Descent Into Madness: Germany Threatens Russia With Nuclear War


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Germany indeed deserves its moniker as the Country of Idiots.
Unfortunately Russia is still run by traitor and corrupted thief Putin, otherwise all european embassies already would have been kicked out from the country.

On October 21 the German Defence Minister warned Russia that NATO will use nuclear weapons against it in case of a Russian attack on its members and then referred to non-existent Russian attacks in the Black Sea and Balkans as examples. This statement reveals the complete moral bankruptcy of the NATO nations, their contempt for international law, for their own citizens, their innate fascist foundation.

Russia threatens no nation in the region or anywhere. It is instead responding to what I have several times in other articles termed Operation Barbarossa II; the continuing and determined NATO preparations for war on Russia which began with the NATO moves into former Soviet nations, despite promises from the US that they would not do so, duping the USSR into withdrawing its forces from Eastern Europe and especially Germany.

That build-up of forces has been on going for several years now, including the US moving its bases forward right up to the Russian borders from Kaliningrad to Odessa. The attack on Yugoslavia was part of this operation, the failed attack by Georgia and the US in 2006, in Ossetia the NATO coup in Ukraine in 2014 and subsequent siege of the peoples of the Donbass who refused to recognise the fascist, NATO agents that took power by violence and massacre.

They have installed logistics bases, arranged all necessary routes from the US to Europe to allow for the rapid transportation of men and weapons, installed forward bases, unit headquarters, continually run military exercises practicing the invasion of Russia, harass the country with aerial reconnaissance, naval reconnaissance, and support 5th columnists to weaken Russia internally and provide propaganda for the NATO citizens to support war.

The German threat is not just reckless. It is criminal for it means they are preparing for a nuclear first strike since Russia has no intentions of attacking anyone unless attacked and so it has to mean that NATO will invent another pretext for an attack, a false flag incident anywhere from the Black Sea to the Baltic, that they will claim is a Russian attack on them. It’s the same old trick that Hitler used to start WWII. The same trick that the US used with the Gulf of Tonkin incident to justify to their own people their attack on Vietnam, the same as 9/11, used as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and Iraq.

It is a violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty since that requires all nations to seek nuclear disarmament whereas Germany permits the presence of dozens of nuclear weapons in its territory under the so-called “nuclear-sharing” policy of the US so that US nuclear weapons can be used by Germany for example, with US permission. But this means that Germany is then a nuclear weapons power. In any case, to threaten to use nuclear weapons, as they have done, when the USA has adopted a first strike nuclear policy as part of its overall war strategy, which is a fundamental violation of the principles of the UN Charter, and arguably a criminal action, is part of a conspiracy and preparation to wage nuclear war on the world.

One has to wonder what kind of human being the defence minister, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, is, to make that threat; whether she has any conception at all of what a nuclear attack on Russia would do to Germany, let alone the world, for the response from Russia would be the immediate destruction of her country. Is WWII so far behind us that Germans now think they can get away with threatening Russia again? Are they that deluded? It seems so and that is why they are so dangerous and why the Russian Government handed the German ambassador a note on the 25th of October. Tass reported,

“The German military attaché in Moscow was summoned to Russia’s Defense Ministry where he was handed a note and told that statements by German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer on nuclear deterrence of Russia provoked tension in Europe, the Russian Defence Ministry reported on Monday.”
“Provoked tension in Europe” is a mild way to put it when Russia now has to consider whether the NATO attack will come today, tomorrow or next year and so keep themselves on the knife’s edge of expectation and fear, watching the NATO moves with grim determination.

And the provocations to set up a pretext are constant. Last week the Kiev regime in Ukraine threatened Moscow with missile attacks, and are now stirring up more trouble in the Donbass, tightening their long siege of the peoples resisting the fascists in Kiev and their NATO allies, while the NATO forces are pressing home their probes of Russian defences and once again building their propaganda campaign against Russia.

Even the recent NATO action of kicking out of their HQ the Russian liaison officers on a pretext has to be seen as an indication something is happening, that NATO could not risk those officers being around as war plans are made. What else can it mean? Russia responded in kind and ordered NATO officers to leave Russia.

