Does the Military Respect President Obama?

Does the Military Respect President Obama?

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Jan 11, 2011
Does the Military Respect President Obama?

In light of the recent Robert Gates' new book whereas he attested that President Obama once stated "
"Is it a lack of respect for me?" Obama asked us. "Are [Petraeus, McChrystal and Mullen] trying to box me in? I've tried to create an environment where all points of view can be expressed and have a robust debate. I'm prepared to devote any amount of time to it—however many hours or days. What is wrong? Is it the process? Are they suspicious of my politics? Do they resent that I never served in the military? Do they think because I'm young that I don't see what they're doing?" The War Over the Afghan War: An Excerpt from Robert Gates's Memoir -

That got me thinking. Does the military as a whole respect Obama? Well I got to searching around the internet and found this damning military times poll. SEE HERE

Of course, in both the 2008 and 2012 elections he lost 2/3rds of the military vote. SEE HERE & HERE

General Jones (Former Commandant of the Marine Corps and NATO Allied Commander), Obamas former National Security Advisor had little respect for Obama. SEE HERE

General McCrystal had little respect for Obama. SEE HERE

Not to mention that Obama possibly has the most politically motivated and inexperienced National Security Advisor in NSA history. SEE HERE

He also has had the most White House leaks in United States history (Most of them to make himself look good.) SEE HERE

We all remember how Obama took the credit for Bin Laden. SEE HERE > The day he addressed the nation should be remembered as the "me" speech as he used the words “I,” “me” and “my” a combined 13 times in his approximately 1,300-word speech. SEE HERE

Gates likewise asserts that Obama kept the war in Afghanistan going despite having lost faith in his strategy years ago. SEE HERE

And it is also easy to note that Obama is the first president in history to nominate a Commandant of the Marine Corps who has never seen combat in a combat arms capacity and has likewise achieved an entire Joint Chiefs of Staff who have never seen combat in a combat arms capacity. In other words, they have no clue what the infantry are going through on the ground. Check out the combat action ribbons and Combat Infantry badges HERE.

More recently, Obama has been gutting military benefits while increasing that of unionized federal employees. SEE HERE

And we all now know that Obama was furious when the generals asked for more troops (He eventually gave them half of what they asked for) in Afghanistan with an entire political staff who was more worried about how it would look.

Moreover, there was the premature Iraq pull out without a Status of Forces Agreement that allowed Iran, Syrian Rebels, and AQ, among other terror organizations to use Iraq as a safe haven and launching pad. See HERE. Remember when Biden said that " I will bet you my Vice Presidency, Malaki, the Iraqi prime minister will extend the status of forces agreement?" SEE HERE

Today AQ has overran both Ramadi and Fallujah of the hard fought Anbar Provence. SEE HERE

And remember how he opposed the Iraq surge? I could go on, but the latest results of how Obama is viewed by the military can be found HERE

[ame=]The Obama Iraq Documentary: Whatever The Politics Demand - YouTube[/ame]
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Most active duty military men that I know will not speak against Obama because he is Commander in Chief. I would call that respect.

Whether they think he has a clue is a different poll altogether, and not one you will likely get any kind of honest answer on from an enlisted man.

These are REAL soldiers. Look at them. Not old white guys. Like the Republican Party. But salt and pepper like the United States. Diversity. Everywhere except the Republican Party. These guys represent the US and the GOP simply can't stand that fact.
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These are REAL soldiers. Look at them. Not old white guys. Like the Republican Party. But salt and pepper like the United States. Diversity. Everywhere except the Republican Party. These guys represent the US and the GOP simply can't stand that fact.

Having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan as a Marine Corps Infantryman under both presidents, I can assure you that you have no idea what you're talking about. And air wingers enjoying a nice Afghanistan vacation, or perhaps, troops at main side Camp Pendleton far away from the infantry barracks, receive the president much more lovingly than the grunts who signed up to fight. In any case, he was widely unpopular no matter where you go on Camp Pendleton. Oh we couldn't express it to the public. But we certainly talked among ourselves. Well, I'm out now.
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Most active duty military men that I know will not speak against Obama because he is Commander in Chief. I would call that respect.

Whether they think he has a clue is a different poll altogether, and not one you will likely get any kind of honest answer on from an enlisted man.

Evidently you haven't talked to too many active duty members. Talk to the combat arms guys if you ever receive the opportunity. They will tell you what's up!
Most active duty military men that I know will not speak against Obama because he is Commander in Chief. I would call that respect.

Whether they think he has a clue is a different poll altogether, and not one you will likely get any kind of honest answer on from an enlisted man.

It is not out of respect it is out of the fact that if they do they will be dishonorably discharges for speaking out again the messiah publically.

I have heard many in the military tear Obama to shreds.
These are REAL soldiers. Look at them. Not old white guys. Like the Republican Party. But salt and pepper like the United States. Diversity. Everywhere except the Republican Party. These guys represent the US and the GOP simply can't stand that fact.

