Disband The FBI


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Disband The FBI

30 Jul 2021 ~~Authored by Chris Farrell via The Gatestone Institute,
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continues its downward spiral into terminal corruption. Sadly, the scandals, criminality and ethical abuses of the organization are largely ignored by the American public and by the institutions of government charged with oversight and correction. Outrage after outrage is reported, hearings are held, Inspector General reports are issued -- but the systemic corruption is never really tackled and dirty cops skate away virtually unscathed.
This situation is constitutionally unacceptable, corrosive to public trust in law enforcement, and a threat to the survival of the republic.

In the past few days alone, we have learned that the October 2020 Michigan governor kidnap plot was largely a creation of the FBI; a "senior FBI official" was on the take from media organizations; and another assistant director was in a "romantic relationship with a subordinate" and involved in "other misconduct."
The leadership failures documented by the Office of the Inspector General are now almost standard and part of a tiresome media drip-torture for the public to endure.
Meanwhile, the FBI had the audacity to issue a Stasi-like tweet urging "monitoring of 'family members and peers' for extremism."
Remember: what we learn about the FBI in the press are only the stories that are SO outrageous that the FBI cannot keep a lid on them and is forced to make disclosures via a toothless Inspector General report -- but never anything that results in a criminal indictment. Imagine what the ordinary day-to-day misconduct in FBI offices across the country could be. And these scandals don't just amount to "bad press" – in several of these, federal courts scourge the FBI for lawbreaking. Additionally, Inspector General report after report details FBI abuses such as whistleblowers being retaliated against and ignoring "high-risk" employees who fail polygraph tests.
There are still apologists for the FBI. Some seek to defend the organization with the rationalization that "it's always been that way." That sort of thinking is a cynical effort to inoculate and immunize real criminality as something normal and regular. "Get used to it kid, that's the way of the world," they offer with a shrug and a grin. Others, like Sean Hannity, cling to the "just a few bad apples" excuse. That sort of FBI cheerleading flies in the face of a litany of systemic abuses and pervasive abusers. The FBI ran a coup against President Trump. It failed. The following got away: Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Pientka, Brower, Baker, et al. Any real consequences for attempting to overthrow the government of the United States? No.
In May 2018, veteran reporter Eric Lichtblau of Time magazine wrote an article titled, "The FBI Is in Crisis. It's Worse Than You Think," wherein he detailed:
"The bureau, which is used to making headlines for nabbing crooks, has been grabbing the spotlight for unwanted reasons: fired leaders, texts between lovers and, most of all, attacks by President Trump ... internal and external reports have found lapses throughout the agency, and longtime observers, looking past the partisan haze, see a troubling picture: something really is wrong at the FBI... other painful, more public failures as well: missed opportunities to prevent mass shootings that go beyond the much-publicized overlooked warnings in the Parkland, Fla., school killings; an anguishing delay in the sexual-molestation probe into Olympic gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar; and evidence of misconduct by agents in the aftermath of standoffs with armed militias in Nevada and Oregon. FBI agents are facing criminal charges ranging from obstruction to leaking classified material."​
Four years later and the situation has not improved.
The FBI needs to go away. It should happen in an orderly and thoughtful process, over a period of months. Congress should authorize and create an investigative division in the U.S. Marshals Service and open applications for law enforcement officer seeking to be rigorously screened, vetted and then accessed into the new organization. Similar action was taken before in the very creation of the FBI. It is now time to clean house and restore the public's trust in the "premier investigative agency" of federal law enforcement.

Obviously this won't happen under China Joey Xi Bai Dung....
What I'd like to know is where are all those good straight arrow FBI agents Hannity continues to talk about....
We watched for more than three years, first Comey and then Wray tell us that Donald Trump is a Russian asset. but now we know he isn't a Russian asset. Seems Hunter and his daddy Joey Xi Bai Dung are on the oligarchs payroll.
WE find that all departments of government which have become UNACCOUNTABLE to the people and are hopelessly corrupt. The FBI, CDC, NEA, The FED, ATF, DHS... you name the alphabet agency and they're ALL corrupt to the core. When this country had a sound Christian ethos underlying its citizenry, the Republic was workable. When that self-restraining morality became lost, we lost the country.
Good luck.
Maybe if we just keep whining things will change.
Most importantly (see below).......Guaranteed to give you plenty to whine about.

This history of the FBI is probably the most checkered in its short history as any law enforcement agency in the country.

Created to attempt to enforce the scourge that was Prohibition, Director Hoover (a megalomaniac of the first order) created his fiefdom using non-Constitutional means (warrantless wire taps for example).

