‘Diabolical’: Social Democrat Extremist Blames President For Citizens Fleeing To Low Tax Red States


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Cuomo blames Trump's success for the country on New York's problem - the wealthy fleeing NY's insane high tax rate. :p

'New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other public officials from blue states are blaming President Donald Trump’s tax overhaul for people moving to Texas and Florida where the tax burden is less burdensome.

Cuomo says the success of the President's Tax Overhaul, which has been so successful and has benefitted so many Americans, has caused New Yorkers to FLEE his high taxed city and that all the rich leaving NY has caused a burden on NY.

How dare that b@st@rd Trump create such a successful economy!?

"The Democratic governor said Monday that changes to the federal tax law resulted in his state losing $2.3 billion in tax revenue. The 2017 law capping deduction for state and local taxes at $10,000 is the reason for the shortfall and immigration out of the state"

“That’s a $2.3 billion drop in revenues. That’s as serious as a heart attack. This is worse than we had anticipated,” Cuomo said. “I don’t believe raising taxes on the rich. That would be the worst thing to do. You would just expand the shortfall. God forbid if the rich leave.”

Cuomo called the Federal State Tax Cap “a diabolical political maneuver” designed to help red states".

Yup, the President set out with the intent to screw NY, not help all Americans. Busted! :p LOL!

Cuomo, like a lot of Liberals, are trying to blame others for the problems in their cities. The problem isn't that taxes are so low everywhere else as much as the fact that the taxes are so high in these Liberal-run over-taxed cities where they have, until now, relied on bilking the rich with high taxes to fund their liberal (/ Sanctuary City Safe Havens) 'utopias'...

...and the rich have had enough and are getting the hell out!

‘Diabolical’: Gov Cuomo Blames Trump As Citizens Flee New York For Low Tax Red States
'Cuomo laments failure of ‘tax the rich’ policies as millionaires flee New York'

Funny - Cuomo blames President Trump for the Wealthy being smart enough to leave cities and their Socialists 'Fleece The Rich' strategy... :p

"New York State is facing a $2.3 billion budget deficit, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo believes it's largely due to the Trump administration's tax reforms which, on the "flip side," have taxed the rich and may be encouraging wealthy residents to leave."

Ya' think? :p
I sure don't blame em. Hell I wonder how anyone outside the Welfare crowd can afford to live in that high tax state.

I'd have gotten out long ago.

Wonder how high taxes will go if all the rich leave?? Should be interesting to find out.
Sorry but I look at this little differently. I am tired of the corporations demand for huge breaks to move to a different state. What they are doing is screwing the American people.
Sorry but I look at this little differently. I am tired of the corporations demand for huge breaks to move to a different state. What they are doing is screwing the American people.
They are NOT screwing the American people, they are PROTECTING their stockholders.

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