Do you have a spiritual gift from God


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2013
The Bee Hive State
I was reading different things on the bible study website and came across this. Does everyone have a spiritual gift and if so how do you know what your gift is?

"What is the most forgotten spiritual gift that God gives? How can it, ironically, also be one of the greatest blessings your church could receive?
Each Christian possesses at least one spiritual gift from God and no one is forgotten. The New Testament discusses how believers can be equipped to better serve the church and the world (1Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12, etc.).

Gifts given to believers include healing, preaching, teaching, wisdom, and many others. Each one has had countless sermons given and bible studies written expounding their particular virtues and usefulness within the church. There is one spiritual gift, however, that is usually overlooked or if discovered is soon forgotten."

I was reading different things on the bible study website and came across this. Does everyone have a spiritual gift and if so how do you know what your gift is?

"What is the most forgotten spiritual gift that God gives? How can it, ironically, also be one of the greatest blessings your church could receive?
Each Christian possesses at least one spiritual gift from God and no one is forgotten. The New Testament discusses how believers can be equipped to better serve the church and the world (1Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12, etc.).

Gifts given to believers include healing, preaching, teaching, wisdom, and many others. Each one has had countless sermons given and bible studies written expounding their particular virtues and usefulness within the church. There is one spiritual gift, however, that is usually overlooked or if discovered is soon forgotten."

I have 3 gifts from God......
I was reading different things on the bible study website and came across this. Does everyone have a spiritual gift and if so how do you know what your gift is?

"What is the most forgotten spiritual gift that God gives? How can it, ironically, also be one of the greatest blessings your church could receive?
Each Christian possesses at least one spiritual gift from God and no one is forgotten. The New Testament discusses how believers can be equipped to better serve the church and the world (1Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12, etc.).

Gifts given to believers include healing, preaching, teaching, wisdom, and many others. Each one has had countless sermons given and bible studies written expounding their particular virtues and usefulness within the church. There is one spiritual gift, however, that is usually overlooked or if discovered is soon forgotten."

I have 3 gifts from God......

I am not sure if you are being facetious. lol If not then that's amazing. I don't know if I have any.
I was reading different things on the bible study website and came across this. Does everyone have a spiritual gift and if so how do you know what your gift is?

"What is the most forgotten spiritual gift that God gives? How can it, ironically, also be one of the greatest blessings your church could receive?
Each Christian possesses at least one spiritual gift from God and no one is forgotten. The New Testament discusses how believers can be equipped to better serve the church and the world (1Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12, etc.).

Gifts given to believers include healing, preaching, teaching, wisdom, and many others. Each one has had countless sermons given and bible studies written expounding their particular virtues and usefulness within the church. There is one spiritual gift, however, that is usually overlooked or if discovered is soon forgotten."

My gifts from God. My life, Baptised by the holy spirit when I was a teen. Answer to my prayers at bad times in my life.
I have the gift of having the sense to stay out of recently widowed women's beds ... a friend of mine passed and the damn heathen men were lined up at his widow's bedroom door the night of the funeral ... in case she needed "comfort" ...

I also have the gift of spotting nasty jobs and go do them ... volunteering at the animal shelter, I don't need to be told what they want me to do ... I just go do it ...

The greatest gift from God is of Wisdom ... I believe Paul espouses this somewhere in his epistals ... and this gift God gives us all by our own measure, and an amount to serve God's purpose ... we are all Wise to some degree, and as one of the less Wise among us I can certainly say it is a great gift ... (never mix charcoal and sulfur with your tree stump dissolver ... it will get rid of the tree stump ... just not in a Wise way ... if you get my drift) ...

The OP certainly has the gift of humility ... I don't, see my braggin' above ... God knows that's highly of me ... I'm very quick to forgive others, as I need so much forgiveness from them ...

Not sure I agree with the link in the OP ... God did command us to "go forth, be fruitful and multiply" ... cutting off one's genitalia seems counter that basic principle ... although I admit no great gifts of aiming ... [sigh] ... "I am a man, but I can change, if I want to, I guess" ... but if you think this is the way to go for yourself, have at it, just a word to the Wise, dehydrate yourself before you do this act, takes a few days of healing before you can shovel the tube up in there ...
I was reading different things on the bible study website and came across this. Does everyone have a spiritual gift and if so how do you know what your gift is?