Having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan as a Marine Corps Infantryman under both presidents, I can assure you that you have no idea what you're talking about. And air wingers enjoying a nice Afghanistan vacation, or perhaps, troops at main side Camp Pendleton far away from the infantry barracks, receive the president much more lovingly than the grunts who signed up to fight. In any case, he was widely unpopular no matter where you go on Camp Pendleton. Oh we couldn't express it to the public. But we certainly talked among ourselves. Well, I'm out now.

I remember being in Iraq and being ordered to attend a speaking of John Kerry and being ordered not to speak to him directly. We were told how to respond to his comments and how the whole thing was staged in order to show our support for our government. It was the first time I have been given such an order.

Most of these engagements are usually voluntary, this one was mandatory so John Kerry and the far left press could do their photo op.
Most active duty military men that I know will not speak against Obama because he is Commander in Chief. I would call that respect.

Whether they think he has a clue is a different poll altogether, and not one you will likely get any kind of honest answer on from an enlisted man.

It is not out of respect it is out of the fact that if they do they will be dishonorably discharges for speaking out again the messiah publically.

I have heard many in the military tear Obama to shreds.

Anyone who hangs around combat veterans can attest to your statement.

Remember when this Marine of 9 years was discharged for criticizing Obama? Marine sergeant discharged for criticizing Obama: Was that fair? -

This is what Obama thinks the military is for. Literally and figuratively.
These are REAL soldiers. Look at them. Not old white guys. Like the Republican Party. But salt and pepper like the United States. Diversity. Everywhere except the Republican Party. These guys represent the US and the GOP simply can't stand that fact.

Having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan as a Marine Corps Infantryman under both presidents, I can assure you that you have no idea what you're talking about. And air wingers enjoying a nice Afghanistan vacation, or perhaps, troops at main side Camp Pendleton far away from the infantry barracks, receive the president much more lovingly than the grunts who signed up to fight. In any case, he was widely unpopular no matter where you go on Camp Pendleton. Oh we couldn't express it to the public. But we certainly talked among ourselves. Well, I'm out now.

I remember being in Iraq and being ordered to attend a speaking of John Kerry and being ordered not to speak to him directly. We were told how to respond to his comments and how the whole thing was staged in order to show our support for our government. It was the first time I have been given such an order.

Most of these engagements are usually voluntary, this one was mandatory so John Kerry and the far left press could do their photo op.

Yes, I've received the pre photo op briefings and was likewise used as a prop for the media. We even had a rehearsal. You aren't allowed to voice any opinion at all and you must remain enthusiastic when addressed or it reflects poorly on your commander. It's all a dog and pony show. Then you get to listen to I I I, me me me. I was in Iraq when democrats were using our funding as a political tool to get what they wanted, telling us the war was lost, and refusing the surge.

Remember when those Navy Seals were killed and Obama was refused by their families to be used as a photo op? He ran out there any way with a White House photographer trailing behind so he could have a picture taken of himself saluting. Never let a dead hero go to waste I guess. You can always see whether he is genuine or not by whether he leaves his photographer behind or not. As it turned out, there is never a time when the White House photographer isn't a stones throw away when Obama "pays" his respects to our war dead. Their families? He could have cared less.

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I can tell you that the military loathes Obama. Loathe and despite. Contempt and disrespect.

Obama is a whore as far as the military is concerned.

And this is a first-hand account from the caves of Afghanistan.
Thanks for the link to the Military Times poll. I was surprised at some of the final numbers. I'm humbled by the gay issue. I was certain open homosexuality was going to have a negative effect.

I served during the Clinton years, and will admit it was hard to accept someone with zero military experience was my Commander-In-Chief.

Interesting contrast with military approval ratings between Obama and Ron Paul.
He doesn't respect them, so why should they respect him?

Remember that stupid "bayonets" comment Obama made during the debates? Romney should have jumped him for it but he didn't know either. The Marines have trained and will always train with bayonets. They continue to bring bayonets with them to every deployment.

Moreover, remember when Obama emphasized the "p" in "Navy Corpsman?" The man is clueless I tell you!
He doesn't respect them, so why should they respect him?

Remember that stupid "bayonets" comment Obama made during the debates? Romney should have jumped him for it but he didn't know either. The Marines have trained and will always train with bayonets. They continue to bring bayonets with them to every deployment.

Moreover, remember when Obama emphasized the "p" in "Navy Corpsman?" The man is clueless I tell you!
Yes, I remember that. What a fucking simpleton. He has no more business being CIC than Pee Wee Herman. In fact, Pee Wee would be much better than this know-nothing idiot.
He doesn't respect them, so why should they respect him?

Remember that stupid "bayonets" comment Obama made during the debates? Romney should have jumped him for it but he didn't know either. The Marines have trained and will always train with bayonets. They continue to bring bayonets with them to every deployment.

Moreover, remember when Obama emphasized the "p" in "Navy Corpsman?" The man is clueless I tell you!
Yes, I remember that. What a fucking simpleton. He has no more business being CIC than Pee Wee Herman. In fact, Pee Wee would be much better than this know-nothing idiot.

It doesn't help that he has surrounded himself with the most incompetent civilian advisory staff on national security in presidential history. I think the op speaks plenty on that with links to boot.
Looks like it's all pretty much been said. No current or former military person I know thinks maobama is worth the powder it would take to blow his brains out.

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