Do you know of any other restaurants that are going this?


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
East Tennessee
Go here for the story. I can't blame the people in charge for placing such a restriction on their business. My only other question is, how well will such an arrangement go over considering everything that is already going against places of business with the pandemic and all?

God bless you always!!!

Everytime Ive had a dining experiences ruined in my 40 plus years of eating out it's 90% of the time because children and blacks.

I don't inherently hate all children for being children and I don't inherently hate all blacks for blacks. But if I am objective about they are the loudest, rudest, most obnoxious, immature, inconsiderate and mannerless demographics of all restaraunt goers I've seen.

I'd like to go to a restaunt with no kids.
The creation and growth of "organizations" or "movements" ,such as BLM, comes with inherent risks. Once they are created they become "a thing". Now, when that "thing" has a notion to yield it's power to fight things such as vaccine mandates, then those risks become very apparent.
Go here for the story. I can't blame the people in charge for placing such a restriction on their business. My only other question is, how well will such an arrangement go over considering everything that is already going against places of business with the pandemic and all?

God bless you always!!!

This is Joe Biteme's America, those that voted for the shithead, deserves all the shit he can give you.

If people are rude and making a spectacle of themselves then the establishment has a right to ask them to leave or call the police if they refuse.

Anyone who is dining in any establishment should not have to put up with people who can't behave themselves and respect that others just want to enjoy a meal.

So when it comes to the pandemic the business still has a right to either open or close the dining room, and enforce spacing. Obvious wearing a mask would be problematic when you are trying to eat. Unless the state or federal government closes it down by issuing an order.

Still the only laws that they would have to abide by is discrimination based on the the big 4 categories. Otherwise they can pretty much do what they want to. The only limit is bad PR and they are in business to make money. So they can decide what goes on in their place of business and self impose any restriction they deem necessary except as stated previously.
Just wait until the gang banger can't get into the store to buy his forty. The BLM movement has teeth now, and keeping unvaccinated Americans out of stores may prove to be problematic.
I can guarantee you..........they might be from Texas, but they ARE NOT TEXAN!!!

More than likely, they are FAKEXANS (
or as REAL Texans call fake cowboys - Goatropers). Douchebag Dementocraps from Mexifornia or some other state, that moved here to fuck things up as bad as they did in the states they came from!!!

1. REAL Texans don't act like tyrannically spoiled Karens, if they aren't going to be served by a business, they go to a business that wants their money.....easy and simple as that.

2. No REAL Texan would be caught dead in New Yuck Shitty!


And as far as I know, there are NO restaurants in Texas that do this. I've only heard this happening in Dementocraptically ran Nazi states.
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I can guarantee you..........they might be from Texas, but they ARE NOT TEXAN!!!

More than likely, they are FAKEXANS (
or as REAL Texans call fake cowboys - Goatropers). Douchebag Dementocraps from Mexifornia or some other state, that moved here to fuck things up as bad as they did in the states they came from!!!

1. REAL Texans don't act like tyrannically spoiled Karens, if they aren't going to be served by a business, they go to a business that wants their money.....easy and simple as that.

2. No REAL Texan would be caught dead in New Yuck Shitty!


And as far as I know, there are NO restaurants in Texas that do this. I've only heard this happening in Dementocraptically ran Nazi states.
I guess that the Blacks are going to be the ones who is going to start the revolution here. Because the rest are too soft and controllable. That is why the Deep state kisses up to them. Because they are fierce fighters that don't like to be told what to do.
But the Scot-Irish were once like that. Rough savages, that they didn't liked to be told what to do. But after they have fought in the revolutionary war. That they have sent them to the hills away from society. That they were called the hillbillies afterwards.
The only reason why they were so rough is because they didn't have anything to lose. That is what made them so dangerous.

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Wow, well that's a new one. I can understand it though.
I can too. If teenagers were found making out on the diaper changing bed in the restroom, I wouldn't be surprised if it were to break loose from the wall since its only meant for whatever an infant weighs.

God bless you always!!!


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