Does the Left understand why Hillary lost?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures
Trump's lack of trust and lack of favorability numbers were worse than HRC.

He won because he tapped into the unrest of the working classes, in part by taking away the populist plank of protectionism away from the Dems.

That is going to be funny as Trump tells the GOP in Congress, "no free trade for you."

And if he does do a TPP with Congress, then where is the populist support of his to go.
Trump's lack of trust and lack of favorability numbers were worse than HRC.

He won because he tapped into the unrest of the working classes, in part by taking away the populist plank of protectionism away from the Dems.

That is going to be funny as Trump tells the GOP in Congress, "no free trade for you."

And if he does do a TPP with Congress, then where is the populist support of his to go.
Trumps message is free trade for you.....America understands how you don't....
Doesn't seem like they do, judging by the resident Left's posts on this board

She had/has 70% untrustworthy #'s. Think about it. Thats why she got Shlonged. That and the fact that everything she touched, while in gov't, ended up being failures

And you prove being a far left drone that you have no clue why Hilary lost either!
Why did she lose?

1. Bernie Sanders supporters discovering how the Democratic Party went out of it way to make sure Sanders did not win the nomination.

2. Clinton Scandals.

3. Social Liberal agenda moving too fast from the ACA to Same Sex Marriage.

So yeah she lose for many things but what is sad is Trump couldn't beat her in the popular vote but of course California threw that vote to Clinton...
She lost because Trump took a leftist position on trade and took millions of pro-labor voters away from her.
she lost because she oversaw all the trade deals that put us where we presently are AND she enriched herself off of gov't service. Sickening.
Trump's lack of trust and lack of favorability numbers were worse than HRC.

He won because he tapped into the unrest of the working classes, in part by taking away the populist plank of protectionism away from the Dems.

That is going to be funny as Trump tells the GOP in Congress, "no free trade for you."

And if he does do a TPP with Congress, then where is the populist support of his to go.
Actually Trump had a higher number than Hillary on trust and favorability by a pretty substantial margin.
Hillary lost because people are tired of career politicians ignoring their concerns while they dishonestly enrich themselves on the peoples dime. Trump became a magnet for this discontent.

If you think this election had anything to do with race you are deluding yourself. It was a matter of the general population worried about their survival.
She lost because Trump took a leftist position on trade and took millions of pro-labor voters away from her.
Lol, bullshit.

If leftist labor policies are so damned popular then whey didnt the Dimocrats nominate Sanders instead?

"Wahh! Wahhh! The Republicans stole the white worker voters after we trashed them for eight straight years! That's not fair!" <- political lefties for Hillary


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