Dolly Parton on the Black Lies Matter movement


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

The country icon, 74, recently did an interview with Billboard and revealed that she fully supports the cause and those who protest. She said, "I understand people having to make themselves known and felt and seen. And of course Black lives matter."

I have 2 reactions

1. compared to the hysterical vomit being spread by Hollywood this is EXTREMELY mild

Thank you Dolly. You being you is why I have always been a big fan

2. But you are mistaken.

Systemic racism is a myth
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The country icon, 74, recently did an interview with Billboard and revealed that she fully supports the cause and those who protest. She said, "I understand people having to make themselves known and felt and seen. And of course Black lives matter."

I have 2 reactions

1. compared to the hysterical vomit being spread by Hollywood this is EXTREMELY mild

Thank you Dolly. You being you is why I have always been a big fan

2. But you are mistaken.

System racism is a myth

I wish that Ms. Parton had stayed out of the fray.

I am assuming that she is sincere.

Or maybe she thinks that her words will encourage more sales of her music.

It would be nice if actors would just act, singers would just sing, basketball players would just throw the ball through the hoop, etc.

Please entertain us. That is your calling. We do not want to know your political or social views.
Systemic racism is a myth
Absolutely. Why, after WW2 blacks were welcomed to purchase into the suburbs. Redlining never happened. And of course this is photo shopped...

Dolly has investments like Dollywood.
She should stay out of social issues and :anj_stfu:.
I don't think she even finished Jr. High.
Anyways', her 44's must be 38's by now. At least.
Dolly is also a southern woman who lived through the Civil Rights struggle and saw first hand how black Americans were treated during that time. Whether she should stay out of politics or not, she does have a valid perspective.
Dolly is also a southern woman who lived through the Civil Rights struggle and saw first hand how black Americans were treated during that time. Whether she should stay out of politics or not, she does have a valid perspective.

She lives in a bubble.
Especially if she perceives today's society through race goggles from the 50's and 60's.
F'in idiots.

The country icon, 74, recently did an interview with Billboard and revealed that she fully supports the cause and those who protest. She said, "I understand people having to make themselves known and felt and seen. And of course Black lives matter."

I have 2 reactions

1. compared to the hysterical vomit being spread by Hollywood this is EXTREMELY mild

Thank you Dolly. You being you is why I have always been a big fan

2. But you are mistaken.

Systemic racism is a myth

Systematic racism is a myth? I guess you never heard of slavery or segregation.

The country icon, 74, recently did an interview with Billboard and revealed that she fully supports the cause and those who protest. She said, "I understand people having to make themselves known and felt and seen. And of course Black lives matter."

I have 2 reactions

1. compared to the hysterical vomit being spread by Hollywood this is EXTREMELY mild

Thank you Dolly. You being you is why I have always been a big fan

2. But you are mistaken.

Systemic racism is a myth
What exactly is systemic racism?

There is racism, and it is spread out in society, no matter who or what color you are.

I reckon it's a judgement call as to whether the majority are racist, but then, the US elected a black president twice,

Methinks not.

The other issue not understanding BLM, which is a Marxist group hell bent on burning the system down.

If they really cared about blacks, why do the turn a blind eye regarding all of the black on black violence?

The country icon, 74, recently did an interview with Billboard and revealed that she fully supports the cause and those who protest. She said, "I understand people having to make themselves known and felt and seen. And of course Black lives matter."

I have 2 reactions

1. compared to the hysterical vomit being spread by Hollywood this is EXTREMELY mild

Thank you Dolly. You being you is why I have always been a big fan

2. But you are mistaken.

Systemic racism is a myth

dolly is desperate for a COME-BACK ---no need
to knock her stupidity

The country icon, 74, recently did an interview with Billboard and revealed that she fully supports the cause and those who protest. She said, "I understand people having to make themselves known and felt and seen. And of course Black lives matter."

I have 2 reactions

1. compared to the hysterical vomit being spread by Hollywood this is EXTREMELY mild

Thank you Dolly. You being you is why I have always been a big fan

2. But you are mistaken.

Systemic racism is a myth

Systematic racism is a myth? I guess you never heard of slavery or segregation.
Yes, in history class.

I reckon so long as it is part of US history then the US is systemically racist?

