Dick Cheney would be considered brilliant if


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Dick Cheney would have been considered brilliant if:
There would have been weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq.

If the Americans would have been greeted as liberators by the Iraquis after throwing over Saddam.

If an exemplerary Democracy would have been able to be set up in Iraq.

If that Iraq democracy would have had a domino effect resulting in democracies through out the middle east.

If the over throw of Saddam would not have strengthened Iran in the middle east.

If torture had actually provided better intelligence than the proven tactic previously used by our intelligence community.

I could go on but I do not want to kick a dead horse.

History has shown Dick Cheney to be absolutely wrong on the vast majority of assumptions he based his policies on. His incompetence has harmed the US and the entire world.

He will go down as the most powerful vice president and the worst vice president in history.

Very few human beings have had such a negative effect on the world. History will not be kind to Dick Cheney.
Dick Cheney's major flaw is, he does not have a conscience.

I think Dick is in more trouble than even he knows.

The wacko right wingers on this site will not even stand up for him.

And most of them do not have a conscience but they find him unconsciencable.
Dick Cheney's major flaw is, he does not have a conscience.

I think Dick is in more trouble than even he knows.

The wacko right wingers on this site will not even stand up for him.

And most of them do not have a conscience but they find him unconsciencable.

I know one whacko, right winger who will. :cuckoo:

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Very few human beings have had such a negative effect on the world. History will not be kind to Dick Cheney.
Really? You might want to learn a little
Joe Stalin
Chairman Mao (even without counting inspiring Obama)
The Godwin players (to name a large group)
Winston Churchill (Whose bungling may have helped precipitate WWI - yeah as in the first)

Should I go on?
And leftist socialist sympathizers talk about the rights hyperbole.

Cheney = wretched VP - Yeah got that, can agree
Cheney = the above - not even on the same scale
Very few human beings have had such a negative effect on the world. History will not be kind to Dick Cheney.
Really? You might want to learn a little
Joe Stalin
Chairman Mao (even without counting inspiring Obama)
The Godwin players (to name a large group)
Winston Churchill (Whose bungling may have helped precipitate WWI - yeah as in the first)

Should I go on?
And leftist socialist sympathizers talk about the rights hyperbole.

Cheney = wretched VP - Yeah got that, can agree
Cheney = the above - not even on the same scale
Moonbats are repulsed by facts.
My, my. Ol' Si is another freakout that equates FDR and Winston Churchill with Stalin? Is that what you are saying?

Cheney was and is an ass. But not a player on the scale of Mao, Stalin, or Hitler. He was an actor in getting only a million or so humans killed unneccessarily.
why did charley leave Hitler off his list of those worse than cheney?
why did charley leave Hitler off his list of those worse than cheney?
I listed the entire Godwin cast, which law (Godwin's law) did you think I referenced? Hitler, Himmler, Hess, the whole list of Nazi maniacs can be found there.

By the Way - Bumbling into a sorry state (as FDR and Churchill did) causes just as much harm as deliberately doing wrong. Sometimes more because some idiot may look at your "effort" and not see the reality. Rather like OldRocksInTheHead.
why did charley leave Hitler off his list of those worse than cheney?
I listed the entire Godwin cast, which law (Godwin's law) did you think I referenced? Hitler, Himmler, Hess, the whole list of Nazi maniacs can be found there.

By the Way - Bumbling into a sorry state (as FDR and Churchill did) causes just as much harm as deliberately doing wrong. Sometimes more because some idiot may look at your "effort" and not see the reality. Rather like OldRocksInTheHead.

alright. I missed the godwin thing. had churchill not come to power, england would have dropped out of the war and Hitler would have conquered the soviet union as well as the middle east and probably a lot more. not sure where your hatred for churchill and FDR are coming from.
not sure where your hatred for churchill and FDR are coming from.

Churchill was responsible in large part for British bumbling at the end of WWI - if he had handled his part of the diplomacy better WWII might have been averted. During WWII Churchill did OK, but he should have pushed the Germans more in '42 - Yugoslavia caused more havoc for the German command than Britain because they coordinated their attacks to relieve pressure around Stalingrad.

FDR - hello, the father of American socialism. His inept handling of the Depression made it longer and worse than any other. Saddled taxpayers with social security. What more need be said against him.
not sure where your hatred for churchill and FDR are coming from.

Churchill was responsible in large part for British bumbling at the end of WWI - if he had handled his part of the diplomacy better WWII might have been averted. During WWII Churchill did OK, but he should have pushed the Germans more in '42 - Yugoslavia caused more havoc for the German command than Britain because they coordinated their attacks to relieve pressure around Stalingrad.

FDR - hello, the father of American socialism. His inept handling of the Depression made it longer and worse than any other. Saddled taxpayers with social security. What more need be said against him.

And both of my grandfathers and my father and mother, who lived through the First Great Republican Depression, thought that FDR did very well.

Your revision of history simply won't fly. Been done too many times by other ideological wingnuts.
Dick Cheney would have been considered brilliant if:
There would have been weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq.

If the Americans would have been greeted as liberators by the Iraquis after throwing over Saddam.

If an exemplerary Democracy would have been able to be set up in Iraq.

If that Iraq democracy would have had a domino effect resulting in democracies through out the middle east.

If the over throw of Saddam would not have strengthened Iran in the middle east.

If torture had actually provided better intelligence than the proven tactic previously used by our intelligence community.

I could go on but I do not want to kick a dead horse.

History has shown Dick Cheney to be absolutely wrong on the vast majority of assumptions he based his policies on. His incompetence has harmed the US and the entire world.

He will go down as the most powerful vice president and the worst vice president in history.

Very few human beings have had such a negative effect on the world. History will not be kind to Dick Cheney.

Elmer, it is better to say nothing and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it.
Dick Cheney would have been considered brilliant if:
There would have been weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq.

If the Americans would have been greeted as liberators by the Iraquis after throwing over Saddam.

If an exemplerary Democracy would have been able to be set up in Iraq.

If that Iraq democracy would have had a domino effect resulting in democracies through out the middle east.

If the over throw of Saddam would not have strengthened Iran in the middle east.

If torture had actually provided better intelligence than the proven tactic previously used by our intelligence community.

I could go on but I do not want to kick a dead horse.

History has shown Dick Cheney to be absolutely wrong on the vast majority of assumptions he based his policies on. His incompetence has harmed the US and the entire world.

He will go down as the most powerful vice president and the worst vice president in history.

Very few human beings have had such a negative effect on the world. History will not be kind to Dick Cheney.

Elmer, it is better to say nothing and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it.

I seemed to have missed comments like that on the daily bash obama threads.


but what part of his post is incorrect? seems pretty spot on. s'okay. we can still take the pink cadillac out for a ride.

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