Did 10 Former Defense Secretaries’ Op-Ed Delay Military Defense Of The U.S. Capitol?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Did 10 Former Defense Secretaries’ Op-Ed Delay Military Defense Of The U.S. Capitol?
Former defense secretaries share responsibility for delaying a professional military response that might have protected the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
17 May 2021 ~~ Elaine Donnelly
Last week, Politico reported that some current and former military leaders are freaking out because 124 retired “Flag Officers 4 America” dared to post a public letter stating at the top, “Our Nation is in deep peril.” Politico’s headline described the volunteer veterans’ “Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals” as “disturbing and reckless.”
The letter triggered critics by addressing several issues, such as the border crisis, China and Iran, the Keystone Pipeline, crime, freedom of speech, Big Tech, election security, misuse of the military, and a “hard left turn toward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government.”
No such criticism was heard on Jan. 3 when ten former secretaries of defense published a Washington Post op-ed warning Pentagon officials that they must “refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election.”
Former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Rep. Liz Cheney orchestrated the op-ed, which was based on speculation that President Trump might stage a military coup against the incoming Biden administration. Joining Cheney were co-signers James Mattis, Mark Esper, William Cohen, Chuck Hagel, Donald Rumsfeld, Ashton Carter, Leon Panetta, William Perry, and Robert Gates.
Three days later, shocking violence occurred at the U.S. Capitol. Many observers have wondered why it took so long for military reinforcements to arrive in support of the overwhelmed Capitol police. Let’s connect the dots.
In the minds of Washington Wokerati, a modest open letter expressing concern about the future of America, signed by 124 retired military officers, is “disturbing and reckless.” A prominently placed op-ed accusing a sitting president of plotting a military “coup,” however, was perfectly fine. After connecting these dots, what is wrong with this picture?

The Americans that protested at the Capitol on Jan. 6th should’ve treated the Capitol the same as the “The Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protesters” treated Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, Chicago, St. Louis, Louisville, Chicago, New York etc....
Perhaps "NeverTrumpers" need to join with the corrupt Democrat 'elties' in DC..? No one in flyover country, Democrat or Republican, would follow them to a drinking fountain if they were dying of thirst.
Dick and Liz - elites for elites... and to hell with the country - exact same mentality as corrupt Democrat 'elites'.
The point is that thanks to the Biden Administration, this country is in a state of crisis with a bunch of bumbling Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie ideologists creating a new undealt with crises to distract from an older undealt with crisis.
Did 10 Former Defense Secretaries’ Op-Ed Delay Military Defense Of The U.S. Capitol?
Former defense secretaries share responsibility for delaying a professional military response that might have protected the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
17 May 2021 ~~ Elaine Donnelly
Last week, Politico reported that some current and former military leaders are freaking out because 124 retired “Flag Officers 4 America” dared to post a public letter stating at the top, “Our Nation is in deep peril.” Politico’s headline described the volunteer veterans’ “Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals” as “disturbing and reckless.”
The letter triggered critics by addressing several issues, such as the border crisis, China and Iran, the Keystone Pipeline, crime, freedom of speech, Big Tech, election security, misuse of the military, and a “hard left turn toward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government.”
No such criticism was heard on Jan. 3 when ten former secretaries of defense published a Washington Post op-ed warning Pentagon officials that they must “refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election.”
Former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Rep. Liz Cheney orchestrated the op-ed, which was based on speculation that President Trump might stage a military coup against the incoming Biden administration. Joining Cheney were co-signers James Mattis, Mark Esper, William Cohen, Chuck Hagel, Donald Rumsfeld, Ashton Carter, Leon Panetta, William Perry, and Robert Gates.
Three days later, shocking violence occurred at the U.S. Capitol. Many observers have wondered why it took so long for military reinforcements to arrive in support of the overwhelmed Capitol police. Let’s connect the dots.
In the minds of Washington Wokerati, a modest open letter expressing concern about the future of America, signed by 124 retired military officers, is “disturbing and reckless.” A prominently placed op-ed accusing a sitting president of plotting a military “coup,” however, was perfectly fine. After connecting these dots, what is wrong with this picture?