The country icon, 74, recently did an interview with Billboard and revealed that she fully supports the cause and those who protest. She said, "I understand people having to make themselves known and felt and seen. And of course Black lives matter."

I have 2 reactions

1. compared to the hysterical vomit being spread by Hollywood this is EXTREMELY mild

Thank you Dolly. You being you is why I have always been a big fan

2. But you are mistaken.

Systemic racism is a myth

Systematic racism is a myth? I guess you never heard of slavery or segregation.
Yes, in history class.

I reckon so long as it is part of US history then the US is systemically racist?

Maybe Nia wasn't taught history?
It sure appears so.
Black Lives Matter is a attack you if you disagree............

If asked if you agree with them.....and you go no.......they are thieving burning terrorists..........they go you hate all Blacks...........

Any if you are a Mexican...............Psy Ops BS name to create CHAOS and throw fuel on the fire.
Dolly is also a southern woman who lived through the Civil Rights struggle and saw first hand how black Americans were treated during that time. Whether she should stay out of politics or not, she does have a valid perspective.
There are people who are laughing while they burn down properties and commit crimes on peoples residences. The message has been sent. The Prog politicians yell the loudest but have not done much at all to make the tough choices. Tough love is needed. And that would be hate and racism as promoted by the powers that be.

The country icon, 74, recently did an interview with Billboard and revealed that she fully supports the cause and those who protest. She said, "I understand people having to make themselves known and felt and seen. And of course Black lives matter."

I have 2 reactions

1. compared to the hysterical vomit being spread by Hollywood this is EXTREMELY mild

Thank you Dolly. You being you is why I have always been a big fan

2. But you are mistaken.

Systemic racism is a myth

Systematic racism is a myth? I guess you never heard of slavery or segregation.
Give me a break, you don't even know what you're talking about "systematic?" Really? If you could get the appropriate word usage you would be trying to say systemic and that's also bs. What you're referring to is the same dynamic that plays out in ALL majority/minority nations. This nation was settled by Europeans, the government was set up to cater to the people who settled it, the people who made up the majority of the population - Europeans. You think it should have been set up to cater to the minority? That's idiotic and nobody does that. Why is it that segregation is fine when Black people are calling for it but horrifying when Whites suggest it? Segregation is the ONLY way this will stop, otherwise there will ALWAYS be a minority that's unhappy with the way the government is treating them. I suppose you feel that it's only fair that White people be removed from political power in the land their ancestors founded for THEM?? Let's just break this down slowly. The answer to that is "No." If you don't like that, tough. Am I a "racist.?" Considering that word was invented to control White people, no I'm not racist, but I DO prefer to live beside people who look like me, believe the same things I believe, and certainly people who share my values. That's all well fine and good in this country if you're an Arab, an Asian, a Hispanic, or a Black person - BUT if you're White, OH HELL NO, you can't possibly want that for any reason other than you're a "NaziWhiteSupremacistwhowantstokillsixmillionjews"

Commie puke. GTFOH with that BS "slavery and segregation" nonsense. The Irish were the first slaves in this country and Black people are not the only peoples who've ever been enslaved. White people were held in bondage for centuries if not longer at the hands of the African Moors - but I don't hear you bitching about that. All you know are talking points, shut up. I hate #AntiWhite idiots more than anything - especially if you're White. You're a useful idiot and you'll be dealt with as such and the poetic thing about it is it will be at the hands of your own people!!
Absolutely. Why, after WW2 blacks were welcomed to purchase into the suburbs. Redlining never happened. And of course this is photo shopped...
All of that is true

and its all history not present day fact

The country icon, 74, recently did an interview with Billboard and revealed that she fully supports the cause and those who protest. She said, "I understand people having to make themselves known and felt and seen. And of course Black lives matter."

I have 2 reactions

1. compared to the hysterical vomit being spread by Hollywood this is EXTREMELY mild

Thank you Dolly. You being you is why I have always been a big fan

2. But you are mistaken.

Systemic racism is a myth

dolly is desperate for a COME-BACK ---no need
to knock her stupidity
What come-back? The woman has accomplished virtually everything you can accomplish as a musician. She can write her own ticket anywhere she wants to at this point.

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