DNC says their party has been damaged by radical propaganda from within.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

People like AOC are destroying the left and I love it. Even other democrats she gives campaign money to are freaking out.

Get the popcorn!
Okay, I'll get the popcorn

*Watches the GOP vote to evict Liz Cheney and bring opponents to run against Murkowski*

Ohhhh you meant get popcorn for the Democrats...hmmm...nah.

People like AOC are destroying the left and I love it. Even other democrats she gives campaign money to are freaking out.

Get the popcorn!

AOC is terrible since her record is a dismal failure.

Pj Media

Study: AOC One of 'Least Effective Members of Congress'


She’s got millions of followers on Twitter. The media hangs on her every word. She is credited — fairly or unfairly — with jumpstarting the radical transformation of the Democratic Party. She makes extremism cool.

She’s Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, member of Congress representing the Bronx, and a proud Puerto Rican/Hispanic/Woman/ green/ socialist.

According to a study by the non-partisan Center for Effective Lawmaking, she’s also an incompetent radical.

People like AOC are destroying the left and I love it. Even other democrats she gives campaign money to are freaking out.

Get the popcorn!

AOC is an alt-left socialist, but she isn't alone. No I.D to vote? "Everyone is racist"? Identity Politics and China First? Cancel Culture? This isn't all AOC, that's for sure. She is just one of the ringleaders profiting off of fear and misrepresentation.

I have been keeping my finger on the pulse. We have Putin meeting Modi in India. Why? He, along with other U.S enemies, are looking to divide. We have Australia, Japan and Taiwan unsure of Americas position but more importantly the will and feasibility of America standing up for American Values.

If the U.S doesn't stand for American Values domestically, how can it hope to succeed Internationally, especially when so many U.S businesses are helping to fund Chinas military.

People like AOC are destroying the left and I love it. Even other democrats she gives campaign money to are freaking out.

Get the popcorn!
Their "brand" is damaged by petty fascist tyrant demagogue asswagons like Piglosi and Chucky the shoe shine boy.

They're just shifting the blame for their destruction onto the easiest target.
Okay, I'll get the popcorn

*Watches the GOP vote to evict Liz Cheney and bring opponents to run against Murkowski*

Ohhhh you meant get popcorn for the Democrats...hmmm...nah.

Don't forget that Democrats tried to get rid of AOC and failed.
and lamented that the party isn't able to make those voters realize what's best for them.

To that I say fuck you. Who do you think you are to even make that assumption? That right there is the reason. That attitude that makes me want to throat punch someone.
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Both parties are heavily damaged and do little to serve the people they are elected by, but they'll continue to win 99% of the elections because the American people are fucking imbeciles.

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