Does sombody here actually think McCain can beat Obama?


Feb 24, 2008

You actually think this half-alive wannabe republican who is really a left leaning moderate can beat Obama?

Will you Repubs actually hold your noses and vote for this guy when he has danced so many times with the liberals in congress??

Will the bible crowd vote for this guy who threw away his real wife for the trophy gal that he trots around now with?

What is a conservative to do come election time??


You actually think this half-alive wannabe republican who is really a left leaning moderate can beat Obama?

Will you Repubs actually hold your noses and vote for this guy when he has danced so many times with the liberals in congress??

Will the bible crowd vote for this guy who threw away his real wife for the trophy gal that he trots around now with?

What is a conservative to do come election time??


The question is, do you actually think Obama is going to beat McCain? if so, you need to leave that purple Kool Aid alone.:cool:
The question is, do you actually think Obama is going to beat McCain? if so, you need to leave that purple Kool Aid alone.:cool:

yes the low repub turnout in the primaries everywhere gives you that towering confidence eh?

and you never really did answer the question.

but I know, you are one of those nose holding weaklings that will bend over for the party big wigs who hand picked McCain for you.

nice to know you repubs had a choice isnt it?

yes the low repub turnout in the primaries everywhere gives you that towering confidence eh?

and you never really did answer the question.

but I know, you are one of those nose holding weaklings that will bend over for the party big wigs who hand picked McCain for you.

nice to know you repubs had a choice isnt it?


LMAO ... well now, aren't YOU just brilliant? You couldn't display more ignorance if you had a billboard.

It appears to me that YOU are the one sucking the party tit, junior, not I. What is it with you brain-damaged lefties anyway? I don't like YOUR candidate so I'm immediately a "Republican" and support McCain. Got that written down on a list of baseless sterotypes, do you?

The fact is, I STILL don't have a choice because I don't see a candidate from EITHER side qualified to do jack shit.

Clear that up for you any?
My thoughts:

(1) The tide is clearly in favor of the Democrats, regardless of candidates. Since the 2006 midterm elections, it has been the Democrats race to lose.

(2) Do not, under any circumstances, underestimate Obama's popularity with middle class whites. Maybe I'm looking at a biased sample as I live in Illinois, but his popularity with middle class whites is astounding.

(3) If the ethics charges regarding Lobbyists against McCain stick, he's done. His problem with that is that he often runs on that exact issue, and if he's shown to be in bed with Lobbyists while screaming to high heaven about the dangers of the Lobby in Washington, there is no recovering from that.
(3a) McCain has more Lobbyists on his campaign staff than any other candidate right now, and his opponents will harp on that.

(4) The same goes for Obama -- he has portrayed himself as a squeaky clean candidate. If an ethical violation comes up that sticks (Tony Rezko), it will kill him, although Obama has less vulnerability than McCain

(5) As Hillary Clinton has found out, it's almost impossible to attack Obama and come out looking good. He's beyond Teflon.

(6) Many Conservatives WILL stay home, or vote third party on election day. There is a large contingent of Conservatives that will never forget McCain-Feingold (Campaign Finance Reform), McCain-Kennedy (Amnesty), Opposition to the tax cut proposals, and the way he opposed much of Pentagon policy (Rumsfeld) in the Iraq War, harassing Rice at her confirmation hearings,

(7) Obama is the best shot for the Democrats to break the monopoly the Republicans have on the south in Presidential politics.

(8) Never, ever, count out one of the Clintons. EVER.

(9) There is no choice among the major party candidates for a voter who believes in the principles of limited government, Constitutionalism, and liberty.
I think McCain can beat Obama.

I don't think he will though. Obama is filling arenas and McCain can't fill hotel ballrooms with his own supporters. Something between now and then must happen, otherwise Obama could crush McCain.
With the entry of Nader into the mix, yes it can happen. It all depends on how seriously anyone takes this delusional human being named Nader. He will definitely take votes away from the Democrats.

If Nader's ego was an energy source, we could all be energy independent tomorrow.

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