Do you think Russia attacked our democracy to steal the 2016 election in favor of Trump?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

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You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

No......I think Russia spent about 100 grand on internet adds........compared to the billions spent by hilary and less than that by Trump.....
You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

No, I never did and I damn sure don't believe Trump's lies either.
Ever notice how strong leftists distract, twist and project? Well this one is rich. First you accuse Russia of helping Trump via Facebook, only to have Facebook's owner help steal an election under the disguise of mail-in ballots & COVID.

Remember Biden and Democrats "every vote must be counted"? Sure you do, they always play the victim role game. Putting USPS behind this was rich as well. You can here it now............"Post mark these yesterday"
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You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

They did. Putin wanted influence and he thought Trump could provide that. The big three agencies...confirmed.

Does it rise to the level of impeachment??..No. Since they couldn't directly tie it to Trump and his campaign (Mostly
because no one would sit for an interview..but Trump Tower...right??? :) ). Apparently, Nancy Pelosi thought the
same thing as she roped her caucus in and said no.

Sigh...then he goes and actually TRIES to solicit a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political opponent, phone call
recorded and all. :auiqs.jpg:
They did. Putin wanted influence and he thought Trump could provide that. The big three agencies...confirmed.

Does it rise to the level of impeachment??..No. Since they couldn't directly tie it to Trump and his campaign (Mostly
because no one would sit for an interview..but Trump Tower...right??? :) ). Apparently, Nancy Pelosi thought the
same thing as she roped her caucus in and said no.

Sigh...then he goes and actually TRIES to solicit a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political opponent, phone call
recorded and all. :auiqs.jpg:


Bullshit. Zuckerberg's companies are in the business of MAKING MONEY! I know those of you on the right have short memories but you seem to forget that Facebook was instrumental (along with Twitter) in helping get Trump elected in 2016. You didn't seem to mind Zuckerberg then when his platform allowed Trump and the rest of his minions to spread their manure far and wide. And Facebook allowed it to happen..because they wanted to make MONEY!!...duh. And as soon as Trump lost, threw a temper tantrum and spread his manurish cancer across Facebook, they canned him..because it was going to cost them MONEY!

Get it?
You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

They influenced the result, but even I, ( a definitive non-trump voter) do not think that the 2016 election was stolen, by anybody. Likewise, the 2020 election was not stolen, either. Some morons (and it is surprising how many there are in the voting population) are easily swayed by propaganda over social media, from both sides. I was not fooled. Both Hillary and Trump were unfit for office. That is why I voted Libertarian, that year.
Donny sucked, but to this day, I am not convinced Hillary did not have potential to be more dangerous, and do not regret denying both of them my support. I remember thinking after the election, the republican sheep at least saved us from a Hillary Clinton presidency. After seeing the 4 years and Donny's attempt to overthrow the results of representative democratically elected government, I am not sure how she could have been worse, but still would not vote for somebody of (what I estimate) her character (not the good kind) with her fairly high intelligence and knowledge of US government to hold that office. I knew trump would not really get away with much in office, as he is stupid and telegraphs his moves. You might not see somebody like "The Hill" coming or going from the scene of the crime, but I am pretty sure, there would have been crime, just like trump, only a different direction.
The Russians tried to sway the election in favor of trump via Facebook and Twitter posts and some fake news.

I'm not sure how big an impact it had on the election.
You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

Yes they absolutely tried. Not sure if "steal" is the right word. Just influence.
You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

The Russians tried to sway the election in favor of trump via Facebook and Twitter posts and some fake news.

I'm not sure how big an impact it had on the election.
That is probably not knowable. Safe to say, it wasn't "zero effect". But enough that it swung the result? Cant be known.
You know, because he's "Putin's lapdog" and stuff like that to make one feel better?

Foreigners interfere with elections all the time. Happened since before we were born and the left gave us the internet. We do the same thing. The same was done for Clintons, Obama, Biden.

Speak of internet, compare and contrast "Russian influences" to daily left run most information, which is really misinformation. And there's always this.......

This was investigated for 3 years and they found nothing. It was Democratic bs.

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