Did Palin Cost Trump Iowa?


VIP Member
Jan 25, 2016
We all know that Sarah Palin is a big whore in more ways than one and like Jeb and George W Bush her kids are whores and in trouble with the law. As stupid and as hypocritical Evil Vangelicals they know that Palin is a filthy whore and they know that her slut daughter Bristol managed to get herself knocked up twice. They also know that her son Track is a violent maniac. Did they transfer Sarah's sins onto Trump and vote for that other false Christian Canada Cruz?

Did they vote against Trump because Trump is a guy who gets things done and in their Christly depravity they pray to Jesus to do they things for them that they should be doing for themselves? Trump is a go-getter who would fire slackers like them in a heartbeat while Canada Cruz is an obstructionist bed wetter that makes things grind to a halt.


Maybe it's a combination of both. Of all the Christian sects Funny Mentalists are among the poorest while the North Eastern Progressives such as Buddhist, Hindu Episcopalians, Catholics and Jews are the smartest, hardest working and most affluent. Does a success like Donald Trump remind these Iowa Christards of everything they hate e.g. hard work, ambition, good parenting skills, job creation and success?

Trump is absolutely more qualified than Cruz. First and most importantly, Trump is a true and natural born American and Canada Cruz is in fact a Canadian. Trump is a natural born leader with a proven track record of success. Trump went to a real business school while Cruz is an Ivy League shit head.

Cruz has been a smoothing talking political lawyer/liar pimping for special interest groups and has spent most of his adult life as a career politician whereas Trump build things and creates jobs.
I don't think Palin hurt Trump. If anything, she gave him a boost. It was certainly a kick in the balls to Cruz.

What hurt Trump was his running away from the last debate. Like a kid not playing a ball game because he isn't allowed to pitch, and then trying to start his own ball game.

Very childish.
Anyone considering Trump isn't suffering from Palinitis. Iowa is more religious than many states and Cruz worked the field very hard while the Don took it for granted. No need to lose sleep over it.
But the whole reason trump brought in Palin was to sway vangelikos to vote for him. It didn't work and I think trump turns fundamentalists off because of his abortion stance his whole life. If trump is the nominee the religiouts turnout will be luke-warm at best.
Trump's quote about how stupid people in Iowa did him more damage.

That and having followers who can't seem to communicate in anything other than grunts and threats and Photoshop.
Trump's quote about how stupid people in Iowa did him more damage.

That and having followers who can't seem to communicate in anything other than grunts and threats and Photoshop.

He spoke the truth about that. Trump is for ethanol and the "Pray to Jesus to Do Everything for Me" fundies will screw that up for the hardworking Iowa farmers. Cruz is mobbed up with big oil.

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