Diverse Jews of the New York Times as one when it comes to war on behalf of Israel


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
When Bret Stephens was hired last April by the New York Times to write an opinion column, he was touted as an example of the Times' commitment to diversity of opinion. He's "conservative". While he was running the Jerusalem Post, he made Paul Wolfowitz the Post's 2003 Man of the Year for his role in getting the United States to attack Iraq. Wolfowitz, of course, with Doug Feith and Richard Perle, helped Mossad dupe Americans into buying the WMD scam and commit to the colossal blunder of our 2003 invasion of Iraq. He's a big defender of the murderous Israeli regime.

Here's warmonger Bret's latest diverse opinion:

Bret Stephens SEPT. 28, 2017

I believe Valerie Plame, the former C.I.A. operative and fading liberal celebrity, when she says she missed the anti-Semitic “undercurrents” in an article she called “provocative, but thoughtful.” I believe her when she says she “zeroed in on the neocon criticism” but missed the article’s more prejudicial elements.

The article was titled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars.” It uses variants of the word “Jew” 22 times. The word “neocons” appears only twice. I believe Plame is telling the truth when she says the subtlety was lost on her.

I believed Donald Trump when he insisted last year there was nothing amiss with him tweeting the image of a six-pointed star superimposed over a pile of $100 bills alongside a picture of Hillary Clinton and the caption “Most corrupt candidate ever!” I believe him when he said it was a sheriff’s star, not a Star of David.

I did not believe white supremacist David Duke when he said there was “no way” it was a sheriff’s star. What does David Duke know about dog whistles anyway? …
I Believe Some of Your Best Friends Are Jewish

Like that guy from Google who lost his job for speaking the truth, Philip Giraldi lost his job for the article: “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars.”

Jews ARE driving America's wars, as Bret Stephens acknowledged when he gave the Jerusalem Post's 2003 Man of the Year award to the warmonger extraordinaire, Paul Wolfowitz for the signal service to Israel of driving America's most recent war for the Jews.
In my opinion America should pull out and let the Israelis and Muslims duke it out.

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