are too emotionally involved to believe anything that contradicts any narrative that your Orange God lost.

It doesn't matter what anyone "releases." You won't believe it because cult.

They could release it, then your media will just lie to you that it's all false, and you'll believe the lie because you really, really, really, really want to believe that the election was stolen. No matter what. So what's the point?

You are too emotionally invested to make a rational decision.
I’d like you to prove it. Stop hiding from audits and prove the win. I’m fine with that. Why aren’t you?
There are exactly 0 cases in the courts that sided on election fraud. And there were over 60 cases filed.

But you don't want to believe this because cult.

You are going to believe what you want to believe no matter what.
I’d like you to prove it. Stop hiding from audits and prove the win. I’m fine with that. Why aren’t you?

Maricopa County has already had multiple audits of the vote.

But you believe the lies and bullshit. So you continue to cling to the bullshit.

It is YOU who is the enemy of America and freedom because you can't process that you lost. You and your ilk are emotionally stunted children, no different than the emotional liberal snowflakes on campuses.

Cults gonna cult.

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