Do you support the principle of self-determination?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The right of a people to self-determination has been a cardinal principle of international law for over 100 years. It states that people have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference or external compulsion.

Today we have a bitterly divided nation, pitting differing fundamental views about the role of our government. One side favors centralized authority and control, while the other side favors local authority and limited powers of control over individuals. Which side are you on?

This question is important because large numbers of our population feel that our "democratic" institutions are failing to protect their rights and beliefs. As an alternative to open hostility and violent confrontation, might it be acceptable to allow certain areas or groups within our country to exercise greater self-determination? Or is that an anathema that can't be tolerated?
The less control, the better. At least until bed time.

The right of a people to self-determination has been a cardinal principle of international law for over 100 years. It states that people have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference or external compulsion.

Today we have a bitterly divided nation, pitting differing fundamental views about the role of our government. One side favors centralized authority and control, while the other side favors local authority and limited powers of control over individuals. Which side are you on?

This question is important because large numbers of our population feel that our "democratic" institutions are failing to protect their rights and beliefs. As an alternative to open hostility and violent confrontation, might it be acceptable to allow certain areas or groups within our country to exercise greater self-determination? Or is that an anathema that can't be tolerated?

My own right to self determination has been stolen in Canada, it's one of the worst abuses of police state power. It's a major reason Canadians make on average $14k LESS a year in PPP than America. So clearly, myself and many others in Canada who have suffered at the hands of abusers, desperately support right to self determination. It would be ideal if International governments pressed Canada for how creepy and abusive they are against their own citizens.
Neither major party is in favor of local self-determination in practice.

One of the Four Pillars of the Green Party is Grassroots Democracy though.
The right of a people to self-determination has been a cardinal principle of international law for over 100 years. It states that people have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference or external compulsion.

Today we have a bitterly divided nation, pitting differing fundamental views about the role of our government. One side favors centralized authority and control, while the other side favors local authority and limited powers of control over individuals. Which side are you on?

This question is important because large numbers of our population feel that our "democratic" institutions are failing to protect their rights and beliefs. As an alternative to open hostility and violent confrontation, might it be acceptable to allow certain areas or groups within our country to exercise greater self-determination? Or is that an anathema that can't be tolerated?
This country has never been concerned with self determination. Not for everybody. We are at this point today because members of this country have been living a lie while try to force people to accept their lie not only as the truth but as a governing philosophy.
No. To quote Lincoln: "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."
These are the "United" States of America, and to remain "united," we must have common ground.
Tell us how that can be with more and more manufacturing going to leave here under Prog rule? Having service and government jobs is not going to cut it. The size of government will expand more and more and what we get in production will drop as a result even more. We can't pay the bills now and we want to add more. Break the nation up. Give each new smaller one some of the science and military assets. Have a way of some benefits to be paid out to pensioner. Give people the opportunity to move to a newer nation they may feel more comfortable in. It siclear that tyranny and humongous government runs hand in hand in this nation as constituted. Why? Because we do not follow the constitution. It has been manipulated and much of it neutered by political changes and extremist judges.
The right of a people to self-determination has been a cardinal principle of international law for over 100 years. It states that people have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference or external compulsion.

Today we have a bitterly divided nation, pitting differing fundamental views about the role of our government. One side favors centralized authority and control, while the other side favors local authority and limited powers of control over individuals. Which side are you on?

This question is important because large numbers of our population feel that our "democratic" institutions are failing to protect their rights and beliefs. As an alternative to open hostility and violent confrontation, might it be acceptable to allow certain areas or groups within our country to exercise greater self-determination? Or is that an anathema that can't be tolerated?
This country has never been concerned with self determination. Not for everybody. We are at this point today because members of this country have been living a lie while try to force people to accept their lie not only as the truth but as a governing philosophy.
That's all in your pin head and not based in reality at all.
Give each new smaller one some of the science and military assets.