Since the end of prohibition, the agency aimed its sights on the imagined 'Red Menace' and managed to ruin the careers of some very promising American men and women.

The Agency illegally spied on American involved in both the Union and Civil Rights movements and has even kept tabs and kept records on religious leaders in America.

Director Hoover managed to wield such absolute power by using the agency spy on members of Congress as well and threatening to make public any dirt they might have dug up if they were tempted to interfere with his illegal investigations and politically motivated prosecutions.

While there is a need for a Federal Law enforcement agency to deal with strictly Federal jurisdictions, The FBI has too much dirt on its hands to be cleaned up.

The Agency needs to be gutted and re-built from the ground up, with a significantly reduced authority.
Amen, but won't happen because they serve and protect the DNC.
They are badly outnumbered and outgunned if the citizens decide to refuse their "authority" en masse. There are only 35K members of that service, support-staff included. Once the Left begins creating true SS or Brownshirts by placing "Capitol Police" in jurisdictions around the nation, that will signal the beginning of the end of peace in America.

Disband The FBI

30 Jul 2021 ~~Authored by Chris Farrell via The Gatestone Institute,
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continues its downward spiral into terminal corruption. Sadly, the scandals, criminality and ethical abuses of the organization are largely ignored by the American public and by the institutions of government charged with oversight and correction. Outrage after outrage is reported, hearings are held, Inspector General reports are issued -- but the systemic corruption is never really tackled and dirty cops skate away virtually unscathed.
This situation is constitutionally unacceptable, corrosive to public trust in law enforcement, and a threat to the survival of the republic.

In the past few days alone, we have learned that the October 2020 Michigan governor kidnap plot was largely a creation of the FBI; a "senior FBI official" was on the take from media organizations; and another assistant director was in a "romantic relationship with a subordinate" and involved in "other misconduct."
The leadership failures documented by the Office of the Inspector General are now almost standard and part of a tiresome media drip-torture for the public to endure.
Meanwhile, the FBI had the audacity to issue a Stasi-like tweet urging "monitoring of 'family members and peers' for extremism."
Remember: what we learn about the FBI in the press are only the stories that are SO outrageous that the FBI cannot keep a lid on them and is forced to make disclosures via a toothless Inspector General report -- but never anything that results in a criminal indictment. Imagine what the ordinary day-to-day misconduct in FBI offices across the country could be. And these scandals don't just amount to "bad press" – in several of these, federal courts scourge the FBI for lawbreaking. Additionally, Inspector General report after report details FBI abuses such as whistleblowers being retaliated against and ignoring "high-risk" employees who fail polygraph tests.
There are still apologists for the FBI. Some seek to defend the organization with the rationalization that "it's always been that way." That sort of thinking is a cynical effort to inoculate and immunize real criminality as something normal and regular. "Get used to it kid, that's the way of the world," they offer with a shrug and a grin. Others, like Sean Hannity, cling to the "just a few bad apples" excuse. That sort of FBI cheerleading flies in the face of a litany of systemic abuses and pervasive abusers. The FBI ran a coup against President Trump. It failed. The following got away: Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Pientka, Brower, Baker, et al. Any real consequences for attempting to overthrow the government of the United States? No.
In May 2018, veteran reporter Eric Lichtblau of Time magazine wrote an article titled, "The FBI Is in Crisis. It's Worse Than You Think," wherein he detailed:
"The bureau, which is used to making headlines for nabbing crooks, has been grabbing the spotlight for unwanted reasons: fired leaders, texts between lovers and, most of all, attacks by President Trump ... internal and external reports have found lapses throughout the agency, and longtime observers, looking past the partisan haze, see a troubling picture: something really is wrong at the FBI... other painful, more public failures as well: missed opportunities to prevent mass shootings that go beyond the much-publicized overlooked warnings in the Parkland, Fla., school killings; an anguishing delay in the sexual-molestation probe into Olympic gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar; and evidence of misconduct by agents in the aftermath of standoffs with armed militias in Nevada and Oregon. FBI agents are facing criminal charges ranging from obstruction to leaking classified material."​
Four years later and the situation has not improved.
The FBI needs to go away. It should happen in an orderly and thoughtful process, over a period of months. Congress should authorize and create an investigative division in the U.S. Marshals Service and open applications for law enforcement officer seeking to be rigorously screened, vetted and then accessed into the new organization. Similar action was taken before in the very creation of the FBI. It is now time to clean house and restore the public's trust in the "premier investigative agency" of federal law enforcement.

