Do You Think Next Week's Inaguration Will Be A Mass Arrest Event?? QAnon Does..


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

So after Trump conspiracy after Trump conspiracy fell flat -- the new conspiracy is that next week's inauguration will not be an inauguration after all -- instead it will be "a mass arrest event" -- where "Space Force will cut feed from inauguration and initiate GBS" - [whatever GBS is] and apparently this means Trump will remain president and he will announce crimes against humanity committed by all Democrats in attendance -- I guess they are planning to have some type of Nuremberg trial at the International Court (located next to Four Seasons Total Landscaping) .......and we should know this is true because there are power outages all around the world.....

Now, these bullshit conspiracies ain't coming from Uncle Harry's chain emails he sends out -- this is coming from someone who is part of Trump's legal team....I know a lot of you Trumpers on here hate to have to agree or admit a "liberal" was right, ever....I know it makes you triggered and all....but can you at least admit that a lot of these Pro-Trump people are grifters -- and it isn't even a smart grift -- they can literally tell Trumpers anything and Trumpers believe it.....How is that a good thing??

So after Trump conspiracy after Trump conspiracy fell flat -- the new conspiracy is that next week's inauguration will not be an inauguration after all -- instead it will be "a mass arrest event" -- where "Space Force will cut feed from inauguration and initiate GBS" - [whatever GBS is] and apparently this means Trump will remain president and he will announce crimes against humanity committed by all Democrats in attendance -- I guess they are planning to have some type of Nuremberg trial at the International Court (located next to Four Seasons Total Landscaping) .......and we should know this is true because there are power outages all around the world.....

Now, these bullshit conspiracies ain't coming from Uncle Harry's chain emails he sends out -- this is coming from someone who is part of Trump's legal team....I know a lot of you Trumpers on here hate to have to agree or admit a "liberal" was right, ever....I know it makes you triggered and all....but can you at least admit that a lot of these Pro-Trump people are grifters -- and it isn't even a smart grift -- they can literally tell Trumpers anything and Trumpers believe it.....How is that a good thing??

Lots of Q types here, so it'll be interesting to watch.

There will be very few arrests after we saw the arrests at the Capital. Look at how many that were arrested quickly apologized and said they wish they had it to do over.

The only people who are not afraid of getting arrested are those with little to nothing to lose.
Mass arrest? Mass extinction? Do I need purple robes and expensive sneakers? Where will Space Force take me?

Every time I think Trump and his supporters can't sink any deeper into the crazy, they exceed my expectations. I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime. The closest I can remember to the cult of Trump are the People's Temple followers from the 1970's. People who's reality is so bent and warped by fealty to a god like father figure, they can't tell fact from fantasy and will believe anything and do anything this person says. And we all know how the People's Temple ended. :(
On a side note: It's just been announced by the Rump Admin that they are moving Space Command from Colorado Springs, Co. to Alabama. It appears that Rump is doing just one more thing to screw with a state that didn't vote for him and another that did. Too bad he waited so long since what's done this late can be undone. No one can fathom a good reason for this considering Colorado Springs has the facilities and technology to directly support Space Command, ALA Cheyenne Mountain.
Now, these bullshit conspiracies ain't coming from Uncle Harry's chain emails he sends out -- this is coming from someone who is part of Trump's legal team....I know a lot of you Trumpers on here hate to have to agree or admit a "liberal" was right, ever....I know it makes you triggered and all....but can you at least admit that a lot of these Pro-Trump people are grifters -- and it isn't even a smart grift -- they can literally tell Trumpers anything and Trumpers believe it.....How is that a good thing??

People who believe Trump after 20,000 lies, will believe anything.

So after Trump conspiracy after Trump conspiracy fell flat -- the new conspiracy is that next week's inauguration will not be an inauguration after all -- instead it will be "a mass arrest event" -- where "Space Force will cut feed from inauguration and initiate GBS" - [whatever GBS is] and apparently this means Trump will remain president and he will announce crimes against humanity committed by all Democrats in attendance -- I guess they are planning to have some type of Nuremberg trial at the International Court (located next to Four Seasons Total Landscaping) .......and we should know this is true because there are power outages all around the world.....

Now, these bullshit conspiracies ain't coming from Uncle Harry's chain emails he sends out -- this is coming from someone who is part of Trump's legal team....I know a lot of you Trumpers on here hate to have to agree or admit a "liberal" was right, ever....I know it makes you triggered and all....but can you at least admit that a lot of these Pro-Trump people are grifters -- and it isn't even a smart grift -- they can literally tell Trumpers anything and Trumpers believe it.....How is that a good thing??

