DHS Adds White Supremacy To List Of Threats


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
It's about time!
Recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard," acting DHS Sec. Kevin McAleenan.
or the first time since it was formed after the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security is adding white supremacist violence to its list of priority threats in a revised counterterrorism strategy issued Friday.
"The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation, the struggle and unity of its diverse population, and the core values of both our society and our department," said Kevin McAleenan, the acting Homeland secretary, in a speech at the Brookings Institute in Washington.
DHS is stepping up its focus on what McAleenan called "targeted violence," in which an attacker selects the target in advance, driven by hate. Racism and anti-Semitism have fueled recent attacks on African-American churches, synagogues, and public places in California and Texas, he said.
The shooting at the Walmart in El Paso hit DHS particularly hard. Six of the victims were family members of DHS employees.
While protecting the nation from foreign-inspired or directed terror attacks remains a core Homeland Security mission, McAleenan said recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard, to include those radicalized to violence within our borders by violent extremists of any ideology."
Department of Homeland Security strategy adds white supremacy to list of threats
White Supremacy is right up there with extreme Islam,
It amazes me how few threads there have been on USMB about of how the hate driven philosophy of white supremacist, has created a new terrorist threat to America . Could it be that USMB is dominated by the large numbers of Little Trumpsters, which don't come close to the actual demographics of America?
white supremacy & white supremacist groups have been a threat to the US for many decades, and these groups were never anything but terrorist groups.
I guess it only took the government a few hundred years to 'get it.'
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats.. stop voting democrat solves all your issues
I’m sure that black communities around the country are so relieved that hooded KKK terrorists won’t be terrorizing their neighborhoods anymore.
I am more worried about getting killed by a inattentive soccer mom weaving thru traffic yapping on her damn phone recklessly driving her brats to practice.

A far more likely scenario to be the victim of than be shot by the random boogyman white supremacist.
It's about time!
Recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard," acting DHS Sec. Kevin McAleenan.
or the first time since it was formed after the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security is adding white supremacist violence to its list of priority threats in a revised counterterrorism strategy issued Friday.
"The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation, the struggle and unity of its diverse population, and the core values of both our society and our department," said Kevin McAleenan, the acting Homeland secretary, in a speech at the Brookings Institute in Washington.
DHS is stepping up its focus on what McAleenan called "targeted violence," in which an attacker selects the target in advance, driven by hate. Racism and anti-Semitism have fueled recent attacks on African-American churches, synagogues, and public places in California and Texas, he said.
The shooting at the Walmart in El Paso hit DHS particularly hard. Six of the victims were family members of DHS employees.
While protecting the nation from foreign-inspired or directed terror attacks remains a core Homeland Security mission, McAleenan said recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard, to include those radicalized to violence within our borders by violent extremists of any ideology."
Department of Homeland Security strategy adds white supremacy to list of threats
White Supremacy is right up there with extreme Islam,
It amazes me how few threads there have been on USMB about of how the hate driven philosophy of white supremacist, has created a new terrorist threat to America . Could it be that USMB is dominated by the large numbers of Little Trumpsters, which don't come close to the actual demographics of America?
white supremacists murder less than 10 per YEAR
blacks murder over 3000 per year--over 8 per DAY
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
blacks 13% of the population...whites about 65%--yet:
white on black murders - 229
black on white murders -500
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
Oh look at all the deflection by,,,,,,surprise, surprise, Little Trumpster! Thanks for makisomeoneng my point.
Oh look at the reaction to reality the statist bootlicker, whom we couldn't separate from a Bushbot neocon on a good day.

Thanks for once again for confirming that there's not a got-damned dime's worth of difference between remocrats, depublicans, and so-called "centrists".
It's about time!
Recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard," acting DHS Sec. Kevin McAleenan.
or the first time since it was formed after the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security is adding white supremacist violence to its list of priority threats in a revised counterterrorism strategy issued Friday.
"The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation, the struggle and unity of its diverse population, and the core values of both our society and our department," said Kevin McAleenan, the acting Homeland secretary, in a speech at the Brookings Institute in Washington.
DHS is stepping up its focus on what McAleenan called "targeted violence," in which an attacker selects the target in advance, driven by hate. Racism and anti-Semitism have fueled recent attacks on African-American churches, synagogues, and public places in California and Texas, he said.
The shooting at the Walmart in El Paso hit DHS particularly hard. Six of the victims were family members of DHS employees.
While protecting the nation from foreign-inspired or directed terror attacks remains a core Homeland Security mission, McAleenan said recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard, to include those radicalized to violence within our borders by violent extremists of any ideology."
Department of Homeland Security strategy adds white supremacy to list of threats
White Supremacy is right up there with extreme Islam,
It amazes me how few threads there have been on USMB about of how the hate driven philosophy of white supremacist, has created a new terrorist threat to America . Could it be that USMB is dominated by the large numbers of Little Trumpsters, which don't come close to the actual demographics of America?
.....islamists/muslims murdered more Americans than were killed at Pearl Harbor--almost 3000 in 1 DAY
Boston population about 600,000 with just 1% islamic--yet the islamics committed the Boston Terror bombing--NOT white supremacists--they were ''immigrants''
the stats and truth go undeniably AGAINST your crap
Oh look at all the deflection by,,,,,,surprise, surprise, Little Trumpster! Thanks for making my point.
Democrats trying to get at a Jew at Berkeley because he wanted to talk lol
Meanwhile Antifa, at least 100 times the members and violence committed... are A OK.

It's about time!
Recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard," acting DHS Sec. Kevin McAleenan.
or the first time since it was formed after the 9/11 attacks, the Department of Homeland Security is adding white supremacist violence to its list of priority threats in a revised counterterrorism strategy issued Friday.
"The continuing menace of racially based violent extremism, particularly white supremacist extremism, is an abhorrent affront to our nation, the struggle and unity of its diverse population, and the core values of both our society and our department," said Kevin McAleenan, the acting Homeland secretary, in a speech at the Brookings Institute in Washington.
DHS is stepping up its focus on what McAleenan called "targeted violence," in which an attacker selects the target in advance, driven by hate. Racism and anti-Semitism have fueled recent attacks on African-American churches, synagogues, and public places in California and Texas, he said.
The shooting at the Walmart in El Paso hit DHS particularly hard. Six of the victims were family members of DHS employees.
While protecting the nation from foreign-inspired or directed terror attacks remains a core Homeland Security mission, McAleenan said recent mass shootings have "galvanized the Department of Homeland Security to expand its counterterrorism mission focus beyond terrorists operating aboard, to include those radicalized to violence within our borders by violent extremists of any ideology."
Department of Homeland Security strategy adds white supremacy to list of threats
White Supremacy is right up there with extreme Islam,
It amazes me how few threads there have been on USMB about of how the hate driven philosophy of white supremacist, has created a new terrorist threat to America . Could it be that USMB is dominated by the large numbers of Little Trumpsters, which don't come close to the actual demographics of America?
white supremacists murder less than 10 per YEAR
blacks murder over 3000 per year--over 8 per DAY
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
blacks 13% of the population...whites about 65%--yet:
white on black murders - 229
black on white murders -500
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Do you have a link? That would come in handy.
Then you could use your data, contact Trump’s DHS, have them remove white supremacy and add antifa to their domestic terrorist list! :2up:

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