"What is the most forgotten spiritual gift that God gives? How can it, ironically, also be one of the greatest blessings your church could receive?
Each Christian possesses at least one spiritual gift from God and no one is forgotten. The New Testament discusses how believers can be equipped to better serve the church and the world (1Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12, etc.).

Gifts given to believers include healing, preaching, teaching, wisdom, and many others. Each one has had countless sermons given and bible studies written expounding their particular virtues and usefulness within the church. There is one spiritual gift, however, that is usually overlooked or if discovered is soon forgotten."

Discernment. It is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I just see things, most times I just sense or feel things. Sometimes I'm told things, not audibly but in my head, in my spirit.
I have the gift of having the sense to stay out of recently widowed women's beds ... a friend of mine passed and the damn heathen men were lined up at his widow's bedroom door the night of the funeral ... in case she needed "comfort" ...

I also have the gift of spotting nasty jobs and go do them ... volunteering at the animal shelter, I don't need to be told what they want me to do ... I just go do it ...

The greatest gift from God is of Wisdom ... I believe Paul espouses this somewhere in his epistals ... and this gift God gives us all by our own measure, and an amount to serve God's purpose ... we are all Wise to some degree, and as one of the less Wise among us I can certainly say it is a great gift ... (never mix charcoal and sulfur with your tree stump dissolver ... it will get rid of the tree stump ... just not in a Wise way ... if you get my drift) ...

The OP certainly has the gift of humility ... I don't, see my braggin' above ... God knows that's highly of me ... I'm very quick to forgive others, as I need so much forgiveness from them ...

Not sure I agree with the link in the OP ... God did command us to "go forth, be fruitful and multiply" ... cutting off one's genitalia seems counter that basic principle ... although I admit no great gifts of aiming ... [sigh] ... "I am a man, but I can change, if I want to, I guess" ... but if you think this is the way to go for yourself, have at it, just a word to the Wise, dehydrate yourself before you do this act, takes a few days of healing before you can shovel the tube up in there ...

I don't think I have a gift. Maybe sensing the best marijuana strain. I was just researching something else and came across that so, I asked the question. Thanks for replying.
I was reading different things on the bible study website and came across this. Does everyone have a spiritual gift and if so how do you know what your gift is?

"What is the most forgotten spiritual gift that God gives? How can it, ironically, also be one of the greatest blessings your church could receive?
Each Christian possesses at least one spiritual gift from God and no one is forgotten. The New Testament discusses how believers can be equipped to better serve the church and the world (1Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12, etc.).

Gifts given to believers include healing, preaching, teaching, wisdom, and many others. Each one has had countless sermons given and bible studies written expounding their particular virtues and usefulness within the church. There is one spiritual gift, however, that is usually overlooked or if discovered is soon forgotten."

Discernment. It is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I just see things, most times I just sense or feel things. Sometimes I'm told things, not audibly but in my head, in my spirit.

Mm I like the way you explained that. I sometimes sense things but I doubt myself.
I have the gift of having the sense to stay out of recently widowed women's beds ... a friend of mine passed and the damn heathen men were lined up at his widow's bedroom door the night of the funeral ... in case she needed "comfort" ...

I also have the gift of spotting nasty jobs and go do them ... volunteering at the animal shelter, I don't need to be told what they want me to do ... I just go do it ...

The greatest gift from God is of Wisdom ... I believe Paul espouses this somewhere in his epistals ... and this gift God gives us all by our own measure, and an amount to serve God's purpose ... we are all Wise to some degree, and as one of the less Wise among us I can certainly say it is a great gift ... (never mix charcoal and sulfur with your tree stump dissolver ... it will get rid of the tree stump ... just not in a Wise way ... if you get my drift) ...

The OP certainly has the gift of humility ... I don't, see my braggin' above ... God knows that's highly of me ... I'm very quick to forgive others, as I need so much forgiveness from them ...

Not sure I agree with the link in the OP ... God did command us to "go forth, be fruitful and multiply" ... cutting off one's genitalia seems counter that basic principle ... although I admit no great gifts of aiming ... [sigh] ... "I am a man, but I can change, if I want to, I guess" ... but if you think this is the way to go for yourself, have at it, just a word to the Wise, dehydrate yourself before you do this act, takes a few days of healing before you can shovel the tube up in there ...

