Does Anybody Believe the Universities' Line About So-Called "American Imperialism' ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

It’s not a ‘lie.’

I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

No doubt the US made mistakes along the way, but we did not slaughter millions in the name of communism or Nazism.
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

What was the exact question?
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

It’s not a ‘lie.’

The US granted the Philippines independence in 1946...
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

Sorry, but you are totally and completely wrong.
Imperialism is when the US uses it armed forces in order to economically control others, like when we invaded Iraq and forced them to grant the US exclusive rights to sell their oil.
Another is how the US forces countries to use the US currency for their economic operations, like the sale of oil.

Migrant remittances in no way are remotely connected to imperialism.
Migrants who work in the US produce about 5 times the goods for us than the amount we pay them, so even if they were to remit 100% of their earnings, 80% of the labor and productivity would be retained by the US.
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

It’s not a ‘lie.’

The US granted the Philippines independence in 1946...

But the Philippines were SUPPOSED to be liberated in 1901 when the Spain was defeated.
We had promised the Filippinos independence in return for their help.
Instead we sent troop into the Philippines and massacred the natives in the 1911 rebellion, after we refused to give them the independence we promised.
The universities believe that apple pie is a racist colonial power.

So, by your reckoning, 95% of the US Congress have been indoctrinated by these evil bastions of advanced education?

The Congressional Research Service notes that the vast majority of Members (95 percent) had an academic degree:

  • 168 Representatives and 57 Senators had a law degree. Of these, five (three Representative and two Senators) also hold a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree.
  • 83 Representatives and 16 Senators earned a master's degree – often a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) – as their highest educational degree
  • 27 Representatives and one Senator (Mark Begich)[18] have no educational degree beyond a high school diploma.
  • 23 Representatives, & one Senator (Kyrsten Sinema) have a PhD
  • 17 Representatives and three Senators have a medical degree (this number includes one Senator with a veterinary medicine degree and one Representative with a dental degree).
  • Five Representatives (but no Senators) have an associate's degree as their highest degree. One House Member has a licensed practical nurse (L.P.N.) degree.
Three Representatives (John Shimkus, Geoff Davis, Brett Guthrie) and one Senator (Jack Reed) are graduates of the United States Military Academy, while two Senators (John McCain, Jim Webb) and one Representative (Joe Sestak) are graduates of the United States Naval Academy. Three Senators (including Russ Feingold and Richard Lugar) and two Representatives (Jim Cooper and Jim Himes) were Rhodes Scholars, three Representatives (Tom Cole and Gabby Giffords) were Fulbright Scholars, and one Representative (John Spratt) was a Marshall Scholar. Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona is widely considered to be the most educated member of congress with a Bachelor's degree, a Master of Social Work, a Master of Business Administration, a law degree, & a PhD

I take it you don't have a college degree.
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

"You're next!"
George W. Bush
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

No doubt the US made mistakes along the way, but we did not slaughter millions in the name of communism or Nazism.

YES we did.
We slaughtered over 3 million innocent Vietnamese over the idiotic label we simply do not understand, "communism".

And yes, the US is the single most Nazi country in the world, by far.
Nazi is short for National Socialist Party, which was totally anti-socialist, and was a oligarchy of the wealthy elite.
That is exactly what the US is, with the same Military Industrial Complex in charge that appointed Hitler.
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

No doubt the US made mistakes along the way, but we did not slaughter millions in the name of communism or Nazism.

YES we did.
We slaughtered over 3 million innocent Vietnamese over the idiotic label we simply do not understand, "communism".

And yes, the US is the single most Nazi country in the world, by far.
Nazi is short for National Socialist Party, which was totally anti-socialist, and was a oligarchy of the wealthy elite.
That is exactly what the US is, with the same Military Industrial Complex in charge that appointed Hitler.

Uh huh, as if Vietnam wasn’t communist. Talk to any Vietnamese that survived that communist shit hole. They are thankful for the US.
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

No doubt the US made mistakes along the way, but we did not slaughter millions in the name of communism or Nazism.

YES we did.
We slaughtered over 3 million innocent Vietnamese over the idiotic label we simply do not understand, "communism".