We're more likely to see a foreign invasion before inauguration than all that shit to happen.

The truth is that the Establishment didn't want to just get rid of Trump. They wanted us to see him shamed, giving him one last kick in the ass before he leaves office. That move was simply spiking the football right in our faces.

They don't want to punish Trump. They want to punish you.

Are you gonna sit there and take it?

There's a reason you can't find the most popular ammo anywhere. It is not because of some government scheme. Ammo retailers can't keep it on the shelves. It's a 60 day wait on body armor purchases.

Everybody knows something is brewing. It is not the shit posted by Q. At a minimum, half of America believes our own fucking government is about to do some shit we are not going to accept.

It is hard to believe, but the America we knew is gone. Everybody is in wait-and-see mode, but if a Biden administration does half the shit threatened, there will probably be a war.

The two biggest campaign promises that will definitely start a war:

  1. "Hell yeah I'm gonna confiscate your A.R. 15's."
  2. Make petroleum illegal by X year
If/when gun confiscation starts, repeated reports of shootouts will be a call to action. Anybody hesitant to act for fear of being arrested and prosecuted for conspiring or inciting insurrection/rebellion will fear this authoritarian action more. They (we) will believe they (we) have no choice but to do so.

Texas is not going to sit back and let these communist motherfuckers completely destroy the oil industry on some fake "science" bullshit for the sole purpose of socialism. Texas has its own gold repository, its own power grid, a coastline with ports, at least 20 million guns, and the world's 10th economy.

All that said, if a Biden administration wants to keep this country intact, it should take a do-nothing approach. Biden and others should be nothing more than a placeholder for the next administration.
Mass arrest? Mass extinction? Do I need purple robes and expensive sneakers? Where will Space Force take me?

Every time I think Trump and his supporters can't sink any deeper into the crazy, they exceed my expectations. I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime. The closest I can remember to the cult of Trump are the People's Temple followers from the 1970's. People who's reality is so bent and warped by fealty to a god like father figure, they can't tell fact from fantasy and will believe anything and do anything this person says. And we all know how the People's Temple ended. :(

So after Trump conspiracy after Trump conspiracy fell flat -- the new conspiracy is that next week's inauguration will not be an inauguration after all -- instead it will be "a mass arrest event" -- where "Space Force will cut feed from inauguration and initiate GBS" - [whatever GBS is] and apparently this means Trump will remain president and he will announce crimes against humanity committed by all Democrats in attendance -- I guess they are planning to have some type of Nuremberg trial at the International Court (located next to Four Seasons Total Landscaping) .......and we should know this is true because there are power outages all around the world.....

Now, these bullshit conspiracies ain't coming from Uncle Harry's chain emails he sends out -- this is coming from someone who is part of Trump's legal team....I know a lot of you Trumpers on here hate to have to agree or admit a "liberal" was right, ever....I know it makes you triggered and all....but can you at least admit that a lot of these Pro-Trump people are grifters -- and it isn't even a smart grift -- they can literally tell Trumpers anything and Trumpers believe it.....How is that a good thing??

FYI - Apparently GBS is an acronym for "Global Bull Shit".
Trump supporters - with the possible exception of a tiny amount of total nut cases - are going to do NOTHING during the Inauguration.

Most know that the national guard and all police forces will be on high alert and more than ready for them.

Most know that the vast majority of Americans - especially the police and military - are PISSED OFF about the attack on the Capitol.

Most know that if they attend any rallies, it will only take one idiot to start a gun fight with law enforcement - and the response will be robust. They may be stupid, but not stupid enough to get caught in that.

The entire Trump movement is a beached whale waiting to breathe it's last breath and then just die.

They know that Americans will not tolerate their BULLSHIT any longer.

Back under the rock from which they came!!!!

So after Trump conspiracy after Trump conspiracy fell flat -- the new conspiracy is that next week's inauguration will not be an inauguration after all -- instead it will be "a mass arrest event" -- where "Space Force will cut feed from inauguration and initiate GBS" - [whatever GBS is] and apparently this means Trump will remain president and he will announce crimes against humanity committed by all Democrats in attendance -- I guess they are planning to have some type of Nuremberg trial at the International Court (located next to Four Seasons Total Landscaping) .......and we should know this is true because there are power outages all around the world.....

