Destructoid gaming "journalist" CJ Andriessen is pro transitioning children.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
Today was the day I decided I won't ever visit destructoids website again. I read an article promoting Texas trans gaming bundle chairty.

And in it he said "Finally, we have Texas Governor Greg Abbott. In a truly sick and twisted directive, Abbott has called on members of the public to report parents who are allowing their kids to receive gender-affirming medical care to authorities" so basically he is supportive of letting kids be trannies. Kids that aren't even old enough to decide their own bedtime are having gender identity pushed on them and seeing doctors about it.

As well as bashing other states for not allowing trannies to compete with women and you know.......keeping the sports fair. Or Florida for it's don't say gay bill. And so on.

And to top it off the guy says on his profile "Just what the internet needs: yet another white guy".

What a pathetic turd of a human being is this? Pro turning your kid into a tranny, anti white people, anti fairness in sports and anti actual biology, a white apologist, and so on. People this are an embarassement to American society and humans in general. Not to mention when you have pandering assholes like this having a voice in gaming it degrades gaming as a whole which is a favorite past time of mine.

I hope they get flooded with hate mail for this guy, or whatever it is as I'm not even sure if it's a guy.

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