Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Every time a new foreign trade agreement is enacted, we hear how it'll greatly benefit the U.S. Every time one is being debated, it seems that the agreed course is to enacted it for our economic benefit. But, when was the last time we actually had a trade surplus? How many years have we had a trade deficit?

U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
U.S. Department of Commerce * Washington, DC 20230
December 2014

The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, through the Department of
Commerce, announced today that the goods and services deficit was $46.6 billion in December, up
$6.8 billion from $39.8 billion in November, revised. December exports were $194.9 billion, down
$1.5 billion from November. December imports were $241.4 billion, up $5.3 billion from November.

The December increase in the goods and services deficit reflected an increase in the goods deficit
of $6.9 billion to $66.0 billion and an increase in the services surplus of $0.1 billion to
$19.5 billion.

For 2014, the goods and services deficit was $505.0 billion, up $28.7 billion or 6.0 percent from
2013. Exports were $2,345.4 billion, up $65.2 billion or 2.9 percent. Imports were $2,850.5
billion, up $93.9 billion or 3.4 percent.

Do we really benefit? If so, how?
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Do we really benefit? If so, how?

Chinese prices are lower. Walmart alone has saved Americans $8 trillion!!
Look at the big picture, please.

I am if you don't trade and have to make your own car house and phone you get very very poor. Do you understand?
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
Do we really benefit? If so, how?

Chinese prices are lower. Walmart alone has saved Americans $8 trillion!!
Look at the big picture, please.

I am if you don't trade and have to make your own car house and phone you get very very poor. Do you understand?
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.
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Do we really benefit? If so, how?

Chinese prices are lower. Walmart alone has saved Americans $8 trillion!!
Look at the big picture, please.

I am if you don't trade and have to make your own car house and phone you get very very poor. Do you understand?
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.
Wrong. I have said nothing about what fair means to me. When have I ever said anything about a crony Nazi Liberal? Why make stuff up?
Chinese prices are lower. Walmart alone has saved Americans $8 trillion!!
Look at the big picture, please.

I am if you don't trade and have to make your own car house and phone you get very very poor. Do you understand?
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.
Wrong. I have said nothing about what fair means to me. When have I ever said anything about a crony Nazi Liberal? Why make stuff up?

ok dear so tell us what Nazi facist liberal would deternine what fair is and how that Nazi would oppose his idea of fairness on us?
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  • #9
Look at the big picture, please.

I am if you don't trade and have to make your own car house and phone you get very very poor. Do you understand?
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.
Wrong. I have said nothing about what fair means to me. When have I ever said anything about a crony Nazi Liberal? Why make stuff up?

ok dear so tell us what Nazi facist liberal would deternine what fair is and how that Nazi would oppose his idea of fairness on us?
I have absolutely no idea as to what a "NAZI" would think. Why bring "Nazi" into the conversation? I have never ever mentioned anything about a "Nazi fascist liberal". Where did Nazi and fascist come into this conversation?
Do we really benefit? If so, how?

Chinese prices are lower. Walmart alone has saved Americans $8 trillion!!
Look at the big picture, please.

I am if you don't trade and have to make your own car house and phone you get very very poor. Do you understand?
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.

Pretty sure he never said anything about crony capitalists or liberals, but hey, flame away, chucklehead. I'm sure it'll be such a productive discussion.
I am if you don't trade and have to make your own car house and phone you get very very poor. Do you understand?
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.
Wrong. I have said nothing about what fair means to me. When have I ever said anything about a crony Nazi Liberal? Why make stuff up?

ok dear so tell us what Nazi facist liberal would deternine what fair is and how that Nazi would oppose his idea of fairness on us?
I have absolutely no idea as to what a "NAZI" would think. Why bring "Nazi" into the conversation? I have never ever mentioned anything about a "Nazi fascist liberal". Where did Nazi and fascist come into this conversation?

dear, what are you afraid of?? Tell us what nice man would determine what fair trade is, what his definition would be, and how the nice man would encourage us to obey him without threatening to kill us or putting us in prison. Thank you.
I have absolutely no idea as to what a "NAZI" would think.

sure you do he would think exactly like you do ,namely, that people were too stupid to trade in a free market place on their own and so he had to step in to dictate at the point of a gun how trading was to be conducted, for the Nazi good!!
Chinese prices are lower. Walmart alone has saved Americans $8 trillion!!
Look at the big picture, please.

I am if you don't trade and have to make your own car house and phone you get very very poor. Do you understand?
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.