As Hans-Rudiger Minow, of German Foreign Policy, reports in a post,

“The German Bundeswehr (army) has commissioned the “fabrication and delivery” of high-resolution maps of Russia – vector maps in military format, according to a report. Germany is part of a cooperation network, wherein 32 countries – grouped around a NATO core – “share photos and maps with one another.” This procurement of militarily applicable maps comes at a time when tensions between the West and Russia continue to escalate. Most recently, the EU threatened new sanctions. According to the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), new investments must be made, not only “in the defense capacities within the NATO and the EU frameworks.” “Change in Russia” must also be promoted through intensive contacts within the Russian society. At the same time, the US company, Google, and its video platform YouTube has deleted RT DE – the German language edition of the Russian international broadcaster “Russia Today.” This move is akin to measures the DGAP had proposed to accompany a more aggressive German foreign policy.”
And while Germany, on behalf of NATO threatens the destruction of the world, the US threatens the same as well vis a vis China with President Biden, stating the US will “defend Taiwan” if the central government in China decides to establish its governance over the island once and for all. Biden’s statement breaks a long standing US policy of recognising Taiwan as part of China, and is a provocation that he knows China cannot ignore. And if the US inserts itself into an internal dispute in China, it is an attack on China’s integrity as a nation and if war breaks out it could lead to nuclear war as well.

Both Russia and China have reacted to this threat and last week sailed their combined naval flotillas around Japan which surprised the Japanese and the Americans, but the message was clear. Russia and China, to coin an American slogan from their history, are telling the US, “Don’t tread on me.” Or else.

Yet, while all these developments are occurring the UN appears helpless to stop it, the International Criminal Court prosecutor says absolutely nothing about these criminal threats being made, national governments of NATO, all co-conspirators in this plan to commit aggression, are happy to go along and join the attack, and their media are just part of the war propaganda machine, which just praised American General Colin Powell, one of the US war criminals, as a “complex man” who “may have made mistakes.” One even saw such statements from Americans who claim to be “left” and “anti-war.” No doubt, if they were Germans, they would say the same about the generals of Hitler’s Wehrmacht and WaffenSS Divisions and Armies. But at Nuremberg and Tokyo such generals were hanged.

So, what has “democratic society” produced in the past hundred years except war, war and more war? All the tears about the horrors and losses of WWI, WWII, and all the US wars since 1945 mean nothing. Morality means nothing to these people, the law means nothing, people are nothing. They don’t even care about themselves being incinerated in flash of light and thunder. We are faced with the fact we are ruled in the west by psychopaths drunk on illusions of omnipotence and immortality. And so what will stop them?

They have the masses under their thumb. Just try speaking out on social media now and see what happenes to you. Only counter-threats from their planned victims seem to have any effect at all, and that is not working either as the descent into madness accelearates and we move closer and closer to the edge of oblivion.


The defense minister of Germany

That's outrageous!!!!

It's not like Russia enslaved half of Europe for 50 years.

There is no time to discussions now.
I don't want to talk about western brainwashing and lies.

The point of no return is passed.

The question is who will send nukes at first.

NATO or Russia

Putin is a corrupted traitor and lackey of the West, his regime is a dictatorship.
Hopefully Russian Patriots in the Army can take the power and protect Russia from the NATO first nuclear stroke.

Is this planet doomed? With such morons in Europe, yes:

US allies in Europe are putting pressure on the White House to prevent the States from switching to the principle of non-use of nuclear weapons first.
According to the allies, this could "embolden" Russia, the Financial Times reports, citing sources.
Germany indeed deserves its moniker as the Country of Idiots.
Unfortunately Russia is still run by traitor and corrupted thief Putin, otherwise all european embassies already would have been kicked out from the country.

On October 21 the German Defence Minister warned Russia that NATO will use nuclear weapons against it in case of a Russian attack on its members and then referred to non-existent Russian attacks in the Black Sea and Balkans as examples. This statement reveals the complete moral bankruptcy of the NATO nations, their contempt for international law, for their own citizens, their innate fascist foundation.

Russia threatens no nation in the region or anywhere. It is instead responding to what I have several times in other articles termed Operation Barbarossa II; the continuing and determined NATO preparations for war on Russia which began with the NATO moves into former Soviet nations, despite promises from the US that they would not do so, duping the USSR into withdrawing its forces from Eastern Europe and especially Germany.

That build-up of forces has been on going for several years now, including the US moving its bases forward right up to the Russian borders from Kaliningrad to Odessa. The attack on Yugoslavia was part of this operation, the failed attack by Georgia and the US in 2006, in Ossetia the NATO coup in Ukraine in 2014 and subsequent siege of the peoples of the Donbass who refused to recognise the fascist, NATO agents that took power by violence and massacre.

They have installed logistics bases, arranged all necessary routes from the US to Europe to allow for the rapid transportation of men and weapons, installed forward bases, unit headquarters, continually run military exercises practicing the invasion of Russia, harass the country with aerial reconnaissance, naval reconnaissance, and support 5th columnists to weaken Russia internally and provide propaganda for the NATO citizens to support war.

