Does White Identity = White Supremacy?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
There is no middle ground between "white supremacy" and "total and complete white surrender to political correctness."

That's a shame.

Most whites are nowhere near either pole.

Does White Identity Mean White Supremacy American Renaissance

White racial identity need not be malign at all. Mr. Valizadeh doesn’t seem to realize that the white people who stopped the slave trade, freed their own slaves, forced Africans to give up slavery, and gave black people basic civil rights all thought that blacks, on average, were less intelligent than whites. That was taken for granted until the 1950s–but it never sent them into genocidal frenzy.
The whole problem has resolved around the boasters of years ago that claimed the white race will conquer the world and make it better....
The whole problem has resolved around the boasters of years ago that claimed the white race will conquer the world and make it better....

Only people coming close to conqueoring the world are olive skinned Muslims. Already conqueored the US by making us too afraid to publicly oppose them.
The whole problem has resolved around the boasters of years ago that claimed the white race will conquer the world and make it better....

Only people coming close to conqueoring the world are olive skinned Muslims. Already conqueored the US by making us too afraid to publicly oppose them.

the middle east is a shit hole of killing and dysfunction. Western countries should restrict immigration
There is no middle ground between "white supremacy" and "total and complete white surrender to political correctness."

That's a shame.

Most whites are nowhere near either pole.

Does White Identity Mean White Supremacy American Renaissance
White racial identity need not be malign at all. Mr. Valizadeh doesn’t seem to realize that the white people who stopped the slave trade, freed their own slaves, forced Africans to give up slavery, and gave black people basic civil rights all thought that blacks, on average, were less intelligent than whites. That was taken for granted until the 1950s–but it never sent them into genocidal frenzy.
White identity has never been threatened
The problem has been, and continues to be, Jim Crowe fans, Segregationists, White Nationalists, Stormfronters, Militia, and Tea Partiers.

They make it harder for a seminal moment to happen.

That would be a larger version of what happens when you have your childless brother babysit your daughter.

The childless brother will come in with revolutionary ideas about parenting. Before too long the niece will be crying without knowing why, because he isn't giving her what a child needs, which are boundaries.

The concept my brother learned, was that back seat driving, and back seat parenting, are free of mistakes, and do not match up with reality.

Right now, non whites and women, want their turn driving. Because this country was founded and built by mostly white men till the 196-'s and after.

When the women and non whites get thier turn being in charge, they'll soon realize that non whites and women have the same human flaws that white men have.

Then they'll get it.

But no.........

Toothless trailer trash, meth heads, ex cons, and angry miltia/redneck types have taken up vicitm status, and it takes that concept in the wrong direction, and that's why these types ar an embarassmernt to white people and humanity. They're almost all just failures in life, and I have no more use for them than I do gang bangers, criminals, and other useless members of what could be a much better society to live in
I don't seem to be inflicted with the predisposition towards tribal identification, but if people seek a sense of belonging based upon ethnicity, that is fine by me. The problems arise when person A is lauded for doing so and person B isn't, or where person A is allowed to indulge in certain behaviors or express certain opinions and person B isn't.

White guilt political correctness is just as destructive as overt racism as far as I'm concerned.
I don't seem to be inflicted with the predisposition towards tribal identification, but if people seek a sense of belonging based upon ethnicity, that is fine by me. The problems arise when person A is lauded for doing so and person B isn't, or where person A is allowed to indulge in certain behaviors or express certain opinions and person B isn't.

White guilt political correctness is just as destructive as overt racism as far as I'm concerned.
I've seen white guilt in action...I have known "white wine liberals" who sing a good tune about racial equaliy, but have no black friends, and condescend to blacks like they're helpless.

If that's what you're talking about, I agree with that part.

But if you think blacks are being "lauded" for being black, and whites are're probably just coming up with retarded crap to say and think, and if that's the case, it's also why someone should feel stifled
Toothless trailer trash, meth heads, ex cons, and angry miltia/redneck types have taken up vicitm status, and it takes that concept in the wrong direction, and that's why these types ar an embarassmernt to white people and humanity. They're almost all just failures in life, and I have no more use for them than I do gang bangers, criminals, and other useless members of what could be a much better society to live in

I sympathize with your rejection of the weirdos who dress up in Klan costumes.

But I don't think every white person with a racial complaint is a "failure in life"... just like I don't think every black person with a complaint is ALWAYS "just blaming whitey".
Toothless trailer trash, meth heads, ex cons, and angry miltia/redneck types have taken up vicitm status, and it takes that concept in the wrong direction, and that's why these types ar an embarassmernt to white people and humanity. They're almost all just failures in life, and I have no more use for them than I do gang bangers, criminals, and other useless members of what could be a much better society to live in

I sympathize with your rejection of the weirdos who dress up in Klan costumes.

But I don't think every white person with a racial complaint is a "failure in life"... just like I don't think every black person with a complaint is ALWAYS "just blaming whitey".
Every white nationalist, conservative, militia type, or Tea Partier I have ever known in my personal life......who also has racial a failure in life.

I don't know about every one of them
Some of my best friends are WHITE. And some of the most profound bigots I ever met were black. Blacks can and ARE haters and commit race based crimes and nobody is supposed to notice. I notice.
Some of my best friends are WHITE. And some of the most profound bigots I ever met were black. Blacks can and ARE haters and commit race based crimes and nobody is supposed to notice. I notice.
Then quit meeting criminals
I grew up with blacks, they are a mixed group. And a lot of them really truly hate whites and are the most vile hateful people I ever had the misfortune to rub elbows with. Not out of choice, out of happenstance and misfortune.
i consider myself just an average white guy, raised in a relatively poor family and yet was fortunte enough to get a good education via scholarship, pell grant, and co-op job.

so i guess i feel like i'm living the poverbial american dream (i.e. relatively successful with a nice house, two cars in the garage, and enough free time and money to enjoy the good things in life).

i have never, i suppose due to my upbringing, felt "superior" to anyone regardless of race/creed/color/etc - i've been to focused on trying to become the best that i can be and taking full advantage of the blessings and aptitude i've been given.

i do feel empathy for those less fortunate because in many ways, i've been there (i.e. i was the youngest of 4 kids whose father was a wwii pow with ptsd and never made much money - we lived in poverty, but we did get good orderly direction from our parents).

ultimately, i don't understand all the dynamics at play in race relations, but i would like to understand and learn to be part of the solution because in my view, we are all ultimately in this thing together as americans, and its important for us all to learn to live and thrive together.

it is my wish for every child to have and take full advantage of the opportunities i have had to migrate from living in poverty to living the american dream.

Toothless trailer trash, meth heads, ex cons, and angry miltia/redneck types have taken up vicitm status, and it takes that concept in the wrong direction, and that's why these types ar an embarassmernt to white people and humanity. They're almost all just failures in life, and I have no more use for them than I do gang bangers, criminals, and other useless members of what could be a much better society to live in

I sympathize with your rejection of the weirdos who dress up in Klan costumes.

But I don't think every white person with a racial complaint is a "failure in life"... just like I don't think every black person with a complaint is ALWAYS "just blaming whitey".
Every white nationalist, conservative, militia type, or Tea Partier I have ever known in my personal life......who also has racial a failure in life.

I don't know about every one of them

you do realize that more than half the country identifies as a conservative, right? you sure do throw out a few racist stereotypes as well

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