Doctor sentenced 30 years for murder for over prescribing patients!! FINALLY.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Southern California doctor sentenced in overdose deaths -

An unprecedented but FAR overdue turn in society. A doctor was charged with murder for over prescribing patients and 6 of them died from overdose. The pill industry is destroying America's health. Broccoli and a jog aren't profitable. So they prescribe toxins to "fix" everything. Big Pharma loves it and they send beautiful sales reps to ensure the flow of toxic chenicals into American brains continues.

50,000!!!!! Negligent or reckless doctors KILL 50,000 people a year. For all the national "crisis" we hear about cops killing 1,000 a year......Doctors kill 50X more and people barely make a cough over it!!!!
Southern California doctor sentenced in overdose deaths -

An unprecedented but FAR overdue turn in society. A doctor was charged with murder for over prescribing patients and 6 of them died from overdose. The pill industry is destroying America's health. Broccoli and a jog aren't profitable. So they prescribe toxins to "fix" everything. Big Pharma loves it and they send beautiful sales reps to ensure the flow of toxic chenicals into American brains continues.

50,000!!!!! Negligent or reckless doctors KILL 50,000 people a year. For all the national "crisis" we hear about cops killing 1,000 a year......Doctors kill 50X more and people barely make a cough over it!!!!

I've joked that if there were a pill that did for you what exercise does, it would be $50 bucks a pop.
Southern California doctor sentenced in overdose deaths -

An unprecedented but FAR overdue turn in society. A doctor was charged with murder for over prescribing patients and 6 of them died from overdose. The pill industry is destroying America's health. Broccoli and a jog aren't profitable. So they prescribe toxins to "fix" everything. Big Pharma loves it and they send beautiful sales reps to ensure the flow of toxic chenicals into American brains continues.

50,000!!!!! Negligent or reckless doctors KILL 50,000 people a year. For all the national "crisis" we hear about cops killing 1,000 a year......Doctors kill 50X more and people barely make a cough over it!!!!

I've joked that if there were a pill that did for you what exercise does, it would be $50 bucks a pop.'re exactly 100% right.

We have MUSC here in Charleston. ..huge medical university. I've met some of their students at the gym. They don't teach nutrition or exercise in medical school hardly at all. One of them had the best response when I said how absurd that was. He said "would mechanic schools teach future mechanics how to train their customers to fix their own cars??" Of course not.

Veggies. Lean meat. Exercise and 1 gallon of water a day. Cut the sugar and bread out. 90% of human health problems would be solved. Now....let me give someone those guidelines and sell them a placebo drug for $190 each....and say that will fix them.
Southern California doctor sentenced in overdose deaths -

An unprecedented but FAR overdue turn in society. A doctor was charged with murder for over prescribing patients and 6 of them died from overdose. The pill industry is destroying America's health. Broccoli and a jog aren't profitable. So they prescribe toxins to "fix" everything. Big Pharma loves it and they send beautiful sales reps to ensure the flow of toxic chenicals into American brains continues.

50,000!!!!! Negligent or reckless doctors KILL 50,000 people a year. For all the national "crisis" we hear about cops killing 1,000 a year......Doctors kill 50X more and people barely make a cough over it!!!!

I've joked that if there were a pill that did for you what exercise does, it would be $50 bucks a pop.'re exactly 100% right.

We have MUSC here in Charleston. ..huge medical university. I've met some of their students at the gym. They don't teach nutrition or exercise in medical school hardly at all. One of them had the best response when I said how absurd that was. He said "would mechanic schools teach future mechanics how to train their customers to fix their own cars??" Of course not.

Veggies. Lean meat. Exercise and 1 gallon of water a day. Cut the sugar and bread out. 90% of human health problems would be solved. Now....let me give someone those guidelines and sell them a placebo drug for $190 each....and say that will fix them.

I agree. Though I'd add two specific caveats. Posture and core strength. It sounds silly as shit, but it really works in preventing back pain, bad knees, bad ankles, and most pulled muscles.

I work out about 5 times a week for exactly that reason. Its just part of turning my brain on the morning.
Southern California doctor sentenced in overdose deaths -

An unprecedented but FAR overdue turn in society. A doctor was charged with murder for over prescribing patients and 6 of them died from overdose. The pill industry is destroying America's health. Broccoli and a jog aren't profitable. So they prescribe toxins to "fix" everything. Big Pharma loves it and they send beautiful sales reps to ensure the flow of toxic chenicals into American brains continues.

50,000!!!!! Negligent or reckless doctors KILL 50,000 people a year. For all the national "crisis" we hear about cops killing 1,000 a year......Doctors kill 50X more and people barely make a cough over it!!!!

I've joked that if there were a pill that did for you what exercise does, it would be $50 bucks a pop.'re exactly 100% right.

We have MUSC here in Charleston. ..huge medical university. I've met some of their students at the gym. They don't teach nutrition or exercise in medical school hardly at all. One of them had the best response when I said how absurd that was. He said "would mechanic schools teach future mechanics how to train their customers to fix their own cars??" Of course not.

Veggies. Lean meat. Exercise and 1 gallon of water a day. Cut the sugar and bread out. 90% of human health problems would be solved. Now....let me give someone those guidelines and sell them a placebo drug for $190 each....and say that will fix them.

I agree. Though I'd add two specific caveats. Posture and core strength. It sounds silly as shit, but it really works in preventing back pain, bad knees, bad ankles, and most pulled muscles.

I work out about 5 times a week for exactly that reason. Its just part of turning my brain on the morning.

Absolutely right. I'll be damned...we agree on something haha. I train in Brazilian JiuJitsu and it changed my life. The truly dedicated coaches preach nutrition, stretching, core strength, yoga, etc as critical supplements to the actual martial art itself. Amazing....we have 50 year olds getting slammed and twisted and choked every week....but are in better shape and health than 50 year olds who take dozens of meds and walk on a treadmill 15 minutes a day like "doc" said to do.