The German threat is not just reckless. It is criminal for it means they are preparing for a nuclear first strike since Russia has no intentions of attacking anyone unless attacked and so it has to mean that NATO will invent another pretext for an attack, a false flag incident anywhere from the Black Sea to the Baltic, that they will claim is a Russian attack on them. It’s the same old trick that Hitler used to start WWII. The same trick that the US used with the Gulf of Tonkin incident to justify to their own people their attack on Vietnam, the same as 9/11, used as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and Iraq.

It is a violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty since that requires all nations to seek nuclear disarmament whereas Germany permits the presence of dozens of nuclear weapons in its territory under the so-called “nuclear-sharing” policy of the US so that US nuclear weapons can be used by Germany for example, with US permission. But this means that Germany is then a nuclear weapons power. In any case, to threaten to use nuclear weapons, as they have done, when the USA has adopted a first strike nuclear policy as part of its overall war strategy, which is a fundamental violation of the principles of the UN Charter, and arguably a criminal action, is part of a conspiracy and preparation to wage nuclear war on the world.

One has to wonder what kind of human being the defence minister, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, is, to make that threat; whether she has any conception at all of what a nuclear attack on Russia would do to Germany, let alone the world, for the response from Russia would be the immediate destruction of her country. Is WWII so far behind us that Germans now think they can get away with threatening Russia again? Are they that deluded? It seems so and that is why they are so dangerous and why the Russian Government handed the German ambassador a note on the 25th of October. Tass reported,

“Provoked tension in Europe” is a mild way to put it when Russia now has to consider whether the NATO attack will come today, tomorrow or next year and so keep themselves on the knife’s edge of expectation and fear, watching the NATO moves with grim determination.

And the provocations to set up a pretext are constant. Last week the Kiev regime in Ukraine threatened Moscow with missile attacks, and are now stirring up more trouble in the Donbass, tightening their long siege of the peoples resisting the fascists in Kiev and their NATO allies, while the NATO forces are pressing home their probes of Russian defences and once again building their propaganda campaign against Russia.

Even the recent NATO action of kicking out of their HQ the Russian liaison officers on a pretext has to be seen as an indication something is happening, that NATO could not risk those officers being around as war plans are made. What else can it mean? Russia responded in kind and ordered NATO officers to leave Russia.

As Hans-Rudiger Minow, of German Foreign Policy, reports in a post,

And while Germany, on behalf of NATO threatens the destruction of the world, the US threatens the same as well vis a vis China with President Biden, stating the US will “defend Taiwan” if the central government in China decides to establish its governance over the island once and for all. Biden’s statement breaks a long standing US policy of recognising Taiwan as part of China, and is a provocation that he knows China cannot ignore. And if the US inserts itself into an internal dispute in China, it is an attack on China’s integrity as a nation and if war breaks out it could lead to nuclear war as well.

Both Russia and China have reacted to this threat and last week sailed their combined naval flotillas around Japan which surprised the Japanese and the Americans, but the message was clear. Russia and China, to coin an American slogan from their history, are telling the US, “Don’t tread on me.” Or else.

Yet, while all these developments are occurring the UN appears helpless to stop it, the International Criminal Court prosecutor says absolutely nothing about these criminal threats being made, national governments of NATO, all co-conspirators in this plan to commit aggression, are happy to go along and join the attack, and their media are just part of the war propaganda machine, which just praised American General Colin Powell, one of the US war criminals, as a “complex man” who “may have made mistakes.” One even saw such statements from Americans who claim to be “left” and “anti-war.” No doubt, if they were Germans, they would say the same about the generals of Hitler’s Wehrmacht and WaffenSS Divisions and Armies. But at Nuremberg and Tokyo such generals were hanged.

So, what has “democratic society” produced in the past hundred years except war, war and more war? All the tears about the horrors and losses of WWI, WWII, and all the US wars since 1945 mean nothing. Morality means nothing to these people, the law means nothing, people are nothing. They don’t even care about themselves being incinerated in flash of light and thunder. We are faced with the fact we are ruled in the west by psychopaths drunk on illusions of omnipotence and immortality. And so what will stop them?

They have the masses under their thumb. Just try speaking out on social media now and see what happenes to you. Only counter-threats from their planned victims seem to have any effect at all, and that is not working either as the descent into madness accelearates and we move closer and closer to the edge of oblivion.


