Did you ever play "Cowboys & Indians" as a child?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
I'm a white American and, as a kid, myself and other neighborhood children like to play "Cowboys & Indians". We lived in the country, right next to a forest, which was a GREAT place to grow up with lots of room to play, hunt, fish, swim, etc. Anyway, we actually had toy, Indian headdresses with feathers, toy tomahawks and bows and arrows with harmless, plastic arrows, except for getting poked in the eye ;), of course.

Each of us wanted to be an "Indian" and we had to take turns being the boring Cowboys. Why did we like being the Indians? Because they were cool! In our minds, they were like stealthy ninjas that could easily and quickly glide through the forest without making a sound. But when they wanted, they could whistle to one another like a bird. Also, they used bows and arrows, which were also cool. Then, their feathers and "war paint" was also really neat. For us, they were great warriors and we all wanted to be one of those, lol.

Times have changed.

Now, any non-native American person that would dress up as an "Indian" would be accused of "cultural appropriation" and branded a racist.

Liberalism destroys everything, including "Cowboys & Indians".
The problem was the mocking of Indians and their culture

Hopping around, patting your mouth and going...Woo Woo Woo
Is not honoring them
I Always wanted to be the Indian.
It was the notion of the rebellious warrior facing overwhelming odds. Always kinda rooted for the Indian in the old movies.

It was really why sports teams would use the Indian as a symbol. It was recognition of a fierce warrior ready to do battle.

Except for the Cleveland Indians cheesy mascot that is.

Now the butthurt crowd claims it was all out of privilege and racism.

Of course now you can't even pretend to shoot either.

Being a kid now would suck.
Played lots of stuff as a kid. Before video games we actually played outside and used our imaginations. Cowboys and Indians as well as cops and robbers were often on the menu. I died many times from gunshot wounds as a kid.
The problem was the mocking of Indians and their culture

Hopping around, patting your mouth and going...Woo Woo Woo
Is not honoring them

The problem is some within a sub population claim that they speak for all of their population. This is why democrats will continue to lose. They allow the worst or most divisive within their party to claim they represent all.

Imitation can be the highest form of flattery. But you're right, as long as it isn't done in mockery.

Back to the question. When I was younger I preferred playing cowboys, army and spies.
When we were kids we would dig out the used colostomy bags from the dumpster behind the nursing home.We cut them in half and wore them as hats.We played cowboys and shit heads.
When we were kids we would dig out the used colostomy bags from the dumpster behind the nursing home.We cut them in half and wore them as hats.We played cowboys and shit heads.
That makes scents.
I'm a white American and, as a kid, myself and other neighborhood children like to play "Cowboys & Indians". We lived in the country, right next to a forest, which was a GREAT place to grow up with lots of room to play, hunt, fish, swim, etc. Anyway, we actually had toy, Indian headdresses with feathers, toy tomahawks and bows and arrows with harmless, plastic arrows, except for getting poked in the eye ;), of course.

Each of us wanted to be an "Indian" and we had to take turns being the boring Cowboys. Why did we like being the Indians? Because they were cool! In our minds, they were like stealthy ninjas that could easily and quickly glide through the forest without making a sound. But when they wanted, they could whistle to one another like a bird. Also, they used bows and arrows, which were also cool. Then, their feathers and "war paint" was also really neat. For us, they were great warriors and we all wanted to be one of those, lol.

Times have changed.

Now, any non-native American person that would dress up as an "Indian" would be accused of "cultural appropriation" and branded a racist.

Liberalism destroys everything, including "Cowboys & Indians".
Do it if you want-don't let irrational people stop you.
When I was younger we played cowboys and progressives. We had to quit because the progs would always want us to go in the cave with them and see the varmint.
The problem was the mocking of Indians and their culture

Hopping around, patting your mouth and going...Woo Woo Woo
Is not honoring them
--------------------------------------- so mention and admiring of Indians will die out I guess . Course I think that's happening in reality due to intermarriage and other factors , I also admired the Indians . I figured that a lot of Indian Traits were picked up and practiced ny Davy Crocket , Daniel Boone and other Indian fighters and Frontiers men . ---------- As an aside , my high school mascot was and still is the REDMEN RWinger .
Progressive jit bags ruined male playing. From Cowboys and Indians to Spies while using toy guns and other toys. They ruined this. They turned us into a hair trigger police state where once a cop is involved, there is an extreme escalation possibility. And whatever the affect as charged made by Prog communists, video games topped the other things by a thousand times. Everything is darker now. Good and bad intertwined. Blasphemy to the God of Christians a norm. And people empowered who will destroy others even if the others have done more then they did to prove themselves. It is not worth having children and definitely not getting married.

Good times
Now it's this faggotry.

tonto gay.jpg
We used to just play war. A half dozen little boys running around the neighborhood shooting at each other with any kind of gun we could find, water guns, cap guns, anything. Those were the days.

Nothing like hiding in your neighbors bushes and they walk out to check their mail and see you. You tell them SHHHH don't say anything and they smile and quickly look away as not to give away your position.

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