Pretty sure he never said anything about crony capitalists or liberals, but hey, flame away, chucklehead. I'm sure it'll be such a productive discussion.

so why don't you step in and explain the truth about free trade in the most productive way??
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.
Wrong. I have said nothing about what fair means to me. When have I ever said anything about a crony Nazi Liberal? Why make stuff up?

ok dear so tell us what Nazi facist liberal would deternine what fair is and how that Nazi would oppose his idea of fairness on us?
I have absolutely no idea as to what a "NAZI" would think. Why bring "Nazi" into the conversation? I have never ever mentioned anything about a "Nazi fascist liberal". Where did Nazi and fascist come into this conversation?

dear, what are you afraid of?? Tell us what nice man would determine what fair trade is, what his definition would be, and how the nice man would encourage us to obey him without threatening to kill us or putting us in prison. Thank you.
I have no ideas as to what you're drinking, smoking, or what drugs you may be taking. I'm not afraid of anything. Why should I be afraid? The definition of "FAIR", "EQUAL", and "BALANCED" can be found at, if you're curious. I do not believe that the definition has changed lately. In addition, who has said anything about obeying? Where did that come from? Are you just pulling BS off the wall? I don't know what you're talking about when you say "kill us", or "put us in prison". What exactly are you talking about, and how does all of it fit into this conversation?
I have absolutely no idea as to what a "NAZI" would think.

sure you do he would think exactly like you do ,namely, that people were too stupid to trade in a free market place on their own and so he had to step in to dictate at the point of a gun how trading was to be conducted, for the Nazi good!!
Very silly and childish.
Look at the big picture, please.

I am if you don't trade and have to make your own car house and phone you get very very poor. Do you understand?
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.

Pretty sure he never said anything about crony capitalists or liberals, but hey, flame away, chucklehead. I'm sure it'll be such a productive discussion.

so why don't you step in and explain the truth about free trade in the most productive way??
And why don't you try to get that chip off your shoulder and stop trying to turn every conversation into a war zone? Also, try NOT to twist everything anyone says to mean something entirely different from what they actually mean. In addition, please stop saying that someone has said something that you know for a fact that they didn't say. An example would be the term "Nazi". You're the only one that has said anything about a Nazi.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.
Wrong. I have said nothing about what fair means to me. When have I ever said anything about a crony Nazi Liberal? Why make stuff up?

ok dear so tell us what Nazi facist liberal would deternine what fair is and how that Nazi would oppose his idea of fairness on us?
I have absolutely no idea as to what a "NAZI" would think. Why bring "Nazi" into the conversation? I have never ever mentioned anything about a "Nazi fascist liberal". Where did Nazi and fascist come into this conversation?

dear, what are you afraid of?? Tell us what nice man would determine what fair trade is, what his definition would be, and how the nice man would encourage us to obey him without threatening to kill us or putting us in prison. Thank you.
I have no ideas as to what you're drinking, smoking, or what drugs you may be taking. I'm not afraid of anything. Why should I be afraid? The definition of "FAIR", "EQUAL", and "BALANCED" can be found at, if you're curious. I do not believe that the definition has changed lately. In addition, who has said anything about obeying? Where did that come from? Are you just pulling BS off the wall? I don't know what you're talking about when you say "kill us", or "put us in prison". What exactly are you talking about, and how does all of it fit into this conversation?

dear, you said you wanted fair trade not free trade. Free trade is when people are free to trade as they wish. Fair trade is when libNazi govt decides what people do at the point of a gun!!

see why we say a liberal will be slow?
I am if you don't trade and have to make your own car house and phone you get very very poor. Do you understand?
I never said NOT to trade. I have said that we should have fair, equal, and balanced trade. Trade is very important. I have said that many times already.
dear, fair to you means dictated by a know nothing crony capitalist Nazi liberal . Fair and free trade to conservative intellectuals is what each party to a transaction thinks is fair to him.

Pretty sure he never said anything about crony capitalists or liberals, but hey, flame away, chucklehead. I'm sure it'll be such a productive discussion.

so why don't you step in and explain the truth about free trade in the most productive way??
And why don't you try to get that chip off your shoulder and stop trying to turn every conversation into a war zone? Also, try NOT to twist everything anyone says to mean something entirely different from what they actually mean. In addition, please stop saying that someone has said something that you know for a fact that they didn't say. An example would be the term "Nazi". You're the only one that has said anything about a Nazi.

dear, the liberal never has enough government. Obama took over when govt was the biggest ever and what does he want?? always bigger and bigger govt just like you!!
This is the Road to Serfdom!

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
Wrong. I have said nothing about what fair means to me. When have I ever said anything about a crony Nazi Liberal? Why make stuff up?

ok dear so tell us what Nazi facist liberal would deternine what fair is and how that Nazi would oppose his idea of fairness on us?
I have absolutely no idea as to what a "NAZI" would think. Why bring "Nazi" into the conversation? I have never ever mentioned anything about a "Nazi fascist liberal". Where did Nazi and fascist come into this conversation?

dear, what are you afraid of?? Tell us what nice man would determine what fair trade is, what his definition would be, and how the nice man would encourage us to obey him without threatening to kill us or putting us in prison. Thank you.
I have no ideas as to what you're drinking, smoking, or what drugs you may be taking. I'm not afraid of anything. Why should I be afraid? The definition of "FAIR", "EQUAL", and "BALANCED" can be found at, if you're curious. I do not believe that the definition has changed lately. In addition, who has said anything about obeying? Where did that come from? Are you just pulling BS off the wall? I don't know what you're talking about when you say "kill us", or "put us in prison". What exactly are you talking about, and how does all of it fit into this conversation?

dear, you said you wanted fair trade not free trade. Free trade is when people are free to trade as they wish. Fair trade is when libNazi govt decides what people do at the point of a gun!!

see why we say a liberal will be slow?
That is so ridiculous that it's difficult to address in a way that you would comprehend. What are you talking about? Guns? Yes, I said, "fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade".

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