And yes, the US is the single most Nazi country in the world, by far.
Nazi is short for National Socialist Party, which was totally anti-socialist, and was a oligarchy of the wealthy elite.
That is exactly what the US is, with the same Military Industrial Complex in charge that appointed Hitler.
Understand communism? Look at Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc. the Nazis were a one party state, the US is not, barring the deep state in DC. Take a hike.
in the battle between the free world and the axis of evil, you guys should pick a side, because we're at war!
I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

If you told these students that the USA is the victim of "imperialism", they'd laugh in your face, because you're an idiot.

I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

No doubt the US made mistakes along the way, but we did not slaughter millions in the name of communism or Nazism.

No, you slaughtered them in the name of "land acquisition". When white Europeans arrived in the Americas, there were estimated to be 10 million Native Americans living here. By 1900, it was estimated there were 300,000 left alive. The Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayans - once great prosperous civilizations, were wiped out in the European greed for gold and precious stones.

There were the Indian Wars, and the Trail of Tears in the USA:

I just saw an episode on Newsmax where a reporter was asking college students if they believe there is American imperialism. If the students answered yes (most did), they were asked to sign a petition to stop it. Quite a few signed the petition.

After signing, the students (apparently victims of heavy indoctrination) were asked to provide an example of where "American imperialism" is going on. now, or over the past 20 years. None were able to respond with a single location.

I wish I would have been that reporter. I would have asked the kids if they knew of the USA being a VICTIM of imperialism. I would have also asked them to provide a definition of "imperialism".

Here are 2 definitions >>



I would have loved to tell these brainwashed students that the US is the #1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today, and has been for the last 20 years, by the way 21st century imperialism is conducted (migrant remittances).

No doubt the US made mistakes along the way, but we did not slaughter millions in the name of communism or Nazism.

YES we did.
We slaughtered over 3 million innocent Vietnamese over the idiotic label we simply do not understand, "communism".

And yes, the US is the single most Nazi country in the world, by far.
Nazi is short for National Socialist Party, which was totally anti-socialist, and was a oligarchy of the wealthy elite.
That is exactly what the US is, with the same Military Industrial Complex in charge that appointed Hitler.

Uh huh, as if Vietnam wasn’t communist. Talk to any Vietnamese that survived that communist shit hole. They are thankful for the US.

"During World War II, Japanese forces invaded Vietnam."

"The Vietnam War was a long, costly and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam and its principal ally, the United States. The conflict was intensified by the ongoing Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. More than 3 million people (including over 58,000 Americans) were killed in the Vietnam War, and more than half of the dead were Vietnamese civilians. "

"Both sides wanted the same thing: a unified Vietnam. But while Ho and his supporters wanted a nation modeled after other communist countries, Bao and many others wanted a Vietnam with close economic and cultural ties to the West."

"With training and equipment from American military and the CIA, Diem’s security forces cracked down on Viet Minh sympathizers in the south, whom he derisively called Viet Cong (or Vietnamese Communist), arresting some 100,000 people, many of whom were brutally tortured and executed."

"A team sent by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 to report on conditions in South Vietnam advised a build-up of American military, economic and technical aid in order to help Diem confront the Viet Cong threat."

"A team sent by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 to report on conditions in South Vietnam advised a build-up of American military, economic and technical aid in order to help Diem confront the Viet Cong threat."

What was that definition of imperialism?

"1: the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas"

That sounds a lot like imperialism.

I don't see that the definition of "imperialism" has anything to do with the socio-economic or political structure of the country.

But, just to be clear, before the Vietnam War, the country was under the control of the Empire of Japan. Then when they left, two factions fought over control of Vietnam, one wanting ties to the Russian sphere of influence, and the other wanting economic ties to the West. Two imperialist countries, Russian and the United States projected their power into Vietnam, resulting in 3 million deaths, of which half a million were civilians.

After the war, Vietnam became a Communist country.

The politics of Vietnam are defined by a single-party socialist republic framework that "traces its direct lineage back to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) "

Hanoi looks like this.


It has a GDP of 261.9 billion USD and a growth rate of 7%, according to the World Bank. 68.7% of the population are internet users.

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