CDZ Do the targets of left wing protestors and right wing protestors demonstrate what they fear and hate?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
BLM and ANTIFA constantly target individuals they disagree with and/or people they perceive as "privileged". As far as government institutions, they want to change the makeup of and increase the power of those institutions in order to weaponize them.

Right wing protestors seem to fear the federal government gaining too much power. They despise the politicization of the educational system and the mainstream media. When they protest, it is usually "big government" that is the target of their rage.

One other difference I perceive is that for many the radical left, protesting is a way of life. With the right, they tend to do nothing, preferring instead to let things fester until they finally explode in rage.
Both the right and the left in America, or at least those who express their preference, are asking for the same things.
All ordinary Americans are just asking for a fair share of the wealth that America has to share to all the people. Their fear is in them never getting their share and their hate is directed against each other by the wealthy ruling class who needs to keep them fighting against each other.

What is the reason why America has declined to 15th. in the world on quality of life?

The very wealthy with Trump as their hero would have you all blaming black people and immigrants but that's just a worn out tactic that was used by Hitler to demonize Jews.

Trump's gone and he never was going to deliver. Now is a good time to come together as Americans who are intested in bettering their own working class and not the two political parties that are only going to continue to cheat you out of your piece of the American pie.

Stop being patsies for the system!
Both the right and the left in America, or at least those who express their preference, are asking for the same things.
All ordinary Americans are just asking for a fair share of the wealth that America has to share to all the people. Their fear is in them never getting their share and their hate is directed against each other by the wealthy ruling class who needs to keep them fighting against each other.

What is the reason why America has declined to 15th. in the world on quality of life?

The very wealthy with Trump as their hero would have you all blaming black people and immigrants but that's just a worn out tactic that was used by Hitler to demonize Jews.

Trump's gone and he never was going to deliver. Now is a good time to come together as Americans who are intested in bettering their own working class and not the two political parties that are only going to continue to cheat you out of your piece of the American pie.

Stop being patsies for the system!
Fuck the left and no we don't want the wealth we can get our own money
But you can't and your country descends further down the ladder, compared to the world's leading countries on quality of life.
If you don't care because you're doing well then just say you don't care. But don't try to pretend that America has become a sh-thole, compared to the world's leading democracies.
Both the right and the left in America, or at least those who express their preference, are asking for the same things.
All ordinary Americans are just asking for a fair share of the wealth that America has to share to all the people. Their fear is in them never getting their share and their hate is directed against each other by the wealthy ruling class who needs to keep them fighting against each other.

What is the reason why America has declined to 15th. in the world on quality of life?

The very wealthy with Trump as their hero would have you all blaming black people and immigrants but that's just a worn out tactic that was used by Hitler to demonize Jews.

Trump's gone and he never was going to deliver. Now is a good time to come together as Americans who are intested in bettering their own working class and not the two political parties that are only going to continue to cheat you out of your piece of the American pie.

Stop being patsies for the system!
Fuck the left and no we don't want the wealth we can get our own money
But you can't and your country descends further down the ladder, compared to the world's leading countries on quality of life.
If you don't care because you're doing well then just say you don't care. But don't try to pretend that America has become a sh-thole, compared to the world's leading democracies.
The other countries rely on our aid and military might, who are you trying to kid?

And once again their is a major difference between the left and right, the left wants other people's money the right just wants to be left alone
Even though Black life's matter have made many missteps in the quest for equality, that quest is reasonable as equality should be available to all Americans. It took a hundred years for women to get the vote. How many today would say that women have not earned that right.
Even though Black life's matter have made many missteps in the quest for equality, that quest is reasonable as equality should be available to all Americans. It took a hundred years for women to get the vote. How many today would say that women have not earned that right.
Equal outcome is not a guarantee, nor a right- comparing Black people to Women's right to vote isn't comparing apples to apples- rights are not earned, they are inherent- unless we're talking about inalienable vs unalienable- inalienable rights are privileges and immunities = tangibles, earned by being here which can be rescinded or taken- unalienable rights are inherent and can only be restricted or ignored, which seems to be an American tradition-
Finger pointing means there are 3 pointed back at the pointer.
Typically, one projects onto others- the arena may be dislike, or love, hate, or envy- all are projections of the projector, typically.
Envy is a precursor to hate- hate leads to subjectivity rendering an inaccurate analysis- an inaccurate analysis leads to bias which brings us full circle back to envy-
Treating others with respect is what counts- it earns one self respect- one can't be had without the other.
When one assumes a superiority one is projecting an inferiority trait, which leads to envy, perhaps, subconsciously, and is acted out/onto others= projection.
......... rights are not earned, they are inherent- -------------

Not in America and that's been the problem. Black people have had to fight continuously over many years to gain the rights that would make them equal to white people. And they were lynched in the process of trying, while still being murdered by police in the streets.

Is it somehow comforting for Americans to say that rights are inherent?

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