Didn’t Trump lose for toning down his rhetoric on illegals?...Are Republicans going soft on illegal immigration?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
It‘s the same cycle over and over again...It’s Democrats beating Republicans into submission...Republicans bit into the hispanic vote with Trump as he became quite pussified when compared to his 2016 campaign so now my bet is they will ‘kinda’ embrace illegal immigration and tone the rhetoric way down when speaking on the matter...Good job once again Mexicrats....you always win in the end.
Some of the Republican's in the USA remind me of the Conservative party in the UK.

Believe in the right things.

But too many in each party don't have a backbone between them to implement things - which a few honourable exceptions from each.

Traditionalists in name only.

Some folk in each party are a disgrace to their party.

We need strong characters and folk willing to go a couple of steps back, to thrust forward.
It‘s the same cycle over and over again...It’s Democrats beating Republicans into submission...Republicans bit into the hispanic vote with Trump as he became quite pussified when compared to his 2016 campaign so now my bet is they will ‘kinda’ embrace illegal immigration and tone the rhetoric way down when speaking on the matter...Good job once again Mexicrats....you always win in the end.
Trump lost for being trump. He should have never been elected first time, though you guys did save us from 4 years or more of Hillary.
Republican house and senate members get a lot of money from corporate donors that enjoy hiring people that will work cheap and not complain....and we are not just talking big farm...we are talking fast food and hotels and more...we the people can not compete with that kind of wealth...that is why I support government funded elections...every candidate gets the same amount of money to run for office and the media must donate TV time for debates....take the grease out of the goose....
It‘s the same cycle over and over again...It’s Democrats beating Republicans into submission...Republicans bit into the hispanic vote with Trump as he became quite pussified when compared to his 2016 campaign so now my bet is they will ‘kinda’ embrace illegal immigration and tone the rhetoric way down when speaking on the matter...Good job once again Mexicrats....you always win in the end.
They were ALWAYS soft on it. The dog-shit GOP has no fucking spine.
The irony is, neither do the GOP. That's why Trump won, he called it out and his administration went on Fox News and other outlets and repeated that this was bad for these communities. He hit record votes for a GOP and minority populations.

The GOP from what I can tell, has been on-board with illegal immigration as much as, and even more in the past than Dems are. Paul Ryan advised Trump to not take a multi-billion dollar border wall deal when the Dems offered it.

In my eyes, your open border ensures your long-term failure. China is probably pouring a great deal of money to help Central Americans move to America. That's good foreign policy for China to weaken America and it's the easiest path of least resistance to an all too willing political and business class.
You’re right...like Tucker Carlson does; I‘ve said that over and over again....Democrats have the GOP right where they want them...Dems control ALL language, they tell the GOP what they’re allowed to speak about and how they’re allowed to speak about it.
Republicans are the minority party in congress. They have little power but they are speaking out against the democrat tyranny. Republican governors (mostly from border states) are targets of a combination of democrat and media smear campaign but they are fighting back every day. What more do you expect?
Republicans are the minority party in congress. They have little power but they are speaking out against the democrat tyranny. Republican governors (mostly from border states) are targets of a combination of democrat and media smear campaign but they are fighting back every day. What more do you expect?
No they aren’t...a few have a ballsack and OCCASIONALLY speak up for core Americans....the rest are filthy establishment pukes just slightly better than the common Democrat.

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