The bit I go to won't need to be given anything. It will attract all that it needs and reject that which it does not.
Good gravitates towards a free and open society.

No. To quote Lincoln: "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."
These are the "United" States of America, and to remain "united," we must have common ground.
Tell us how that can be with more and more manufacturing going to leave here under Prog rule? Having service and government jobs is not going to cut it. The size of government will expand more and more and what we get in production will drop as a result even more. We can't pay the bills now and we want to add more. Break the nation up. Give each new smaller one some of the science and military assets. Have a way of some benefits to be paid out to pensioner. Give people the opportunity to move to a newer nation they may feel more comfortable in. It siclear that tyranny and humongous government runs hand in hand in this nation as constituted. Why? Because we do not follow the constitution. It has been manipulated and much of it neutered by political changes and extremist judges.
Once the citizens in the major cities wake up and vote out Democrat politicians and law and order are restored, the businesses will return and jobs will come back. That aside, any state that tries to leave the union will find, just as they did in 1861, that there will be troops flowing in, to restore order and remove the traitorous politicians.
No. To quote Lincoln: "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."
These are the "United" States of America, and to remain "united," we must have common ground.
Tell us how that can be with more and more manufacturing going to leave here under Prog rule? Having service and government jobs is not going to cut it. The size of government will expand more and more and what we get in production will drop as a result even more. We can't pay the bills now and we want to add more. Break the nation up. Give each new smaller one some of the science and military assets. Have a way of some benefits to be paid out to pensioner. Give people the opportunity to move to a newer nation they may feel more comfortable in. It siclear that tyranny and humongous government runs hand in hand in this nation as constituted. Why? Because we do not follow the constitution. It has been manipulated and much of it neutered by political changes and extremist judges.
Once the citizens in the major cities wake up and vote out Democrat politicians and law and order are restored, the businesses will return and jobs will come back. That aside, any state that tries to leave the union will find, just as they did in 1861, that there will be troops flowing in, to restore order and remove the traitorous politicians.
You have no clue what self-determination is.
My ancestors lived it. That's how I know what it is. It's when you get it done, no matter what.
That's also what makes you the man: When you get it done, no matter what.
Although in my ancestry, sometimes it was the women getting it done.
That's self-determination.
Relying on no one else.
No. To quote Lincoln: "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."
These are the "United" States of America, and to remain "united," we must have common ground.
Tell us how that can be with more and more manufacturing going to leave here under Prog rule? Having service and government jobs is not going to cut it. The size of government will expand more and more and what we get in production will drop as a result even more. We can't pay the bills now and we want to add more. Break the nation up. Give each new smaller one some of the science and military assets. Have a way of some benefits to be paid out to pensioner. Give people the opportunity to move to a newer nation they may feel more comfortable in. It siclear that tyranny and humongous government runs hand in hand in this nation as constituted. Why? Because we do not follow the constitution. It has been manipulated and much of it neutered by political changes and extremist judges.
Once the citizens in the major cities wake up and vote out Democrat politicians and law and order are restored, the businesses will return and jobs will come back. That aside, any state that tries to leave the union will find, just as they did in 1861, that there will be troops flowing in, to restore order and remove the traitorous politicians.
You have no clue what self-determination is.
My ancestors lived it. That's how I know what it is. It's when you get it done, no matter what.
That's also what makes you the man: When you get it done, no matter what.
Although in my ancestry, sometimes it was the women getting it done.
That's self-determination.
Relying on no one else.
Yeah, the south tried self-determination.....and my Yankee ancestor and others, reminded the south that the Government makes the determinations regarding states choices.

A peaceful and harmonious divorce is the only logical solution.

Czechoslovakia did it.
Sudan did it.
The Koreas did it,
The Chinas did it.
India did it.

Here in the United States, there are some groups whose cultures are so different that they would be happier if they could live in their own areas.

