Did UBS get a free pass by Dem politicians in exchange for funnelling China Money to Dominion voter equip investment firm?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
In May 2015 UBS was fined $342 million by the U.S. Federal Reserve for currency manipulation.

And in 2019 UBS got fined in France for tax evasion issues but when caught in the US helping people evade U.S. taxes they were questioned by our politicians and I can't find where they were fined or punished for it, why?
Was a deal worked out by politicians to look the other way if the bank known for funneling money helped Dems hide the money trail of China money going towards investment firm of Dominion Software, used to manipulate the elections?

Uncovered sifted through SEC Filings
show A Firm That Owns Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank Account Funded By Communist Chinese Gov & Companies Before Election

In May 2015 UBS was fined $342 million by the U.S. Federal Reserve for currency manipulation.

And in 2019 UBS got fined in France for tax evasion issues but when caught in the US helping people evade U.S. taxes they were questioned by our politicians and I can't find where they were fined or punished for it, why?
Was a deal worked out by politicians to look the other way if the bank known for funneling money helped Dems hide the money trail of China money going towards investment firm of Dominion Software, used to manipulate the elections?

Uncovered sifted through SEC Filings
show A Firm That Owns Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank Account Funded By Communist Chinese Gov & Companies Before Election

I guarantee that the bank "donated" heavily or hired the family of the right politicians---this is why Elizabeth warren and Schumer loves going after the banking industry---donate to them or get destroyed by the feds.
In May 2015 UBS was fined $342 million by the U.S. Federal Reserve for currency manipulation.

And in 2019 UBS got fined in France for tax evasion issues but when caught in the US helping people evade U.S. taxes they were questioned by our politicians and I can't find where they were fined or punished for it, why?
Was a deal worked out by politicians to look the other way if the bank known for funneling money helped Dems hide the money trail of China money going towards investment firm of Dominion Software, used to manipulate the elections?

Uncovered sifted through SEC Filings
show A Firm That Owns Dominion Voting Systems Received $400 Million From Swiss Bank Account Funded By Communist Chinese Gov & Companies Before Election

I guarantee that the bank "donated" heavily or hired the family of the right politicians---this is why Elizabeth warren and Schumer loves going after the banking industry---donate to them or get destroyed by the feds.
Yep it's run like a racketeering threat, and done with many industries. Example: Comcast is allowed it's billing crimes, it's bank fraud crimes, it's income reporting stock propup frauds, and privacy issues in exchange for campaign financing and media (MSNBC) support which in itself is campaign finance fraud, because it holds advertising value over the max donations.
When you don't play Comcasts way like during the Time Warner merger refusal, they crush your political career, just ask Al Franken who the media turned on and asked to step down, after he spearheaded the stoppage of their (COMCAST MSNBC & TIME WARNER CNN) merger.
Very interesting if that is true that Dominion is wholly or partly owned by the government of China then that would constitute foreign entanglement in the U S election and the domestic people that helped them or partnered with them are quilty as well And casts great doubt on the results of the election to say the least...I could say more here but this needs to be digested first...
Very interesting if that is true that Dominion is wholly or partly owned by the government of China then that would constitute foreign entanglement in the U S election and the domestic people that helped them or partnered with them are quilty as well And casts great doubt on the results of the election to say the least...I could say more here but this needs to be digested first...
This checkmates them either way*, because Obama's own words recently about trying to deligitimize the elections, can be used against him in the investigation of him and his party deligitimizing the 2016 election and any court hearing. In other words his ego (talking just to hear himself talk) and vindictive nature just sabotaged his own case through admission that he himself had (in his own words)
"undermined Democracy".

*how it paints them in a corner=
They claimed to be concerned with Russia interference and claimed enough smoke was there for an investigation, so even standard they must be concerned about China interferences otherwise admit it was the Ruse we know it was.
If they claim this to be conspiracy then they lose by their own words admitting their conspiracy to deligitimize the election, was an
"undermining of our democracy".
That admission comes in handy In a court of law, along with calls to obstruct the on going investigations it's everything they accused Trump of. =The boomerang that they threw, coming back to hit and accuse themselves.
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Yah boomerangs can do a lot of damage if you are not looking for them to come back at you... Methinks the Dems have been so drunk with power, accumulating it, holding on to it and increasing it... That they forgot the cardinal rule of push, pull... When you push someone down or pull them( by manipulating them ) they have the option of RETURNING the favour and with a lot more force then they attempted to do it...That way it can go o BAM a right back in your face....

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