Now, these bullshit conspiracies ain't coming from Uncle Harry's chain emails he sends out -- this is coming from someone who is part of Trump's legal team....I know a lot of you Trumpers on here hate to have to agree or admit a "liberal" was right, ever....I know it makes you triggered and all....but can you at least admit that a lot of these Pro-Trump people are grifters -- and it isn't even a smart grift -- they can literally tell Trumpers anything and Trumpers believe it.....How is that a good thing??

That seems to be some random guy on Twitter. Where does Q posts, is there an official Q, I message forums and twitter banned Q. Is there an official Q site?
On a side note: It's just been announced by the Rump Admin that they are moving Space Command from Colorado Springs, Co. to Alabama. It appears that Rump is doing just one more thing to screw with a state that didn't vote for him and another that did. Too bad he waited so long since what's done this late can be undone. No one can fathom a good reason for this considering Colorado Springs has the facilities and technology to directly support Space Command, ALA Cheyenne Mountain.
This reeks of a conspiracy theory. Multiple locations were in play for the HQ. The Huntsville Al area has a long and strong aerospace history.
Mass arrest? Mass extinction? Do I need purple robes and expensive sneakers? Where will Space Force take me?

Every time I think Trump and his supporters can't sink any deeper into the crazy, they exceed my expectations. I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime. The closest I can remember to the cult of Trump are the People's Temple followers from the 1970's. People who's reality is so bent and warped by fealty to a god like father figure, they can't tell fact from fantasy and will believe anything and do anything this person says. And we all know how the People's Temple ended. :(
I've waited a long time for you to show some amount of intelligence.
You failed me.
Welcome to Ignore.

So after Trump conspiracy after Trump conspiracy fell flat -- the new conspiracy is that next week's inauguration will not be an inauguration after all -- instead it will be "a mass arrest event" -- where "Space Force will cut feed from inauguration and initiate GBS" - [whatever GBS is] and apparently this means Trump will remain president and he will announce crimes against humanity committed by all Democrats in attendance -- I guess they are planning to have some type of Nuremberg trial at the International Court (located next to Four Seasons Total Landscaping) .......and we should know this is true because there are power outages all around the world.....

Now, these bullshit conspiracies ain't coming from Uncle Harry's chain emails he sends out -- this is coming from someone who is part of Trump's legal team....I know a lot of you Trumpers on here hate to have to agree or admit a "liberal" was right, ever....I know it makes you triggered and all....but can you at least admit that a lot of these Pro-Trump people are grifters -- and it isn't even a smart grift -- they can literally tell Trumpers anything and Trumpers believe it.....How is that a good thing??

Who is this Brian Anderson guy that we should listen to him? The only reference I see was to a baseball pitcher, so I doubt that is the guy? I am trying to do my do diligence before I believe anyone on site like twitter.
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Most know that if they attend any rallies, it will only take one idiot to start a gun fight with law enforcement - and the response will be robust. They may be stupid, but not stupid enough to get caught in that.
Most of them believe Trumps promises and promotions. They probably think Trump will issue all the people who invaded the Capitol a blanket pardon.

Because he can do that.
With a "virtual inauguration " planned for Biden the Democrats are frantically trying to figure out why 15,000 National Guard Troops has been mobilized to DC in the recently declared State of Emergency.

On a side note: It's just been announced by the Rump Admin that they are moving Space Command from Colorado Springs, Co. to Alabama. It appears that Rump is doing just one more thing to screw with a state that didn't vote for him and another that did. Too bad he waited so long since what's done this late can be undone. No one can fathom a good reason for this considering Colorado Springs has the facilities and technology to directly support Space Command, ALA Cheyenne Mountain.
This reeks of a conspiracy theory. Multiple locations were in play for the HQ. The Huntsville Al area has a long and strong aerospace history.

It's not a theory or a conspiracy. Colorado Springs was chosen because of the Cheyenne Mountain Facility. Just having a robust Aerospace Industry isn't enough. Florida, and Houston would also be a much better choice than Alabama. Part of the Space Tracking is done by Cheyenne Mountain. They are part of the Space Tracking Grid and maintains the NORAD facility. Between Cheyenne Mountain and Nasa and others, they track all the space shots, Satellites, and even the space junk. Alabama gets to track the good ol' boy cop named Roy.

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