Discussion: Alan/Amy: Armed Staff in Schools.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2009
After the debate is over, we respectfully request that Intense, Luissa and AmyNation judge the debate on presentation, facts, style, ability to present ones argument, and whatever else they feel is pertinent to a debate. Each judge will declare their own winner.

I see Alan as the winner. Good form, argument, facts, keeping your focus on the Ideal. Amy gave you a good run, in spite of arguing a position against a view you never advocated. Not Every Teacher should be mandated to carry a gun. Bottom line is it takes one person in the right place, in the right state of mind to effect outcome. Not many are cut out for that kind of responsibility. Best choices would be Staff with either Security, Police, or Military Background. That could be 1 in 100, or 1 in 500, still, it's a deterrent. Gun Security is something we all pretty much agree on. If it's going to be stored on premises, fail-safe security is warranted. Desk drawer, closet, do not comply. Accidental shooting? Accidental anything, is always a risk. One factor would be who fired the first shot. In these shootings, Armed response comes after the assault started. Best case scenario is that damage control is the best option there. A hostage situation? Maybe the best hope there, is to contain, until the Police can take over. Bottom line. I would rather have some option, than no option. Amy, your concerns are valid.There are always unknown factors, they generally always complicate response. There will always be those more tuned in than others, just as much as there are always risk factors. Life and Death decisions are that way. Plenty of armchair Quarterbacks to rip apart anything anyone does do, in hind sight. Right or wrong after the fact, what would concern me, would be what were the options, what was at stake, and did the person act on instinct, conscience, or against it. This is one of those things, I think, most of us, would Not want to live through.

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I think Alan presented very well, and presented the facts very well.... Problem is he listed three events in I believe his second post listing three school shootings. Each school shooting took place a few years after the other, which helped Coyotes point, these do not happen as often as much as we like to think they do. Alan provided a good argument but he was not able to change my opinion. He actually reaffirmed it with his facts.
I thought you both did a wonderful job with facts(backed by sources)and presentation. I also think this was a more difficult debate because, to me, both sides do have compelling arguments. However, in the end I thought Alan earned a victory especially since he managed swayed his opponent from strict opposition to extremely wary:)
Shoot, why not just arm the kids?

Why not?

Aren't you guys always telling us an armed society is a polite society?

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