It would be a win-win for everyone.
No. To quote Lincoln: "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."
These are the "United" States of America, and to remain "united," we must have common ground.
Tell us how that can be with more and more manufacturing going to leave here under Prog rule? Having service and government jobs is not going to cut it. The size of government will expand more and more and what we get in production will drop as a result even more. We can't pay the bills now and we want to add more. Break the nation up. Give each new smaller one some of the science and military assets. Have a way of some benefits to be paid out to pensioner. Give people the opportunity to move to a newer nation they may feel more comfortable in. It siclear that tyranny and humongous government runs hand in hand in this nation as constituted. Why? Because we do not follow the constitution. It has been manipulated and much of it neutered by political changes and extremist judges.
Once the citizens in the major cities wake up and vote out Democrat politicians and law and order are restored, the businesses will return and jobs will come back. That aside, any state that tries to leave the union will find, just as they did in 1861, that there will be troops flowing in, to restore order and remove the traitorous politicians.
You have no clue what self-determination is.
My ancestors lived it. That's how I know what it is. It's when you get it done, no matter what.
That's also what makes you the man: When you get it done, no matter what.
Although in my ancestry, sometimes it was the women getting it done.
That's self-determination.
Relying on no one else.
Yeah, the south tried self-determination.....and my Yankee ancestor and others, reminded the south that the Government makes the determinations regarding states choices.
Is that something to be proud of?
No. To quote Lincoln: "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."
These are the "United" States of America, and to remain "united," we must have common ground.
Tell us how that can be with more and more manufacturing going to leave here under Prog rule? Having service and government jobs is not going to cut it. The size of government will expand more and more and what we get in production will drop as a result even more. We can't pay the bills now and we want to add more. Break the nation up. Give each new smaller one some of the science and military assets. Have a way of some benefits to be paid out to pensioner. Give people the opportunity to move to a newer nation they may feel more comfortable in. It siclear that tyranny and humongous government runs hand in hand in this nation as constituted. Why? Because we do not follow the constitution. It has been manipulated and much of it neutered by political changes and extremist judges.
Once the citizens in the major cities wake up and vote out Democrat politicians and law and order are restored, the businesses will return and jobs will come back. That aside, any state that tries to leave the union will find, just as they did in 1861, that there will be troops flowing in, to restore order and remove the traitorous politicians.
You have no clue what self-determination is.
My ancestors lived it. That's how I know what it is. It's when you get it done, no matter what.
That's also what makes you the man: When you get it done, no matter what.
Although in my ancestry, sometimes it was the women getting it done.
That's self-determination.
Relying on no one else.
Yeah, the south tried self-determination.....and my Yankee ancestor and others, reminded the south that the Government makes the determinations regarding states choices.
That's called government overreach, bubba.
No. To quote Lincoln: "A house divided against itself, cannot stand."
These are the "United" States of America, and to remain "united," we must have common ground.

Nice slogans, but what is our "common ground?" 600,000
dead to protect the federal government's tariffs*? That's 6,000,000 deaths relative to our current population. Is that worth imposing national rules on everyone?

And don't tell me about abolishing slavery: The Emancipation Proclamation was a late war strategy to foment a slave rebellion in the seceding states. The other states (e.g., Maryland) were free to keep their slaves!

*The Confederate States wanted open ports, which would have denied the federal government of its principal source of revenue and threatened the hegemony of the Northern ports.
The right of a people to self-determination has been a cardinal principle of international law for over 100 years. It states that people have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference or external compulsion.

Today we have a bitterly divided nation, pitting differing fundamental views about the role of our government. One side favors centralized authority and control, while the other side favors local authority and limited powers of control over individuals. Which side are you on?

This question is important because large numbers of our population feel that our "democratic" institutions are failing to protect their rights and beliefs. As an alternative to open hostility and violent confrontation, might it be acceptable to allow certain areas or groups within our country to exercise greater self-determination? Or is that an anathema that can't be tolerated?
There is no common ground. The commies gotta go. Their indoctrinated will have to be fixed or they gotta go, too.

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