Did Britain purposefully cause the Irish Potato Famine?


Feb 3, 2015
In a rare moment of seriousness I present a real subject matter for digestion that is not merely meant to broach conservative mores.

Indeed the British government organized and planned events which culminated in the potato famine to purposefully drive the Irish from their lands and hand the land over to already wealthy English Lords.

Whether they intended to kill people by famine is harder to prove but there is little doubt I think to the accusation their intensions caused the famine.

I present Mises institute for my arguments.

Mises Daily Mises Institute
In a rare moment of seriousness I present a real subject matter for digestion that is not merely meant to broach conservative mores.

Indeed the British government organized and planned events which culminated in the potato famine to purposefully drive the Irish from their lands and hand the land over to already wealthy English Lords.

Whether they intended to kill people by famine is harder to prove but there is little doubt I think to the accusation their intensions caused the famine.

I present Mises institute for my arguments.

Mises Daily Mises Institute
This is a good question
These threads are like a gnat trying to fuck an elephant and asking "Did I hurt you?"

Not just any gnat either, a gnat with a smaller than average cock even by gnat standards
These threads are like a gnat trying to fuck an elephant and asking "Did I hurt you?"

Not just any gnat either, a gnat with a smaller than average cock even by gnat standards
It's the gnat who is buttfucked by all the other gnats because they don't respect him.
Does this mean your rampage of stupid idiotic threads is at an end?
I will use bludgeoning tactics where necessary. But I need a break from all the beatings I give the dumbers.
All your stupid rants have accomplished is to totally destroy any credibility you might have had on this forum.
Noooo not my forum creds!
Stop now and maybe people will forget your day of stupidity as a newbie mistake.

But if you keep it up, the mods will eventually ban you.
From what I have read, yes. History's list of atrocities are piled to the sky. Time to turn things around.
Does this mean your rampage of stupid idiotic threads is at an end?
I will use bludgeoning tactics where necessary. But I need a break from all the beatings I give the dumbers.
All your stupid rants have accomplished is to totally destroy any credibility you might have had on this forum.
Noooo not my forum creds!
Stop now and maybe people will forget your day of stupidity as a newbie mistake.

But if you keep it up, the mods will eventually ban you.
That did not take too long it seems.

I wish this board had a list of the banned, and the reason why they were banned.

This guy had 262 posts before the ax; I don't want to read them all to try to figure out which ones got him the ax.

I think such a page would be well read, and, amusing.

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