The Americans that protested at the Capitol on Jan. 6th should’ve treated the Capitol the same as the “The Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protesters” treated Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, Chicago, St. Louis, Louisville, Chicago, New York etc....
Perhaps "NeverTrumpers" need to join with the corrupt Democrat 'elties' in DC..? No one in flyover country, Democrat or Republican, would follow them to a drinking fountain if they were dying of thirst.
Dick and Liz - elites for elites... and to hell with the country - exact same mentality as corrupt Democrat 'elites'.
The point is that thanks to the Biden Administration, this country is in a state of crisis with a bunch of bumbling Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie ideologists creating a new undealt with crises to distract from an older undealt with crisis.
There is no crisis. Calm yourself little one.
Did 10 Former Defense Secretaries’ Op-Ed Delay Military Defense Of The U.S. Capitol?
Former defense secretaries share responsibility for delaying a professional military response that might have protected the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
17 May 2021 ~~ Elaine Donnelly
Last week, Politico reported that some current and former military leaders are freaking out because 124 retired “Flag Officers 4 America” dared to post a public letter stating at the top, “Our Nation is in deep peril.” Politico’s headline described the volunteer veterans’ “Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals” as “disturbing and reckless.”
The letter triggered critics by addressing several issues, such as the border crisis, China and Iran, the Keystone Pipeline, crime, freedom of speech, Big Tech, election security, misuse of the military, and a “hard left turn toward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government.”
No such criticism was heard on Jan. 3 when ten former secretaries of defense published a Washington Post op-ed warning Pentagon officials that they must “refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election.”
Former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Rep. Liz Cheney orchestrated the op-ed, which was based on speculation that President Trump might stage a military coup against the incoming Biden administration. Joining Cheney were co-signers James Mattis, Mark Esper, William Cohen, Chuck Hagel, Donald Rumsfeld, Ashton Carter, Leon Panetta, William Perry, and Robert Gates.
Three days later, shocking violence occurred at the U.S. Capitol. Many observers have wondered why it took so long for military reinforcements to arrive in support of the overwhelmed Capitol police. Let’s connect the dots.
In the minds of Washington Wokerati, a modest open letter expressing concern about the future of America, signed by 124 retired military officers, is “disturbing and reckless.” A prominently placed op-ed accusing a sitting president of plotting a military “coup,” however, was perfectly fine. After connecting these dots, what is wrong with this picture?

The Americans that protested at the Capitol on Jan. 6th should’ve treated the Capitol the same as the “The Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protesters” treated Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, Chicago, St. Louis, Louisville, Chicago, New York etc....
Perhaps "NeverTrumpers" need to join with the corrupt Democrat 'elties' in DC..? No one in flyover country, Democrat or Republican, would follow them to a drinking fountain if they were dying of thirst.
Dick and Liz - elites for elites... and to hell with the country - exact same mentality as corrupt Democrat 'elites'.
The point is that thanks to the Biden Administration, this country is in a state of crisis with a bunch of bumbling Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie ideologists creating a new undealt with crises to distract from an older undealt with crisis.
There is no crisis. Calm yourself little one.

Says you and Baghdad Bob Mayorkas....
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BLM protests were held every were across the country. Some were very small just a dozen or less people some were very large thousands of people. 98% of them were peaceful or some very small % of problems. Some got completely out of control. The protests were about unequal treatment of black US citizens. The storming of the capital was about a national election that was certified by both Republicans & Democrats, Trump supporters thought the election was rigged. And tried to subvert the Democratic process. There is no excuses or rational for out of control protests. blaming one while damming the other makes zero sense.
Why would there have been a need for a "professional military response", the capitol was not under an armed assault. As demonstrated, civilian law enforcement handled it adequately.

Did 10 Former Defense Secretaries’ Op-Ed Delay Military Defense Of The U.S. Capitol?
Former defense secretaries share responsibility for delaying a professional military response that might have protected the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
17 May 2021 ~~ Elaine Donnelly
Last week, Politico reported that some current and former military leaders are freaking out because 124 retired “Flag Officers 4 America” dared to post a public letter stating at the top, “Our Nation is in deep peril.” Politico’s headline described the volunteer veterans’ “Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals” as “disturbing and reckless.”
The letter triggered critics by addressing several issues, such as the border crisis, China and Iran, the Keystone Pipeline, crime, freedom of speech, Big Tech, election security, misuse of the military, and a “hard left turn toward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government.”
No such criticism was heard on Jan. 3 when ten former secretaries of defense published a Washington Post op-ed warning Pentagon officials that they must “refrain from any political actions that undermine the results of the election.”
Former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Rep. Liz Cheney orchestrated the op-ed, which was based on speculation that President Trump might stage a military coup against the incoming Biden administration. Joining Cheney were co-signers James Mattis, Mark Esper, William Cohen, Chuck Hagel, Donald Rumsfeld, Ashton Carter, Leon Panetta, William Perry, and Robert Gates.
Three days later, shocking violence occurred at the U.S. Capitol. Many observers have wondered why it took so long for military reinforcements to arrive in support of the overwhelmed Capitol police. Let’s connect the dots.
In the minds of Washington Wokerati, a modest open letter expressing concern about the future of America, signed by 124 retired military officers, is “disturbing and reckless.” A prominently placed op-ed accusing a sitting president of plotting a military “coup,” however, was perfectly fine. After connecting these dots, what is wrong with this picture?

