DHS report before Orlando massacre: Don’t offend Muslims while combating extremism


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
DHS report before Orlando massacre: Political correctness needed to fight Islamic terrorism

I've said it a million times.. Liberoidals and their pansyass placation of our enemy is going to get us all killed. Fuck every single one of them.. They're running around like rats on a sinking ship pointing fingers but Americans know what, how, and who is to blame for 50 of our citizens being slaughtered. This just confirms it.

From the article:
A report by the Homeland Security Advisory Council released days before the Islamic terror attack in Orlando, Florida, stressed the importance of combating extremism by avoiding terms that might offend Muslims.

A HSAC subcommittee first created by DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson in 2015 published its report on June 9.

Some instructions found in the report include:

  • Officials should not use the word “jihad.”
  • Officials should not use the word “sharia.”
  • Officials should not use the word “takfir,” which is done when one Muslim accuses another of apostasy.
  • Officials are instructed to “reject religiously-charged terminology and problematic positioning by using plain meaning American English.”

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