Did Primary 'Rigging' Dems Just Help Or Hurt Themselves With Last Minute Iowa Caucus Rules Change?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Iowa chaos: Caucus rule change could create dueling Dem claims of victory

"New rules meant to boost transparency in how the Iowa caucus results are reported could end up leading to multiple -- and contradictory -- claims of victory in Monday night’s kick-off contest for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman and Fox News contributor Donna Brazile says there’s “no question” that more than one candidate could interpret the results as a win." “There’s this old saying that there’s three tickets out of Iowa. I think tonight we may see four, perhaps five,” Brazile added.

Iowa chaos: Caucus rule change could create dueling Dem claims of victory

Funny - Brazile is the former DNC Chairwoman who confessed in 2016 that the DNC rigged the 2016 Primaries against Sanders,helped Hillary cheat in debates, and eventually GAVE Hillary the 2016 DNC nomination she could not win by herself...

....and now she is saying the DNC / Democratic Party may just have screwed itself again with this last minute Iowa caucus Rules Change intended / implemented to once again screw Sanders.


They can not beat a socialist.

No one supports their candidate, Biden... maybe if he started to speak for Americans he could pack a tent.
Tulsi is not happy!

When the left has lost NBC…

The [Iowa Democratic Party] results app was not working and the backup phone line is likewise “a disaster,” a source familiar with the process said, adding that the campaign were all participating in a briefing about the situation.​

“The app is the issue and the hotline is smoked,” said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee precinct 2. He had just gotten off the phone with precinct chairman Matt Chapman. They have not been able to report their results, even though they wrapped up more than an hour ago.​

“Is running the entire country’s healthcare harder or easier than managing the Iowa caucus? Asking for a friend,” the Daily Wire tweets.

Iowa chaos: Caucus rule change could create dueling Dem claims of victory

"New rules meant to boost transparency in how the Iowa caucus results are reported could end up leading to multiple -- and contradictory -- claims of victory in Monday night’s kick-off contest for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman and Fox News contributor Donna Brazile says there’s “no question” that more than one candidate could interpret the results as a win." “There’s this old saying that there’s three tickets out of Iowa. I think tonight we may see four, perhaps five,” Brazile added.

Iowa chaos: Caucus rule change could create dueling Dem claims of victory

Funny - Brazile is the former DNC Chairwoman who confessed in 2016 that the DNC rigged the 2016 Primaries against Sanders,helped Hillary cheat in debates, and eventually GAVE Hillary the 2016 DNC nomination she could not win by herself...

....and now she is saying the DNC / Democratic Party may just have screwed itself again with this last minute Iowa caucus Rules Change intended / implemented to once again screw Sanders.


The delay in the returns is the just the DNC trying to figure out how to cheat Crazy Bernie again.

Iowa chaos: Caucus rule change could create dueling Dem claims of victory

"New rules meant to boost transparency in how the Iowa caucus results are reported could end up leading to multiple -- and contradictory -- claims of victory in Monday night’s kick-off contest for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman and Fox News contributor Donna Brazile says there’s “no question” that more than one candidate could interpret the results as a win." “There’s this old saying that there’s three tickets out of Iowa. I think tonight we may see four, perhaps five,” Brazile added.

Iowa chaos: Caucus rule change could create dueling Dem claims of victory

Funny - Brazile is the former DNC Chairwoman who confessed in 2016 that the DNC rigged the 2016 Primaries against Sanders,helped Hillary cheat in debates, and eventually GAVE Hillary the 2016 DNC nomination she could not win by herself...

....and now she is saying the DNC / Democratic Party may just have screwed itself again with this last minute Iowa caucus Rules Change intended / implemented to once again screw Sanders.


The delay in the returns is the just the DNC trying to figure out how to cheat Crazy Bernie again.
Yup. "How bad can they screw him without a riot resulting?"

Iowa chaos: Caucus rule change could create dueling Dem claims of victory

"New rules meant to boost transparency in how the Iowa caucus results are reported could end up leading to multiple -- and contradictory -- claims of victory in Monday night’s kick-off contest for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman and Fox News contributor Donna Brazile says there’s “no question” that more than one candidate could interpret the results as a win." “There’s this old saying that there’s three tickets out of Iowa. I think tonight we may see four, perhaps five,” Brazile added.

Iowa chaos: Caucus rule change could create dueling Dem claims of victory

Funny - Brazile is the former DNC Chairwoman who confessed in 2016 that the DNC rigged the 2016 Primaries against Sanders,helped Hillary cheat in debates, and eventually GAVE Hillary the 2016 DNC nomination she could not win by herself...

....and now she is saying the DNC / Democratic Party may just have screwed itself again with this last minute Iowa caucus Rules Change intended / implemented to once again screw Sanders.


Whichever it is I like it.
The DNC gave Trump a dual win tonight. They seem to have fallen into that habit.
Bernie bros are gonna get angwy and stay home come November

Maybe theyll come out for billioniare i own 7 personal jets mike can get it done .........
Sure they will :10:


Bernie Sanders's campaign says their internal vote count showed the Vermont senator winning the Iowa caucuses, though the state's Democratic party has released no results.

The move is unprecedented on a caucus day that ended in chaos and confusion, but the Sanders campaign believed it had no choice as a number of its competitors tried spinning the night in their favor.

Sanders's numbers should be by no means taken as a definitive record. With the number of issues reported at numerous precinct locations and problems with the Iowa Democratic Party's digital caucus app.

Other candidates like Buttigieg and Warren claimed victory Monday evening, claiming their internal numbers showed a victory.

Sanders releases internal numbers
showing him winning Iowa caucuses
Bloomberg said he'll pay $1,000,000 per vote
Is that bribery, Quid Pro Quo, influencing an election,
election interference, election fraud, election manipulation
vote rigging or straight up vote buying?

Shouldn't he be immediately disqualified from running?

why in the name of god does the left insist on changing rules as they go and then wondering why it causes such chaos?

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