The Americans that protested at the Capitol on Jan. 6th should’ve treated the Capitol the same as the “The Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protesters” treated Seattle, Portland, Kenosha, Chicago, St. Louis, Louisville, Chicago, New York etc....
Perhaps "NeverTrumpers" need to join with the corrupt Democrat 'elties' in DC..? No one in flyover country, Democrat or Republican, would follow them to a drinking fountain if they were dying of thirst.
Dick and Liz - elites for elites... and to hell with the country - exact same mentality as corrupt Democrat 'elites'.
The point is that thanks to the Biden Administration, this country is in a state of crisis with a bunch of bumbling Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie ideologists creating a new undealt with crises to distract from an older undealt with crisis.



What I heard is that General Milley, apparently a never-Trumper took control of the military to place a "ring of steel" around the capital to protect it from the Trump loyalists.
That's not how civilian control of the US military is supposed to work.
Apparently Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Milley saying he needs to take military control of DC to ensure that Biden got elected, and to thwart a Trump coup attempt.
What I heard is that General Milley, apparently a never-Trumper took control of the military to place a "ring of steel" around the capital to protect it from the Trump loyalists.
That's not how civilian control of the US military is supposed to work.
Apparently Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Milley saying he needs to take military control of DC to ensure that Biden got elected, and to thwart a Trump coup attempt.
Sounds fine to me. They are sworn to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The Capital insurrectionists were a domestic threat. They should have acted sooner, but Donny was enjoying the show, and he sure didn't give a sht if the attackers got to the Vice President, Pelosi or sitting members of Congress, if they might be able to stop him going down in flames by taking advantage of mob action, whether legal, constitution, lawful or otherwise. Donny's oath of office was long out the window by that time. He should have gotten impeached for supporting the attack, but trumper republicans didn't much care about their oaths of office, either. That is why you cannot trust Republican in high office for a few years, if you want to remain a representative republic, based on the constitution and rule of law. Like I have said before, tough sht republicans. The majority of rest of us in this country still support the constitution/rule of law and have decided to keep it.
What I heard is that General Milley, apparently a never-Trumper took control of the military to place a "ring of steel" around the capital to protect it from the Trump loyalists.
That's not how civilian control of the US military is supposed to work.
Apparently Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Milley saying he needs to take military control of DC to ensure that Biden got elected, and to thwart a Trump coup attempt.
Sounds fine to me. They are sworn to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The Capital insurrectionists were a domestic threat. They should have acted sooner, but Donny was enjoying the show, and he sure didn't give a sht if the attackers got to the Vice President, Pelosi or sitting members of Congress, if they might be able to stop him going down in flames by taking advantage of mob action, whether legal, constitution, lawful or otherwise. Donny's oath of office was long out the window by that time. He should have gotten impeached for supporting the attack, but trumper republicans didn't much care about their oaths of office, either. That is why you cannot trust Republican in high office for a few years, if you want to remain a representative republic, based on the constitution and rule of law. Like I have said before, tough sht republicans. The majority of rest of us in this country still support the constitution/rule of law and have decided to keep it.
1. The civilian control hierarchy of the US military is set by7 law. Milley can advise, but he is not in control, that flows thru the SecDef.
2. I do NOT support Trump's 1/6 voter fraud "protest", that was a bad idea.
3. Antifa and BLM are also domestic threats, but the military is NOT authorized to deal with law enforcement.
4. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who the voters prefer.
What I heard is that General Milley, apparently a never-Trumper took control of the military to place a "ring of steel" around the capital to protect it from the Trump loyalists.
That's not how civilian control of the US military is supposed to work.
Apparently Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to Milley saying he needs to take military control of DC to ensure that Biden got elected, and to thwart a Trump coup attempt.
Sounds fine to me. They are sworn to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. The Capital insurrectionists were a domestic threat. They should have acted sooner, but Donny was enjoying the show, and he sure didn't give a sht if the attackers got to the Vice President, Pelosi or sitting members of Congress, if they might be able to stop him going down in flames by taking advantage of mob action, whether legal, constitution, lawful or otherwise. Donny's oath of office was long out the window by that time. He should have gotten impeached for supporting the attack, but trumper republicans didn't much care about their oaths of office, either. That is why you cannot trust Republican in high office for a few years, if you want to remain a representative republic, based on the constitution and rule of law. Like I have said before, tough sht republicans. The majority of rest of us in this country still support the constitution/rule of law and have decided to keep it.
1. The civilian control hierarchy of the US military is set by7 law. Milley can advise, but he is not in control, that flows thru the SecDef.
2. I do NOT support Trump's 1/6 voter fraud "protest", that was a bad idea.
3. Antifa and BLM are also domestic threats, but the military is NOT authorized to deal with law enforcement.
4. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who the voters prefer.
The BLM Riots were attacks on the seat of government. You people still don't get it. Many of you are simply argumentative and comparing to BLM is all you've got. Other of you are too stupid to know the difference. Some are just still sore it didn't work. Like I said, Tough Sht, loser.:auiqs.jpg::tank:

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