Do You Believe That God Has Many Different Forms, Or Do You Only Believe In One Religion?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
This is a really good question I just had because it was a topic of conversation a few days ago and hopefully I can explain it correctly. Do you believe that there's only one religion and all of the other ones are false and those gods don't exist, or do you believe that there is still one God, but many different beliefs about Him? I'll give you some examples because I'm not sure if I worded that correctly. Like Allah, Zeus, and God/Jesus.

Are they all the same God, but people have mixed views about Him? Or are they completely different gods altogether? I tend to believe it's the first one because otherwise, why would they all be considered godly spiritual beings? I hope that I explained that well enough. JGalt, JohnDB, I would really like to hear your opinions on this, and yes I know there are many different branches like Catholic and Baptist, but that's not what I'm referring to.
Only one God. No other so-called "god" or "prophet" healed the sick, raised the dead, turned water into wine, walked on the water, fed the multitude, or was executed and then rose from the dead.

All others are fakes.
One God. Many perceptions.

Exactly what I was trying to say. I believe in the Christianity one to be true, but I also believe that other people have other beliefs about Him that might not be wrong as nobody knows for sure,.. I just know what I believe. :)
Exactly what I was trying to say. I believe in the Christianity one to be true, but I also believe that other people have other beliefs about Him that might not be wrong as nobody knows for sure,.. I just know what I believe. :)
I believe that God speaks directly into the hearts that are open to Him and speaks directly to understanding. An individual believes only within the parameters of their understanding. Christianity is one understanding. It is the concepts that are universal, not the system. It is quite possible for someone to live an entirely "Christian " life practicing every tenet of the Christian faith but believing in the Great Tree God.
It doesnt seem very godly to have a bunch of people with random beliefs about him because he didnt communicate well enough. If god exists, only one religion is right and all the others have nothing to do with him.

It still could be the same spirit and wrong perceptions though. Catholics are completely different from Baptists with their beliefs, but yet they're both considered Christians.
It still could be the same spirit and wrong perceptions though. Catholics are completely different from Baptists with their beliefs, but yet they're both considered Christians.
I think the different sects of Christianity are close enough to be considered one religion in this sense.
the reality of the metaphysical is foremost a state of purity for all its many facets for which not one stands out in more importance than any other - no doubt some are greater than others and surly will stand to be most worthy - as long as no evil is allowed to prevail, who cares.
The Christian God is a Trinity; Allah is a monotheistic God. There is no way to reconcile those differences. One is correct, the other is not. Take your choice.

Actually you have a point there, but I still don't know where Muslms got their concept of there being a God from then.
But not THAT imperfect. As an average human being, i can communicate well enough to not have variations as extreme as Islam vs Christianity, let alone what the Aztecs believed, or the Egyptians, etc..
There are religions that have never Communicated with God at all.

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