Did John Kelly Hold A Gun To Trump’s Noggin?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
It was obvious to people of reason that the Big Orange Idiot was extremely reluctant to condemn the act of terrorism committed in Virginia by the neo-Nazi, James Alex Fields Jr. This is understandable, because Big Orange does NOT want to chance alienating a major portion of his voter base.

During his presidential campaign, and since his inauguration, whenever he appears at a political rally, he encourages his fans to commit assault on anyone in the audience who actively disagrees with his statements or his actions.

His words and policies show his acceptance of the hatred advocated by white hate groups. The goal of these organizations is to suppress the beliefs of all citizens who disagree with their agenda. Members of these hate groups believe they are true patriots, and they plan to fight to return to a political system that reserved all benefits of living in the United States exclusively for the white race.

These “patriots” are important to Big Orange’s ability to remain in the White House. So, to get the Big Orange Idiot to describe “‘members of the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists who take part in violence as ‘criminals and thugs,’ ” Chief-of-Staff John Kelly must have held a loaded gun to Big Orange’s noggin.

Trump names hate groups, denouncing Charlottesville violence



It's very difficult for the Big Orange Idiot to denounce those who are so much like himself.

Yes. Kelly probably wrote Trump's statement today , and Bannon must be pissed, because Bannon hates Kelly and loves white nationalists.
I don't think neo-Nazis form a majority of his voter base, but white supremacists certainly form a majority of his internet support group, out of the ones who are not real Russian trolls.
Yes. Kelly probably wrote Trump's statement today , and Bannon must be pissed, because Bannon hates Kelly and loves white nationalists.

Any message coming out of the White House that sounds remotely intelligent, has been written by a someone well down the White House food chain. The author is someone who understands the importance of public relations, and realizes the yes-men that surround the Big Orange Idiot are too busy acting as his "magic mirror" on the wall, constantly telling him, "he's the fairest of them all."



Some of the white nationalists who claim they are U.S. patriots.

It took tree days for the Big Orange Idiot to finally offer a statement that remotely resembled a comment made by a compassionate person, concerning the white racists' appalling violence and killing in Virginia.

"In his carefully worded statement Monday, Trump condemned members of the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and white supremacists as " 'repugnant.' " He vowed that his administration would crack down on those who perpetrate 'racist violence.' "

Listening to Big Orange speak, everyone, including the racists themselves, could hear the words stuck in his throat.

Analysis: Trump's slow walk to condemning white supremacists



Describes the Big Orange Idiot perfectly.


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