DNC more racist than Oscars?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
How about that!

The Democrat Party has an EXCLUSIVELY white field of possible nominees!

Not a single Black (don't they matter?) or even Hispanic candidate!

Is it simple Oscars-tyle racism at the most blatant?


Has The Democrat National Committee figured out that their (once) New Messiah has so poisoned the well that no black can be elected for at least 150 years?

Where are the Hollywood Stars protesting this? Or can they focus on only one racist entity at a time?
Democrats only care about the Black vote, not their living conditions, employment, drug problems, schooling etc.. It's all about divisive politics, playing the race card and keeping Blacks controlled and dependent. Obama and the Democratic Party has had hideous results for the Black race, hopefully, Blacks will wake up and smell the reality of the race baiting, screwed results of the Democrat Party.

images (54).jpg
How about that!

The Democrat Party has an EXCLUSIVELY white field of possible nominees!

Not a single Black (don't they matter?) or even Hispanic candidate!

Is it simple Oscars-tyle racism at the most blatant?


Has The Democrat National Committee figured out that their (once) New Messiah has so poisoned the well that no black can be elected for at least 150 years?

Where are the Hollywood Stars protesting this? Or can they focus on only one racist entity at a time?

Don't you remember in the last election that during the RNC the newsman kept focusing on the one black guy in the audience to make it not seem so white...???

Interesting can you see a Black, Chinese,or Spanish person in any of these pictures..?



How about that!

The Democrat Party has an EXCLUSIVELY white field of possible nominees!

Not a single Black (don't they matter?) or even Hispanic candidate!

Is it simple Oscars-tyle racism at the most blatant?


Has The Democrat National Committee figured out that their (once) New Messiah has so poisoned the well that no black can be elected for at least 150 years?

Where are the Hollywood Stars protesting this? Or can they focus on only one racist entity at a time?

Let's look at the history of what you brought up. We don't need to look at 2008 and 2012 for obvious reasons.

2004 - two black candidates neither of which were serious contenders by any stretch of the imagination. One withdrew in January, 2004 before the primaries/caucuses and the other about 2 weeks after the early ones.

2000 - no black candidates for the Democrats. Republican have one that makes it to within 3 1/2 months of election before dropping out.

1996 - None. They chose a white playboy again. Republicans have one.

1992 - None. Democrats have 8 white males

1988 - Same one black as in 1984.

1984 - One black, Jesse Jackson, if you can say he was even a contender. Democrats nominate female VP, first in history from a major party. Democrats get asses handed to them by a 525 - 13 margin. Since Palin was nominated in 2008, that makes Republicans even.
Democrats only care about the Black vote, not their living conditions, employment, drug problems, schooling etc.. It's all about divisive politics, playing the race card and keeping Blacks controlled and dependent. Obama and the Democratic Party has had hideous results for the Black race, hopefully, Blacks will wake up and smell the reality of the race baiting, screwed results of the Democrat Party.

View attachment 61449

It's called caring about what's on paper not what matters.
How about that!

The Democrat Party has an EXCLUSIVELY white field of possible nominees!

Not a single Black (don't they matter?) or even Hispanic candidate!

Is it simple Oscars-tyle racism at the most blatant?


Has The Democrat National Committee figured out that their (once) New Messiah has so poisoned the well that no black can be elected for at least 150 years?

Where are the Hollywood Stars protesting this? Or can they focus on only one racist entity at a time?

Don't you remember in the last election that during the RNC the newsman kept focusing on the one black guy in the audience to make it not seem so white...???

Interesting can you see a Black, Chinese,or Spanish person in any of these pictures..?




I went back about 30 years and have yet to see, other than Obama, Democrats putting up a large number of black Presidential candidates. You'd think the party of diversity would have done better. In fact, pictures like you posted of Democrat rallies may have had more blacks but in the end, they voted for the white guy, too.
How about that!

The Democrat Party has an EXCLUSIVELY white field of possible nominees!

Not a single Black (don't they matter?) or even Hispanic candidate!

Is it simple Oscars-tyle racism at the most blatant?


Has The Democrat National Committee figured out that their (once) New Messiah has so poisoned the well that no black can be elected for at least 150 years?

Where are the Hollywood Stars protesting this? Or can they focus on only one racist entity at a time?

Let me get this right. You are saying that the Academy of Motion Pictures is the DNC? That's very retarded.
How about that!

The Democrat Party has an EXCLUSIVELY white field of possible nominees!

Not a single Black (don't they matter?) or even Hispanic candidate!

Is it simple Oscars-tyle racism at the most blatant?


Has The Democrat National Committee figured out that their (once) New Messiah has so poisoned the well that no black can be elected for at least 150 years?

Where are the Hollywood Stars protesting this? Or can they focus on only one racist entity at a time?

You are still upset that the Democrats elected a black President...while the GOP has yet to field a minority candidate that has gotten any serious numbers.
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Dnc has 3 candidates . One a women, another a Jew. That's a 66% minority rate.

How about the GOP ???
You want to play this game ?

Dnc has 3 candidates . One a women, another a Jew. That's a 66% minority rate.

How about the GOP ???
Both geriatric with one foot in the grave.

Got any new blood?
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Dnc has 3 candidates . One a women, another a Jew. That's a 66% minority rate.

How about the GOP ???

The RNC had 18 candidates to start....or maybe 20...

A woman
A black
An Italian
An Indian American
Rubio, Cuban decent...
Trump...I guess we can call him a WASP.... No offense intended.

Are YOU sure you want to play this game?

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