CDZ Does Ted Kennedy deserve a national monument?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
In a long and lustrious career, Ted Kennedy achieved more than either of his more famous brothers. In a Senate career of nearly 50 years he had unparalleled accomplishments and was widely respected by his peers as one of our great Senators

1965. Two years after becoming a Senator at the tender age of 30, Edward Kennedy scored his first major legislative accomplishment with the passing of the Hart-Celler Act, which abolished immigration quotas and lifted a 1924 ban on immigration from Asia.

1971: Kennedy successfully helped a bill become law that quadrupled the amount spent on cancer research establishing the Federal Cancer Research Program.

1972: Through careful Senate negotiations, Kennedy helped pass Title IX, a bill that required colleges and universities to provide equal funding for men’s and women’s athletics.
1974: Kennedy spearheaded an overhaul of campaign ethics rules and election finance. The bill set limits for individual contributions and established the public financing program for Presidential elections.

1983: Working for years alongside civil rights leaders, Kennedy helped push Congress to establish Martin Luther King Day as a national holiday. President Reagan signed it into law in 1983.

1986: After President Ronald Reagan squashed a bill imposing sanctions on gold, coal and iron on South Africa’s Apartheid government, Kennedy led the Senate in a overwhelming override of the president’s veto.

1990: Kennedy sponsored The Family and Medical Leave Act, which required employers to give employees unpaid leave for the birth of a child or for family emergencies.

1996: The Kennedy-Kassebaum Act let employees keep health insurance after leaving their jobs for a set period and prohibited insurance companies to deny renewal of care due to preexisting medical conditions.

1996: Kennedy helped raise the minimum wage from $4.25 to $5.15. In 2009, an ailing Kennedy helped the minimum wage be raised again from $5.15 to $7.25.

2001: Going against fellow Senate Democrats, Kennedy championed President Bush’s No Child Left Behind education legislation.

Ted was also the acknowledged force behind the historic Obamacare legislation

Ted Kennedy 10 Facts
Teddy boy and his clan of, rapist, drowner's, murderers, drug addicts, etc

DESERVE nothing from us. He sucked off us enough being a CAREER gawddam politician

Hell is what I'm thinking.
Unfortunately, the Chappaquiddick incident has tainted all his accomplishment and will prevent there from ever being a national monument to honor him. I imagine there will be, or there already is, some kind of monument in Massachusetts. There are things that can never be overcome, and Chappaquiddick is one of them.
I think he does deserve a monument. Probably a half full whiskey glass with a dead woman hanging over the side.
Ted Kennedy was the greatest Senator of his era

Great American

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