The defense minister of Germany

Is this planet doomed? With such morons in Europe, yes:

US allies in Europe are putting pressure on the White House to prevent the States from switching to the principle of non-use of nuclear weapons first.
According to the allies, this could "embolden" Russia, the Financial Times reports, citing sources.
No commie


Peskov´s in Paris

Is this planet doomed? With such morons in Europe, yes:

US allies in Europe are putting pressure on the White House to prevent the States from switching to the principle of non-use of nuclear weapons first.
According to the allies, this could "embolden" Russia, the Financial Times reports, citing sources.

Both Russia and the West run by crazy satanic morons who can indeed annihilate the Earth.
Peoples of the planet are guilty because they had accepted the failed system of 'democracy' which puts absolutely corrupted trash only into offices
There is no time to discussions now.
I don't want to talk about western brainwashing and lies.

The point of no return is passed.

The question is who will send nukes at first.

NATO or Russia

Putin is a corrupted traitor and lackey of the West, his regime is a dictatorship.
Hopefully Russian Patriots in the Army can take the power and protect Russia from the NATO first nuclear stroke.

It doesn't matter who sends them first.
China will stand with Russia and vice versa.
As a unit they are indomitable, unstoppable and unconquerable. You're worried for nothing.
It's pretty simple: Either you like freedom and democracy, or you like tyranny and totalitarianism. If you belong to the former group, you support the West and NATO, or you belong to the latter group, then you support Putin, Russia and Trump.

It's really as simple as that, no shades of grey in between.
It's pretty simple: Either you like freedom and democracy, or you like tyranny and totalitarianism. If you belong to the former group, you support the West and NATO, or you belong to the latter group, then you support Putin, Russia and Trump.

It's really as simple as that, no shades of grey in between.

How long your country represents freedom?
Like Australia Germany gradually becomes a prison for dissents.

Who run Germany for example?
Through the last 15 years the country is completely ruined and devastated.
It's pretty simple: Either you like freedom and democracy, or you like tyranny and totalitarianism. If you belong to the former group, you support the West and NATO, .
Are Europeans lovers of democracy? My father and mother remember these lovers of democracy, they were teenagers when these fans of freedom came in a train of Germans to the territory of the USSR, in order to seize the territory and destroy the population. 1 million 120 thousand of them, approximately, became prisoners of war in USSR. All of them lovers of freedom, of course, including those, who were killed during their democratical fight .
They were volunteers. The army of the mighty Luxembourg is now 500 people, and so many came with the Germans, that there were 1,652 prisoners from Luxembourg...
And before that, democracy lovers enslaved half the world. The transition from fascist beasts to snotty burghers, whose daughters are freely raped by aliens from Asia and Africa now, does not make the inhabitants of Europe lovers of democracy. They were and are hypocritical bandits.
Are Europeans lovers of democracy? My father and mother remember these lovers of democracy, they were teenagers when these fans of freedom came in a train of Germans to the territory of the USSR, in order to seize the territory and destroy the population. 1 million 120 thousand щof them, approximately, became prisoners of war in USSR. All of them lovers of freedom, of course.
They were volunteers. The army of the mighty Luxembourg is now 500 people, and so many came with the Germans, that there were 1,652 prisoners from Luxembourg...
And before that, democracy lovers enslaved half the world. The transition from fascist beasts to snotty burghers, whose daughters are freely raped by aliens from Asia and Africa now, does not make the inhabitants of Europe lovers of democracy. They were and are hypocritical bandits.

80 years ago, Germans were totalitarian fascists and Russians were totalitarian Stalinists.

Today, Germany is one of the most stable free democracies of the world, and Russia is still a stinking autocratic shithole.
and Russia is still a stinking autocratic shithole.
I didn't expect anything else from a zombie idiot.
P.S. By the way, anyone smart here can answer me, if the germans are so free, why are American occupation troops still standing there?
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Why don't you go living in your loved Russia, where opposition is shot on the streets or poisoned, where 1% of the people hold more than 50% of the wealth and where nobody is allowed to run in elections who has a chance of winning against Putin?
I do live in Russia right now. This is view from back of the house


I bought it for $6.5 thousand two years ago, including garage and bathhouse (that I just took today) and 1/2 an acre land . Just in time for Covid, I am pretty isolated here. Do you know how much i am paying for utilities in the summer? Water, gas and electricity - $10. In the winter it will be more, about $30... Didn't see any opposition on the streets. About 1%, isn't what they told in the West during the Cold war, that capitalism is beautiful? That's what people having here. About Putin, - how long Merkel ruling Germany? Check it up.
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About Putin, - how long Merkel ruling Germany? Check it up
Not longer than Putin, that is the first. And the second, and the most important, Merkel hasn't had her personal vertical of power. The parliament, local councils, the courts, federal mass media etc werent and aren't just the extensions of her administration.

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