DHS cancels deportation request for hit-and-run killer


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Nothing says 'FU America' like Biden and his junta and actions such as these.

More impeachment fodder, however.

Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla, an illegal immigrant, was driving drunk in 2020 when he smashed into the car driven by a Texas teenager, killing her. He tried to flee the scene, but police caught up with him.

The Homeland Security Department initially said it wanted authorities to pick him up and deport him once Texas punished him, but then it changed its mind. Under rules issued in September by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Fuerte-Padilla doesn’t qualify as a priority anymore.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement also told Texas that it was canceling deportation requests — known as “detainers” — on other illegal immigrants, including some who pleaded guilty to felony charges of evading arrest or had convictions for drunken driving, drug possession or domestic assault injuring a family member.

In each case, ICE told Texas in emails that the detainers were canceled as “priority lifts.” They were no longer important targets under Mr. Mayorkas’ rules.

“Here we have a law enforcement agency handing ICE a criminal alien on a silver platter and ICE saying no thank you, and then the law enforcement agency saying really? And ICE saying no, we really don’t want to take this person,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies.

Cases were revealed in documents filed in federal court in Texas, where Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry are challenging Mr. Mayorkas’ rules. The two states said they have plenty of other examples of canceled detainers they will introduce as the case goes to trial in late February.

Arizona, Montana and Ohio are challenging Mr. Mayorkas’ rules in a separate case before a federal judge in Ohio. A hearing is scheduled for the middle of February.

Ms. Vaughan said the cases go to the heart of the Biden administration’s claim that it can curtail enforcement, including in cases where the law seems to require it, by citing limited funding.


I assume, knowing Texans, that he'll get justice that will make deportation to Mexico look attractive.....
Guys like Fuerte-Padilla should be banned from the country permanently- even if they were initially admitted legally.

Aliens are guests in this country. And if a guest comes in and starts getting drunk and running over your children- like Fuerte-Padilla literally did, he should be told to leave and not come back.
Well hopefully by the time he get's out of a TX pound you in the ass prison we will have decent leadership and ICE will pick him up then.
Frontier Justice Is Appropriate on JFK's White-Hating New Frontier

The Texas Rangers should pick him up and execute him in cold blood. In the good old days, when America was safe from these savages, 95% of the Rangers' prisoners were not brought to trial. Their reports read, "killed trying to escape." They would even offer to let the bandido go if he told them the location of his gang's hideout. Which he did; then they hanged him anyway.
Nothing says 'FU America' like Biden and his junta and actions such as these.

More impeachment fodder, however.

Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla, an illegal immigrant, was driving drunk in 2020 when he smashed into the car driven by a Texas teenager, killing her. He tried to flee the scene, but police caught up with him.
The Homeland Security Department initially said it wanted authorities to pick him up and deport him once Texas punished him, but then it changed its mind. Under rules issued in September by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Fuerte-Padilla doesn’t qualify as a priority anymore.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement also told Texas that it was canceling deportation requests — known as “detainers” — on other illegal immigrants, including some who pleaded guilty to felony charges of evading arrest or had convictions for drunken driving, drug possession or domestic assault injuring a family member.
In each case, ICE told Texas in emails that the detainers were canceled as “priority lifts.” They were no longer important targets under Mr. Mayorkas’ rules.
“Here we have a law enforcement agency handing ICE a criminal alien on a silver platter and ICE saying no thank you, and then the law enforcement agency saying really? And ICE saying no, we really don’t want to take this person,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies.
Cases were revealed in documents filed in federal court in Texas, where Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry are challenging Mr. Mayorkas’ rules. The two states said they have plenty of other examples of canceled detainers they will introduce as the case goes to trial in late February.
Arizona, Montana and Ohio are challenging Mr. Mayorkas’ rules in a separate case before a federal judge in Ohio. A hearing is scheduled for the middle of February.
Ms. Vaughan said the cases go to the heart of the Biden administration’s claim that it can curtail enforcement, including in cases where the law seems to require it, by citing limited funding.

I read something like this and have to ask, what is the reason for this? There has to be some end goal in what they think they are doing here....
Nothing says 'FU America' like Biden and his junta and actions such as these.

More impeachment fodder, however.

Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla, an illegal immigrant, was driving drunk in 2020 when he smashed into the car driven by a Texas teenager, killing her. He tried to flee the scene, but police caught up with him.
The Homeland Security Department initially said it wanted authorities to pick him up and deport him once Texas punished him, but then it changed its mind. Under rules issued in September by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Fuerte-Padilla doesn’t qualify as a priority anymore.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement also told Texas that it was canceling deportation requests — known as “detainers” — on other illegal immigrants, including some who pleaded guilty to felony charges of evading arrest or had convictions for drunken driving, drug possession or domestic assault injuring a family member.
In each case, ICE told Texas in emails that the detainers were canceled as “priority lifts.” They were no longer important targets under Mr. Mayorkas’ rules.
“Here we have a law enforcement agency handing ICE a criminal alien on a silver platter and ICE saying no thank you, and then the law enforcement agency saying really? And ICE saying no, we really don’t want to take this person,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy studies director at the Center for Immigration Studies.
Cases were revealed in documents filed in federal court in Texas, where Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry are challenging Mr. Mayorkas’ rules. The two states said they have plenty of other examples of canceled detainers they will introduce as the case goes to trial in late February.
Arizona, Montana and Ohio are challenging Mr. Mayorkas’ rules in a separate case before a federal judge in Ohio. A hearing is scheduled for the middle of February.
Ms. Vaughan said the cases go to the heart of the Biden administration’s claim that it can curtail enforcement, including in cases where the law seems to require it, by citing limited funding.

They are hoping that the illegals especially the criminal ones go illegally vote in mass in the election.

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