You do foam rollers? Ever try PVC pipe instead?
Southern California doctor sentenced in overdose deaths -

An unprecedented but FAR overdue turn in society. A doctor was charged with murder for over prescribing patients and 6 of them died from overdose. The pill industry is destroying America's health. Broccoli and a jog aren't profitable. So they prescribe toxins to "fix" everything. Big Pharma loves it and they send beautiful sales reps to ensure the flow of toxic chenicals into American brains continues.

50,000!!!!! Negligent or reckless doctors KILL 50,000 people a year. For all the national "crisis" we hear about cops killing 1,000 a year......Doctors kill 50X more and people barely make a cough over it!!!!

I've joked that if there were a pill that did for you what exercise does, it would be $50 bucks a pop.'re exactly 100% right.

We have MUSC here in Charleston. ..huge medical university. I've met some of their students at the gym. They don't teach nutrition or exercise in medical school hardly at all. One of them had the best response when I said how absurd that was. He said "would mechanic schools teach future mechanics how to train their customers to fix their own cars??" Of course not.

Veggies. Lean meat. Exercise and 1 gallon of water a day. Cut the sugar and bread out. 90% of human health problems would be solved. Now....let me give someone those guidelines and sell them a placebo drug for $190 each....and say that will fix them.

I agree. Though I'd add two specific caveats. Posture and core strength. It sounds silly as shit, but it really works in preventing back pain, bad knees, bad ankles, and most pulled muscles.

I work out about 5 times a week for exactly that reason. Its just part of turning my brain on the morning.

Absolutely right. I'll be damned...we agree on something haha. I train in Brazilian JiuJitsu and it changed my life. The truly dedicated coaches preach nutrition, stretching, core strength, yoga, etc as critical supplements to the actual martial art itself. Amazing....we have 50 year olds getting slammed and twisted and choked every week....but are in better shape and health than 50 year olds who take dozens of meds and walk on a treadmill 15 minutes a day like "doc" said to do.

You do foam rollers? Ever try PVC pipe instead?

Trail running, cardio, and free weights. Plus a few TRX classes for general mobility. I consider exercise basic maintainance. Like changing the oil in your car.

And its benefits are just overwhelming. Its the best 8 to 10 hours a week you'll ever spend.
I recently read that 70% of the US is on at least one prescription drug and that 50% of them can't afford the cost.

An old book I had, called Problems With Meat, described WWII when there were no doctors and no meat. Suddenly, people were healthier. After the war, people started eating more meat than before the war and they were going to doctors again and sure nuff, people immediately got sick and sicker.

Robert Mendolsohn MD, in Confessions of a Medical Heretic, said that if you're sick, don't go to the hospital and if you're well, don't go the doctor.

I would not agree with that across the board, but you do need to be your own advocate. You need to educate yourself. Over the years, I've turned down many prescriptions as well as asked that dosages be changed.

Most of all, just as already noted, live a healthy life - exercise, no meat, no cigarettes and so on. Or, at the very least, treat meat and other animal-source "food" as a condiment instead of the main part of any meal. IOW, moderation.

Nothing that we all don't already know.
Southern California doctor sentenced in overdose deaths -

An unprecedented but FAR overdue turn in society. A doctor was charged with murder for over prescribing patients and 6 of them died from overdose. The pill industry is destroying America's health. Broccoli and a jog aren't profitable. So they prescribe toxins to "fix" everything. Big Pharma loves it and they send beautiful sales reps to ensure the flow of toxic chenicals into American brains continues.

50,000!!!!! Negligent or reckless doctors KILL 50,000 people a year. For all the national "crisis" we hear about cops killing 1,000 a year......Doctors kill 50X more and people barely make a cough over it!!!!

I've joked that if there were a pill that did for you what exercise does, it would be $50 bucks a pop.'re exactly 100% right.

We have MUSC here in Charleston. ..huge medical university. I've met some of their students at the gym. They don't teach nutrition or exercise in medical school hardly at all. One of them had the best response when I said how absurd that was. He said "would mechanic schools teach future mechanics how to train their customers to fix their own cars??" Of course not.

Veggies. Lean meat. Exercise and 1 gallon of water a day. Cut the sugar and bread out. 90% of human health problems would be solved. Now....let me give someone those guidelines and sell them a placebo drug for $190 each....and say that will fix them.

I agree. Though I'd add two specific caveats. Posture and core strength. It sounds silly as shit, but it really works in preventing back pain, bad knees, bad ankles, and most pulled muscles.

I work out about 5 times a week for exactly that reason. Its just part of turning my brain on the morning.

Absolutely right. I'll be damned...we agree on something haha. I train in Brazilian JiuJitsu and it changed my life. The truly dedicated coaches preach nutrition, stretching, core strength, yoga, etc as critical supplements to the actual martial art itself. Amazing....we have 50 year olds getting slammed and twisted and choked every week....but are in better shape and health than 50 year olds who take dozens of meds and walk on a treadmill 15 minutes a day like "doc" said to do.

You do foam rollers? Ever try PVC pipe instead?

Trail running, cardio, and free weights. Plus a few TRX classes for general mobility. I consider exercise basic maintainance. Like changing the oil in your car.

And its benefits are just overwhelming. Its the best 8 to 10 hours a week you'll ever spend.

I'll be 70 next birthday and years of running, racquetball and tap dancing have taken a toll on my legs and back. I can not longer do the high impact work that I really loved. For those in the same boat, you can't beat working out in water. According to 'arthritis assoc', its twice the benefit for half the effort.

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