Obviously this won't happen under China Joey Xi Bai Dung....
What I'd like to know is where are all those good straight arrow FBI agents Hannity continues to talk about....
We watched for more than three years, first Comey and then Wray tell us that Donald Trump is a Russian asset. but now we know he isn't a Russian asset. Seems Hunter and his daddy Joey Xi Bai Dung are on the oligarchs payroll.
WE find that all departments of government which have become UNACCOUNTABLE to the people and are hopelessly corrupt. The FBI, CDC, NEA, The FED, ATF, DHS... you name the alphabet agency and they're ALL corrupt to the core. When this country had a sound Christian ethos underlying its citizenry, the Republic was workable. When that self-restraining morality became lost, we lost the country.
Great Source you have.
You Care to present some real FACTS?

Disband The FBI

30 Jul 2021 ~~Authored by Chris Farrell via The Gatestone Institute,
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continues its downward spiral into terminal corruption. Sadly, the scandals, criminality and ethical abuses of the organization are largely ignored by the American public and by the institutions of government charged with oversight and correction. Outrage after outrage is reported, hearings are held, Inspector General reports are issued -- but the systemic corruption is never really tackled and dirty cops skate away virtually unscathed.
This situation is constitutionally unacceptable, corrosive to public trust in law enforcement, and a threat to the survival of the republic.

In the past few days alone, we have learned that the October 2020 Michigan governor kidnap plot was largely a creation of the FBI; a "senior FBI official" was on the take from media organizations; and another assistant director was in a "romantic relationship with a subordinate" and involved in "other misconduct."
The leadership failures documented by the Office of the Inspector General are now almost standard and part of a tiresome media drip-torture for the public to endure.
Meanwhile, the FBI had the audacity to issue a Stasi-like tweet urging "monitoring of 'family members and peers' for extremism."
Remember: what we learn about the FBI in the press are only the stories that are SO outrageous that the FBI cannot keep a lid on them and is forced to make disclosures via a toothless Inspector General report -- but never anything that results in a criminal indictment. Imagine what the ordinary day-to-day misconduct in FBI offices across the country could be. And these scandals don't just amount to "bad press" – in several of these, federal courts scourge the FBI for lawbreaking. Additionally, Inspector General report after report details FBI abuses such as whistleblowers being retaliated against and ignoring "high-risk" employees who fail polygraph tests.
There are still apologists for the FBI. Some seek to defend the organization with the rationalization that "it's always been that way." That sort of thinking is a cynical effort to inoculate and immunize real criminality as something normal and regular. "Get used to it kid, that's the way of the world," they offer with a shrug and a grin. Others, like Sean Hannity, cling to the "just a few bad apples" excuse. That sort of FBI cheerleading flies in the face of a litany of systemic abuses and pervasive abusers. The FBI ran a coup against President Trump. It failed. The following got away: Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Pientka, Brower, Baker, et al. Any real consequences for attempting to overthrow the government of the United States? No.
In May 2018, veteran reporter Eric Lichtblau of Time magazine wrote an article titled, "The FBI Is in Crisis. It's Worse Than You Think," wherein he detailed:
"The bureau, which is used to making headlines for nabbing crooks, has been grabbing the spotlight for unwanted reasons: fired leaders, texts between lovers and, most of all, attacks by President Trump ... internal and external reports have found lapses throughout the agency, and longtime observers, looking past the partisan haze, see a troubling picture: something really is wrong at the FBI... other painful, more public failures as well: missed opportunities to prevent mass shootings that go beyond the much-publicized overlooked warnings in the Parkland, Fla., school killings; an anguishing delay in the sexual-molestation probe into Olympic gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar; and evidence of misconduct by agents in the aftermath of standoffs with armed militias in Nevada and Oregon. FBI agents are facing criminal charges ranging from obstruction to leaking classified material."​
Four years later and the situation has not improved.
The FBI needs to go away. It should happen in an orderly and thoughtful process, over a period of months. Congress should authorize and create an investigative division in the U.S. Marshals Service and open applications for law enforcement officer seeking to be rigorously screened, vetted and then accessed into the new organization. Similar action was taken before in the very creation of the FBI. It is now time to clean house and restore the public's trust in the "premier investigative agency" of federal law enforcement.

Obviously this won't happen under China Joey Xi Bai Dung....
What I'd like to know is where are all those good straight arrow FBI agents Hannity continues to talk about....
We watched for more than three years, first Comey and then Wray tell us that Donald Trump is a Russian asset. but now we know he isn't a Russian asset. Seems Hunter and his daddy Joey Xi Bai Dung are on the oligarchs payroll.
WE find that all departments of government which have become UNACCOUNTABLE to the people and are hopelessly corrupt. The FBI, CDC, NEA, The FED, ATF, DHS... you name the alphabet agency and they're ALL corrupt to the core. When this country had a sound Christian ethos underlying its citizenry, the Republic was workable. When that self-restraining morality became lost, we lost the country.

