Dogs and their dreams! Ever wonder what they are dreaming about?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
You ever wonder what your dog is dreaming about?

They just lay there looking all peaceful, and all of a sudden their legs are going and they might let a bark or yelp here and there.
There has been a few times my Pit Bull woke up howling, and when he opened his eyes, while he was still howling, he looked like he was thinking, "What the heck was I howling at?." Dogs can be so funny.

But seriously have you ever wondered what they dream about? Wonder what they might be chasing, what they may be eating, swimming, playing, or even dreaming about the other dog they have a crush on?

My girlfriend and I had a conversation about what we think our dogs dream about. We came up with some funny stuff. One dream story line we came up with was, what if in their dream we humans are the pets and they are our owners? We humans barked instead of talk, and dogs talked instead of barked. Say things like, "that's a good human. Bad human. I'm tired of cleaning up the humans crap. The humans chewed up your shoes again. The damn human got out again. Honey did you get human treats? Dumb humans. Why do humans lick their bums?" lol I'm sure you can imagine.

Share any thoughts on what your dog may be dreaming about.
I think dog's dreams are to have a sweet home and loving owners. If there they have big fat walks, nice full plate of food and a playing partner every day on the top of everything they are happy.

We adopted some homeless dogs and that what I keep reading in their eyes.
My dog dreams he's being chased by monsters. His little legs go a mile a minute and he yelps.
What do dogs dream about? Beats me. I don't know what's going on in my dogs' mind when they are awake!

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