Does watching pornography make you happy?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Some other things Denmark has we don't:

"Denmark ranks among the most “feminine” societies in the world. Feminine societies are traditionally seen to emphasize good relations, co-operation, charity and modesty. They consider family and safety as their most important values, and failiure is regarded as an accident instead of a disaster. Caring and tender attitudes, as well as expressions of emotions, are not disregarded. Likewise, conflicts are not solved by strike but rather by compromise and negotiation."

lots more interesting comparisons between Danish and US cultures
Love and Relationships in the Happiest Country in the World

" A new arrival to Denmark might be forgiven for thinking that the locals are a repressed bunch. Big on rules and organised fun, small on spontaneity, Danes would rather wait for 10 minutes by the side of a deserted road for a little green man to appear than commit the crime of jaywalking, and can only be coaxed into a casual post-work drink if it’s renamed ‘beer club’ (and someone’s taking minutes). But when it comes to sex, the Danes are anything but reserved.

Naked women regularly appear in the pages of major newspapers, porn is screened on public television and nudist beaches are so common that my in-laws got an eyeful on a recent visit when they strayed too far from a Lonely Planet-listed sun-spot. "

1st link mentioned their opposition to j-walking too, guess it's a thing :)
Denmark land of the swingers - Telegraph

Thisted Denmark more sex for residents to boost birthrate

"A ‘Do it for Denmark’ ad campaign last year urged Danes to have more sex on vacation."

If we raised money on telethons this way I'd donate a lot more. :)
Camera Crouch

Well, it's not like America does not have its fair share of social demand for marketing relevant Hollywood (USA) movies such as "Celebrity" (1998).

Everyone likes popcorn, and Denmark and America are probably equal in this respect.

However, since Denmark is a relatively more femininity-receptive society, it probably views pornography as more intellectually clinical (and psychiatric) than America does.

I'd be interested to see how many Danish women are listed on the Internet as mail-order-brides (seeking to come to America for a residency permit under marriage-arrangements with American men).

America was once the king of porn marketing (i.e., John Holmes), however, maybe America can coordinate populism street-talk with etiquette ads better so as to market (and discuss) pornography as a modern-era media symbol of lifestyle fingerpainting.


Wonderland (Wikipedia)


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