The gift of common sense is a very valuable gift.
I was reading different things on the bible study website and came across this. Does everyone have a spiritual gift and if so how do you know what your gift is?

"What is the most forgotten spiritual gift that God gives? How can it, ironically, also be one of the greatest blessings your church could receive?
Each Christian possesses at least one spiritual gift from God and no one is forgotten. The New Testament discusses how believers can be equipped to better serve the church and the world (1Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12, etc.).

Gifts given to believers include healing, preaching, teaching, wisdom, and many others. Each one has had countless sermons given and bible studies written expounding their particular virtues and usefulness within the church. There is one spiritual gift, however, that is usually overlooked or if discovered is soon forgotten."

Discernment. It is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I just see things, most times I just sense or feel things. Sometimes I'm told things, not audibly but in my head, in my spirit.

Mm I like the way you explained that. I sometimes sense things but I doubt myself.

It took me decades to learn that I had just shut up and listen. All Christians have a gift of some kind, even if it's just the gift of faith and forgiveness.

1 Kings 19:11-13

New King James Version

God’s Revelation to Elijah
11 Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.
It wasn't the end of the world; just the end of the age. So Paul encouraged marrying, remarrying and childbearing (1 Tim 5:14). He himself felt no compulsion to remarry; it just wasn't in the cards for him, he felt.

Jesus, on the other hand, seemed to use the marriage, divorce, and remarriage theme analogously, pretty much always as it related to God's marriage to, divorce from, and remarriage to Israel. He effectively accused Israel of adultery when she returned to Judea.
I was reading different things on the bible study website and came across this. Does everyone have a spiritual gift and if so how do you know what your gift is?

"What is the most forgotten spiritual gift that God gives? How can it, ironically, also be one of the greatest blessings your church could receive?
Each Christian possesses at least one spiritual gift from God and no one is forgotten. The New Testament discusses how believers can be equipped to better serve the church and the world (1Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12, etc.).

Gifts given to believers include healing, preaching, teaching, wisdom, and many others. Each one has had countless sermons given and bible studies written expounding their particular virtues and usefulness within the church. There is one spiritual gift, however, that is usually overlooked or if discovered is soon forgotten."

Discernment. It is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I just see things, most times I just sense or feel things. Sometimes I'm told things, not audibly but in my head, in my spirit.

Mm I like the way you explained that. I sometimes sense things but I doubt myself.

It took me decades to learn that I had just shut up and listen. All Christians have a gift of some kind, even if it's just the gift of faith and forgiveness.

1 Kings 19:11-13

New King James Version

God’s Revelation to Elijah
11 Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

I guess I need to shut up and listen. lol but yeah I hope I can know what mine is someday.
Jesus, on the other hand, seemed to use the marriage, divorce, and remarriage theme analogously, pretty much always as it related to God's marriage to, divorce from, and remarriage to Israel. He effectively accused Israel of adultery when she returned to Judea.

I agree there is an analogy here ... but in context I think Jesus really is addressing marriage ... from "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.", He was asked "Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?" ... that Writ of Divorce is from Levitical Law ... so that "Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery" is a clarification of the doctrine set down in Moses' times ...

Teasing out the mysteries of the Bible doesn't excuse us from that which is plain and simple ... no wife swapping ...
Jesus, on the other hand, seemed to use the marriage, divorce, and remarriage theme analogously, pretty much always as it related to God's marriage to, divorce from, and remarriage to Israel. He effectively accused Israel of adultery when she returned to Judea.

I agree there is an analogy here ... but in context I think Jesus really is addressing marriage ... from "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.", He was asked "Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away?" ... that Writ of Divorce is from Levitical Law ... so that "Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery" is a clarification of the doctrine set down in Moses' times ...

Teasing out the mysteries of the Bible doesn't excuse us from that which is plain and simple ... no wife swapping ...
God joined together Himself and the people he led out of Egypt. This union is what man put asunder with his idol worship and pursuit of the secret arts. They had committed adultery, and Jesus told them so.

Even back in Judea, they spurned God and defiled the temple, so God destroyed it.

