Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, Karl Rove, etc.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, Rush, Beck, Hannity, Karl Rove -

All not only predicted Romney, but predicted a mandate and over 300 EV's for him. Instead of keeping it humble-pie, instead of offering true analysis, instead of doing an iota of fucking research and learning how polls actually work - they gloated.

& Kudos to a funny post:

On Dick Morris: There actually was a study (not sure if you'd call it that) a while back
where chimps made political predictions by pressing random buttons --

and (I'm not kidding about this)

The chimps had a better prediction ratio than Dick.
Saw Dick earlier this morning. At least he sounds like he knows why/how he screwed it up. Didn't keep up with Coulter or Rove all that much throughout the campaigning and haven't caught up with their postmortems yet, but I assume they'll be heard from soon.
Saw Dick earlier this morning. At least he sounds like he knows why/how he screwed it up. Didn't keep up with Coulter or Rove all that much throughout the campaigning and haven't caught up with their postmortems yet, but I assume they'll be heard from soon.

He tried predicting the turnout model without researching what the turnout would be, before his prediction.

It's one of those things, where if you're an uber partisan you live and keep yourself in a bubble, shielded from any facts that might interfere in your inner narcissism.
Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, Rush, Beck, Hannity, Karl Rove -

All not only predicted Romney, but predicted a mandate and over 300 EV's for him. Instead of keeping it humble-pie, instead of offering true analysis, instead of doing an iota of fucking research and learning how polls actually work - they gloated.

& Kudos to a funny post:

On Dick Morris: There actually was a study (not sure if you'd call it that) a while back
where chimps made political predictions by pressing random buttons --

and (I'm not kidding about this)

The chimps had a better prediction ratio than Dick.

Well you know how it is, GT.

Sometimes the magical thinkers get it right, sometimes they don't.


Morris is the one who really cracks me up. His credibility is in even WORSE shape, but the funny thing is, it won't stop him, nor will it stop his constituents from believing him.

Too funny.

The wingnuts on the radio (limbaugh, levin, etc...), and the other crackpots on faux (hannity, palin, etc...) secretly are thrilled that Obama won.

Talk about job security.

For them, it is a guaranteed 4 more years of manipulating their brainwashed followers into believing whatever they want them to believe.

So sad.
Sorry don't really feel like celebrating the election of a President who only seems concerned with those who voted for him.

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