The whole political system is corrupt. Changing the FBI to the IBF won't change the corruption
It is with the greatest feeling of betrayal that the right wing terrorists now face the agency built from the ground up to combat the militant left.
It is with the greatest feeling of betrayal that the right wing terrorists now face the agency built from the ground up to combat the militant left.
You're right in that left wing terrorists have little to fear.
You're right in that left wing terrorists have little to fear.
The fringe right is arming up for a civil war. Large quantities of explosives regularly go missing. Gun smugglers are having a heyday. Thousands of fantasy confederates are conducting preparation and training exercises. If the left was doing that you would shit your pants and demand the FBI go after them with everything they have. Were there a significant number of armed militant leftists issuing violent threats I would have no problem with the feds going after them as they should. You see I believe threats of violence have no place in American politics. You can't say that.
RE: Disband the FBI
SUBTOPIC: Getting Back on Topic
※→ et al,

BLUF: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was born out of necessity. And the FBI remains an important tool for the public in fighting crime at echelons beyond state and local authorities. The very thought of "disbanding" this key public instrument is simply backlash by a segment of the public that is frustrated by the face of government.

ZeroHedge said:
This situation is constitutionally unacceptable, corrosive to public trust in law enforcement, and a threat to the survival of the republic.
Authored by Chris Farrell via The Gatestone Institute,

If the FBI is (somehow) broken, then we fix it - NOT throw it away.

Any organization as big as the FBI employs less than one agent for every 12,000 people in the United States. It is an organization of some of the most highly trained and dedicated people in America. As an organization, has proven to be extremely versatile and dynamic; able to tackle a wide range of hostile threats and criminal activity.

If you think that you can offer better leadership and direction for the FBI, then get inside (
or communicate with) the government and make your case. Or (better yet) join the FBI (if you are qualified) and work from within to advance and enhance its capabilities. But to merely badmouth the organization that you know virtually nothing about is (very simply) unhelpful.

The FBI is not perfect. And I doubt very seriously if anyone within the FBI would suggest that they are perfect. In recognizing its imperfections, works to make improvements in every area of operation.

There may be some weaknesses in the organization. But the FBI is not "corrosive to public trust in law enforcement" (
however you define that), nor is it a "threat to the survival of the republic." That is simply nonsense.

.Just my two-cents worth,

Most Respectfully,
RE: Disband the FBI
SUBTOPIC: Getting Back on Topic
※→ et al,

BLUF: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was born out of necessity. And the FBI remains an important tool for the public in fighting crime at echelons beyond state and local authorities. The very thought of "disbanding" this key public instrument is simply backlash by a segment of the public that is frustrated by the face of government.

If the FBI is (somehow) broken, then we fix it - NOT throw it away.

Any organization as big as the FBI employs less than one agent for every 12,000 people in the United States. It is an organization of some of the most highly trained and dedicated people in America. As an organization, has proven to be extremely versatile and dynamic; able to tackle a wide range of hostile threats and criminal activity.

If you think that you can offer better leadership and direction for the FBI, then get inside (
or communicate with) the government and make your case. Or (better yet) join the FBI (if you are qualified) and work from within to advance and enhance its capabilities. But to merely badmouth the organization that you know virtually nothing about is (very simply) unhelpful.

The FBI is not perfect. And I doubt very seriously if anyone within the FBI would suggest that they are perfect. In recognizing its imperfections, works to make improvements in every area of operation.

There may be some weaknesses in the organization. But the FBI is not "corrosive to public trust in law enforcement" (
however you define that), nor is it a "threat to the survival of the republic." That is simply nonsense.

.Just my two-cents worth,

Most Respectfully,
Everyone knows the FBI is the best in the world at what they do. The only reason the right has any problem with them is that the renewed focus on domestic terrorism is seen as a real threat by the fringe right. Since 9/11 the FBI had their attention elsewhere chasing Islamic terrorism and our homegrown nutters felt pretty safe.
Good luck.
Maybe if we just keep whining things will change.
Most importantly (see below).......Guaranteed to give you plenty to whine about.

