Does anyone read anymore?

the watcher

Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2016
Van down by the river
I still read some on a Kindle, but mostly listen to audio books in the truck. This is a series that I started in the '70s, and it's really entertaining. It's like the Joe Pickett books, written not in sequence but still stand alone. The author is Brirish but really did some research for the series, and it pays off. Pure entertainment value. They're kind of old, but I may have some copies around if anyone is interested. Projekt Saucer Series by W.A. Harbinson
I still read some on a Kindle, but mostly listen to audio books in the truck. This is a series that I started in the '70s, and it's really entertaining. It's like the Joe Pickett books, written not in sequence but still stand alone. The author is Brirish but really did some research for the series, and it pays off. Pure entertainment value. They're kind of old, but I may have some copies around if anyone is interested. Projekt Saucer Series by W.A. Harbinson
I read.religious.books.for.the most part nowadays. The.Talmud alone would keep one busy for a long.tjme.
Fur-Fish-Game magazine while taking a dump. ;)


The cover art is worth the subscription.
I still read some on a Kindle, but mostly listen to audio books in the truck. This is a series that I started in the '70s, and it's really entertaining. It's like the Joe Pickett books, written not in sequence but still stand alone. The author is Brirish but really did some research for the series, and it pays off. Pure entertainment value. They're kind of old, but I may have some copies around if anyone is interested. Projekt Saucer Series by W.A. Harbinson
I is readin this now.
Despite failing eyesight I still read many books of all genres. I recently discovered my local public library's large print book section, and it has been a real boon to me.
I still read some on a Kindle, but mostly listen to audio books in the truck. This is a series that I started in the '70s, and it's really entertaining. It's like the Joe Pickett books, written not in sequence but still stand alone. The author is Brirish but really did some research for the series, and it pays off. Pure entertainment value. They're kind of old, but I may have some copies around if anyone is interested. Projekt Saucer Series by W.A. Harbinson
A guy who asks if Americans read anymore doesn't read himself. Listening to a audio book isn't reading.
I read. Just finished "A time to kill" by John Grisham, and now resumed to read David Weber's "Honor Harrington" series. It's "Field Of Dishonor" now.
I still read some on a Kindle, but mostly listen to audio books in the truck. This is a series that I started in the '70s, and it's really entertaining. It's like the Joe Pickett books, written not in sequence but still stand alone. The author is Brirish but really did some research for the series, and it pays off. Pure entertainment value. They're kind of old, but I may have some copies around if anyone is interested. Projekt Saucer Series by W.A. Harbinson

Yep, I read scifi, fantasy and detective novels for the most part, I might read other random stuff, but it's generally to relax, so no history and stuff.
Despite failing eyesight I still read many books of all genres. I recently discovered my local public library's large print book section, and it has been a real boon to me.

An eReader might be good for you too, you can change the font size to whatever you want (maybe, depending on the eReader)
I still read some on a Kindle, but mostly listen to audio books in the truck. This is a series that I started in the '70s, and it's really entertaining. It's like the Joe Pickett books, written not in sequence but still stand alone. The author is Brirish but really did some research for the series, and it pays off. Pure entertainment value. They're kind of old, but I may have some copies around if anyone is interested. Projekt Saucer Series by W.A. Harbinson
I'll read news and stuff on my computer and listen to audio books while I walk the dog. Don't remember the last real book I actually read.
I read all the time. Books, real books... old school. No substitute for the feel a real book...

I also have a subscription to Smithsonian Magazine, comes in the mailbox monthly, or sometimes bi-monthly...
I still read some on a Kindle, but mostly listen to audio books in the truck. This is a series that I started in the '70s, and it's really entertaining. It's like the Joe Pickett books, written not in sequence but still stand alone. The author is British but really did some research for the series, and it pays off. Pure entertainment value. They're kind of old, but I may have some copies around if anyone is interested. Projekt Saucer Series by W.A. Harbinson
Rarely. If I ever read one, I try to avoid fiction.
Rarely. If I ever read one, I try to avoid fiction.
Really? It's cool, and, I believe, it's pretty difficult to find "non-fictional" books, especially in the USA. As for me, I don't like term "fiction". I prefer term "turbo-realism". I mean, "fiction" is a "truth, disguised as lie" and "documentary" is a "lie disguised as truth".

I mean, there is much more truth in stories about space ship battles and blasters or about dangeons and dragons than in stories about "Russian invasion in Ukraine" or "Chemical weapons in Iraq".
I still read some on a Kindle, but mostly listen to audio books in the truck. This is a series that I started in the '70s, and it's really entertaining. It's like the Joe Pickett books, written not in sequence but still stand alone. The author is Brirish but really did some research for the series, and it pays off. Pure entertainment value. They're kind of old, but I may have some copies around if anyone is interested. Projekt Saucer Series by W.A. Harbinson
I read all the time. I have a book in each bathroom of the house, plus a book on the bedside, and magazines in my workshop and den.
I still read some on a Kindle, but mostly listen to audio books in the truck. This is a series that I started in the '70s, and it's really entertaining. It's like the Joe Pickett books, written not in sequence but still stand alone. The author is Brirish but really did some research for the series, and it pays off. Pure entertainment value. They're kind of old, but I may have some copies around if anyone is interested. Projekt Saucer Series by W.A. Harbinson
Most of my reading these days is on my Kindle Fire during times that I am waiting at doctor's offices--I drive myself and two other people so I spend a lot of time in doctor's offices and other times I'm waiting for something. But I manage to finish two to four books a month. Mostly informative non fiction stuff but every now and then I enjoy a good well written novel. And I read a LOT of articles on line.

My 98-yr-old Aunt is a voracious reader finishing 3 or 4 books a week.

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