Zone1 Does anyone object to the use of abortion pills to terminate pregnancies before 10 weeks?

YES, I do have a problem with it. I have a problem with ANY form of abortion except when the cause of the pregnancy is rape. Even then I believe it needs to be reported to police with an agreement to assist in prosecution of any suspect law enforcement may come up with.

In that case I’m fine with the woman using whatever form of abortion they feel is best for them.
Fine. My opinion is If everyone digs into their extreme position on abortion, it will forever divide the country. The drugs are readily available for early termination prior to an audible heartbeat. To me that is the dividing line you should not cross in abortions.
If you terminate prior to 10 weeks that virtually guarantees no fetal heartbeat. Does anyone have a problem with greatly expanding the availability and promoting the use of emergency contraceptives a.k.a morning after pills a.k.a abortion pills prior to 10 weeks fetal development?

Either abortion is murder or it isn’t. When or how it happens isn’t really the issue is it?
Some states are legislating their pseudo science and defining personhood. Saying personhood is at fertilization.
These pills, even IUDs, would have the mother take a murder charge.
Thats where we are. A woman cant even make a mistake in some backward ass states!
So when does a fetus get rights? How many weeks? What event or developmental milestone dones it have get to before its “alive” and thus has some intrinsic value we are willing to defend?
Fine. My opinion is If everyone digs into their extreme position on abortion, it will forever divide the country. The drugs are readily available for early termination prior to an audible heartbeat. To me that is the dividing line you should not cross in abortions.
For most people opposed to abortion your asking them to be ok with murder. Murder of an innocent child to boot. Whether youre stabbing them to death with some medical instrumen or poisoning them is of little difference.
For most people opposed to abortion your asking them to be ok with murder. Murder of an innocent child to boot. Whether youre stabbing them to death with some medical instrumen or poisoning them is of little difference.
Do you think this is a person?
Either abortion is murder or it isn’t. When or how it happens isn’t really the issue is it?
I'm just looking for some sort of a middle ground because right now there clearly is none. I agree that a doctor assisted extraction of a fetus with a heartbeat is murder. But if the fetus is still in a developmental stage where there is no audible heartbeat, is that murder? I don't know. But Young girls and women are going to keep getting pregnant. that's for sure.
I'm just looking for some sort of a middle ground because right now there clearly is none. I agree that a doctor assisted extraction of a fetus with a heartbeat is murder. But if the fetus is still in a developmental stage where there is no audible heartbeat, is that murder? I don't know. But Young girls and women are going to keep getting pregnant. that's for sure.
So for you a heartbeat is what makes it alive?
A fertilized egg is a human life. Tubal pregnancies are risks to the mother; no one, not even me, has suggested that you can't take the baby to save the mother. If the mother dies, both die.

You've mostly been pretty solid on anti-abortion but you're leaking your true position... There are cases where you believe it is acceptable to take a human life, ripping it apart, limb-from-limb, snapping it's little head from its spine...

The only intelligent, reasonable, honest answer is no abortion except to save the life of the mother. No exceptions.
You advocate the law take the life of the mother, child & doctor to prevent the removal of unwanted clump of unviable cells.
So for you a heartbeat is what makes it alive?
Absence of a heartbeat means your dead so to me the presence of a heartbeat means your alive. What is the alternative? I'm just looking for a discussion because right now there is none that I can see. You have both extremes on abortion dug into their respective positions.
Are there women who have had bad reactions to saying NO?
Absolutely. It’s called rape. Or physical abuse. It occurs everywhere and frequently. Women often get raped or abused by mysogenistic asshole men who believe they — just like the government — have the “god-given” right to screw women over.

Forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy all the way to birth against her will is fundamentally immoral and a violation of a woman’s rights. It has life-altering consequences, including enduring health risks, making it harder to escape poverty, derailing one’s education, career, and life plans, and making it more difficult to leave an abusive partner. Unwanted poorly raised children will raise our national crime rates too.

Nevertheless, many “religious” anti-abortion Republicans — Mike Pence for instance — favor a national law outlawing abortion. Mod Edit: no flaming/insulting or put downs in CDZ woodwork201 wants to outlaw contraceptives that prevent pregnancy. He wants to jail and even execute women and their doctors defending women’s intimate personal right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy!

The OP question is reasonable. “Day after” pills and chemical abortion medications are other solutions women may choose — and should have the right to choose. Most of the latter are restrictive to 10 weeks or so, however, and should be taken in consultation with a doctor.
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Absence of a heartbeat means your dead so to me the presence of a heartbeat means your alive. What is the alternative? I'm just looking for a discussion because right now there is none that I can see. You have both extremes on abortion dug into their respective positions.

For me "alive" is when some is able to be independent. Can breathe independently, can function independently of someone else.

That doesn't mean they have to be able to do their laundry all by themselves, but does require them to be able to breathe for themselves.
Do you support government regulation of murder in the death penalty?
The ol' death penalty fraud.. I'm for the death penalty for abortionists.

Do you not understand the difference between taking the life of an innocent baby and taking the life of a murderer? Do you think the murder has as much of a right to life as does the innocent unborn baby? Oh, wait. You think the convicted murder actually has more right to life than does the innocent unborn baby.

How about this deal: do you think we could agree to let the innocent unborn babies live if they just promise to grow up to be murderers as adults?
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Yes, but it is still a STAGE of human development. There's not a person alive on this planet who at one time wasn't a zygote first. Just that zygotes are before a heart, brain or any nervous system has developed, so, hasn't developed any recognizable human characteristics yet, so maybe can be considered a pre-human or quasi-human being.
DNA is a recognizable human characteristic.
I'm just looking for some sort of a middle ground because right now there clearly is none. I agree that a doctor assisted extraction of a fetus with a heartbeat is murder. But if the fetus is still in a developmental stage where there is no audible heartbeat, is that murder? I don't know. But Young girls and women are going to keep getting pregnant. that's for sure.
How about we get some middle ground on your life.
You advocate the law take the life of the mother, child & doctor to prevent the removal of unwanted clump of unviable cells.
Only the mother can decide on the tubal pregnancy but most experts would say that a tubal pregnancy is a threat to the life of the mother. There have been cases of tubal pregnancies brought to term but it's very rare.

If the doctor honestly feels it is a threat to the life of the mother then the mother must decide. Mothers often reject the doctor's recommendation and both mother and baby live... They could also be wrong and the doctor right and the mother either have an emergency abortion to save her life, or worse, she loses her life and the baby dies anyway.

That's why life of the mother is always the one time that the choice is completely up to the mother. Otherwise, there should be no choice.

There is NO REASON for unwated pregnancies, BECAUSE of the VAST amount of contraceptives on the market........OTC and prescription.


Killing a life is killing a life. BUT, I would accept a preemtive effort that would kill the eggs and sperm temporarily......lets say for 30 days. BEFORE sex occurs, not after.

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