DeSantis Selling Vaccinations for Campaign Cash

Of course he did.

Is DeSantis the new "I could shoot someone on Fifth Ave and lose no voters" guy?

Or are all Republicans that now.
Of course he did.

Is DeSantis the new "I could shoot someone on Fifth Ave and lose no voters" guy?

Or are all Republicans that now.
Sell? He didn't own them to the OP starts with a lie....

Then links a propagandist blogger....who puts spin on the fact that the Gov priorities giving the vaccine to the elderly, you know the ones that the Dems tried to kill off in NY and other states, and wow.....because he was doing a great job, and has done a great job, had people contribute to his campaign fund....and the Dems think this is corrupt? Sorry, when you do a good job, people actually support might not have to force people to join unions, then take their dues if you did a good job
Seriously, that is your source? :auiqs.jpg:

Stop being lazy.

Click the link. There is an article with links to the sources of their information.

One is the Miami Herald. Another is the Sun Sentinel.

For heaven's sake. Your question is answered in the OP. You are just too lazy to click the link and read it.
Far more reliable than FOX Noise or any other trump Nazi bullsh!t source.

The site is a progressive joke! :auiqs.jpg:
Far more reliable than FOX Noise or any other trump Nazi bullsh!t source.

The site is a progressive joke! :auiqs.jpg:

You are making more of a fool of yourself than you normally do.

The Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times and Sun Sentinel aren't progressive sites.

If you honestly wanted truth you would have clicked the link, then clicked the links within that article.

All Crooks and Liars did was repeat the reports on the Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times and Sun Sentinel into one article with links to the articles on the 3 other newspapers.

All you're doing now is the standard far right excuses to ignore the truth.

Carry on.
pay site

not interested

No it's not a pay site.

Crooks and Liars is a free site. The links within their article go to sites that aren't pay sites.

Stop lying.

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