View attachment 519485
Just do nothing, indeed. It seems I have a felony record with fingerprints DNA, and everything for little more a parking ticket. You can't ever find gainful employment in this life with any of that crap on your permanent irrevocable record, or participate in any recreational activities.
Since 9/11 the FBI had their attention elsewhere chasing Islamic terrorism and our homegrown nutters felt pretty safe.
Are you saying the FBI is a mental health agency rather than a law enforcement or criminal investigative agency? There's a psychic shop in back room.
The bottom line is, the FBI has been witching and stealing our fingerprints for gun control, framing in court, and various other identity-related purposes.

Disband The FBI

30 Jul 2021 ~~Authored by Chris Farrell via The Gatestone Institute,
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) continues its downward spiral into terminal corruption. Sadly, the scandals, criminality and ethical abuses of the organization are largely ignored by the American public and by the institutions of government charged with oversight and correction. Outrage after outrage is reported, hearings are held, Inspector General reports are issued -- but the systemic corruption is never really tackled and dirty cops skate away virtually unscathed.
This situation is constitutionally unacceptable, corrosive to public trust in law enforcement, and a threat to the survival of the republic.

In the past few days alone, we have learned that the October 2020 Michigan governor kidnap plot was largely a creation of the FBI; a "senior FBI official" was on the take from media organizations; and another assistant director was in a "romantic relationship with a subordinate" and involved in "other misconduct."
The leadership failures documented by the Office of the Inspector General are now almost standard and part of a tiresome media drip-torture for the public to endure.
Meanwhile, the FBI had the audacity to issue a Stasi-like tweet urging "monitoring of 'family members and peers' for extremism."
Remember: what we learn about the FBI in the press are only the stories that are SO outrageous that the FBI cannot keep a lid on them and is forced to make disclosures via a toothless Inspector General report -- but never anything that results in a criminal indictment. Imagine what the ordinary day-to-day misconduct in FBI offices across the country could be. And these scandals don't just amount to "bad press" – in several of these, federal courts scourge the FBI for lawbreaking. Additionally, Inspector General report after report details FBI abuses such as whistleblowers being retaliated against and ignoring "high-risk" employees who fail polygraph tests.
There are still apologists for the FBI. Some seek to defend the organization with the rationalization that "it's always been that way." That sort of thinking is a cynical effort to inoculate and immunize real criminality as something normal and regular. "Get used to it kid, that's the way of the world," they offer with a shrug and a grin. Others, like Sean Hannity, cling to the "just a few bad apples" excuse. That sort of FBI cheerleading flies in the face of a litany of systemic abuses and pervasive abusers. The FBI ran a coup against President Trump. It failed. The following got away: Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clinesmith, Pientka, Brower, Baker, et al. Any real consequences for attempting to overthrow the government of the United States? No.
In May 2018, veteran reporter Eric Lichtblau of Time magazine wrote an article titled, "The FBI Is in Crisis. It's Worse Than You Think," wherein he detailed:
"The bureau, which is used to making headlines for nabbing crooks, has been grabbing the spotlight for unwanted reasons: fired leaders, texts between lovers and, most of all, attacks by President Trump ... internal and external reports have found lapses throughout the agency, and longtime observers, looking past the partisan haze, see a troubling picture: something really is wrong at the FBI... other painful, more public failures as well: missed opportunities to prevent mass shootings that go beyond the much-publicized overlooked warnings in the Parkland, Fla., school killings; an anguishing delay in the sexual-molestation probe into Olympic gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar; and evidence of misconduct by agents in the aftermath of standoffs with armed militias in Nevada and Oregon. FBI agents are facing criminal charges ranging from obstruction to leaking classified material."​
Four years later and the situation has not improved.
The FBI needs to go away. It should happen in an orderly and thoughtful process, over a period of months. Congress should authorize and create an investigative division in the U.S. Marshals Service and open applications for law enforcement officer seeking to be rigorously screened, vetted and then accessed into the new organization. Similar action was taken before in the very creation of the FBI. It is now time to clean house and restore the public's trust in the "premier investigative agency" of federal law enforcement.

Obviously this won't happen under China Joey Xi Bai Dung....
What I'd like to know is where are all those good straight arrow FBI agents Hannity continues to talk about....
We watched for more than three years, first Comey and then Wray tell us that Donald Trump is a Russian asset. but now we know he isn't a Russian asset. Seems Hunter and his daddy Joey Xi Bai Dung are on the oligarchs payroll.
WE find that all departments of government which have become UNACCOUNTABLE to the people and are hopelessly corrupt. The FBI, CDC, NEA, The FED, ATF, DHS... you name the alphabet agency and they're ALL corrupt to the core. When this country had a sound Christian ethos underlying its citizenry, the Republic was workable. When that self-restraining morality became lost, we lost the country.
Defund the FBI

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