The new law was Melchizedekian (Heb 7:11). Jesus' priesthood is not of the order of Aaron but of Melchizedek. The new Israel now - the holy Israel - does not wander. Moses is gone now; it burned up in a fire.
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I guess I need to shut up and listen. lol but yeah I hope I can know what mine is someday.

Do you not read the Bible, and find some passages so completely obvious that you wonder why God put it in? ... that's because God gifted you with that understanding, and not all are so gifted, thus God puts in the Bible so to help you teach others this small truth that you've gifted with ... as they in turn teach youu what they've been gifted with ...

The other men in the church were wonderful bringing these widow women firewood, all they could use ... getting the large garden area ready in spring brought every man in and we always had a great time ... but only I was gifted with the understanding of not actually sleeping in the bed I made up in the hay barn ... if any of them women did seek out my "comforts" there, they would have been taught a harsh and "frustrating" lesson ...
I was reading different things on the bible study website and came across this. Does everyone have a spiritual gift and if so how do you know what your gift is?

"What is the most forgotten spiritual gift that God gives? How can it, ironically, also be one of the greatest blessings your church could receive?
Each Christian possesses at least one spiritual gift from God and no one is forgotten. The New Testament discusses how believers can be equipped to better serve the church and the world (1Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12, etc.).

Gifts given to believers include healing, preaching, teaching, wisdom, and many others. Each one has had countless sermons given and bible studies written expounding their particular virtues and usefulness within the church. There is one spiritual gift, however, that is usually overlooked or if discovered is soon forgotten."

Discernment. It is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I just see things, most times I just sense or feel things. Sometimes I'm told things, not audibly but in my head, in my spirit.

Mm I like the way you explained that. I sometimes sense things but I doubt myself.

It took me decades to learn that I had just shut up and listen. All Christians have a gift of some kind, even if it's just the gift of faith and forgiveness.

1 Kings 19:11-13

New King James Version

God’s Revelation to Elijah
11 Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

I guess I need to shut up and listen. lol but yeah I hope I can know what mine is someday.
I don't know mine, either. Really, I don't think I have one. I don't think anyone has one. The way I read the Bible, God reserves no special dispensation for anyone. In His kingdom, all are priests; all are equal. Therein, the humble are exalted and the exalted humbled. The wolf lies down with the young goat.

The New testament speaks very clearly of people in the Apostolic Age exercising certain gifts and even performing miracles. People in the Apostolic Age. Not you, not me, not anyone after the temple fell.

I wouldn't feel bad about not being set apart from the brethren with a special calling such as a spiritual gift. Not because you're not special, but because you're one of them.
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I was reading different things on the bible study website and came across this. Does everyone have a spiritual gift and if so how do you know what your gift is?

"What is the most forgotten spiritual gift that God gives? How can it, ironically, also be one of the greatest blessings your church could receive?
Each Christian possesses at least one spiritual gift from God and no one is forgotten. The New Testament discusses how believers can be equipped to better serve the church and the world (1Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12, etc.).

Gifts given to believers include healing, preaching, teaching, wisdom, and many others. Each one has had countless sermons given and bible studies written expounding their particular virtues and usefulness within the church. There is one spiritual gift, however, that is usually overlooked or if discovered is soon forgotten."

Discernment. It is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I just see things, most times I just sense or feel things. Sometimes I'm told things, not audibly but in my head, in my spirit.

Mm I like the way you explained that. I sometimes sense things but I doubt myself.

It took me decades to learn that I had just shut up and listen. All Christians have a gift of some kind, even if it's just the gift of faith and forgiveness.

1 Kings 19:11-13

New King James Version

God’s Revelation to Elijah
11 Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.

I guess I need to shut up and listen. lol but yeah I hope I can know what mine is someday.
I don't know mine, either. Really, I don't think I have one. I don't think anyone has one. The way I read the Bible, God reserves no special dispensation for anyone. In His kingdom, all are priests; all are equal. Therein, the humble are exalted and the exalted humbled. The wolf lies down with the young goat.

The New testament speaks very clearly of people in the Apostolic Age exercising certain gifts and even performing miracles. People in the Apostolic Age. Not you, not me, not anyone after the temple fell.

I wouldn't feel bad about not being set apart from the brethren with a special calling like a spiritual gift. Not because you're not special, but because you're one of them.


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